Category: Trials in Tainted Space

Work Meeting Report!

Hey all!

We just finished up a Monday night work meeting, where we touch base and figure out what all the different arms of FenCo are doing. I thought it’d be a cool idea to share what’s on the table at the moment. Here’s the highlights:

  • Geddy is still wrapping the spooky Halloween dungeon. The Daycare system is on the table following that, followed by Sera’s pregnancy expansion and then ship combat/customization.
  • Shou is spearheading efforts to throw some merch together and possibly run a booth at a furry convention.
  • Savin took a sickcation.
  • Adjatha has been doing Adjatha things – Pexiga smart-bimbofication (because what better challenge for Doc Badger?) and sweet-ass art.
  • Jacques00 agreed to do the character sprite sheets for the VN, which means we’ll have super high quality work for it.
  • Gurgles threw us an example of an idle-animated Penny bust that looked super rad. We’ll be investigating using the tech for the VN (and possible some TiTS busts down the line, if Gedan can get it going without having to spend a ton of time on it).

I’m off to the gym, then back to work on the Amazon variant of the Treatment. Hopefully I can finish off the mental transformation messages tonight.

Milk and Honey

Sup bras! Savin here,Zil Callgirl Pregnant Creampied (Adjatha)

Had myself a six hour code/writing stream: coded in a scene for the PC getting buttfucked by the male naleen, and titfucking Saendra with a tailcock, plus a quest-related hint dialogue for Lieve. Just bouncing all over the galaxy today!

Speaking of Saendra, Adj has been doing the busts for Fools Rush In, aka Saendra’s second quest (the one that’s been in a while — pirates on Tavros, you know). While doing so, I was reminded of a pregnancy xpak for the Zil Callgirl who features therein, started about a year ago by a friend from the old FenChat. It’s got a goodly portion of what needs doing already written, and since Adj was kind enough to do a wonderfully gravid bust for us, I figured I’d do my part and finish the writing.

Also: Reaha. Her Cured expansion is done save for a couple last scenes. Whooo. Nonstop milk and honey for me. :3

[Backer Build] Quivering Kressia

ShayeraGal_Urta_Minerva_PC0.6.71 Changelog:

  • Gardeford’s Kressia survival shop content is now live – that means three new scenes are accessible.
  • Jacques00 chewed through a bunch of bug and typo reports, ensuring that this build is slightly less horribly broken than usual (or so we hope!)
  • Jacques00 added an “Infertile” starting perk, though honestly I’m not sure why a man determined to extend his legacy would make it so that his legacy would end…

That’s it for today (back to the ship mines – and maybe a WoW demon hunter or No Man’s Sky)!

This lovely Urta/Miranda universe crossover art commission by Kitsune Lord Momoji from ShayeraGal. I really hope FoE makes a comeback someday.

Look At Me; I’m a Game Designer!

Thrust Vectoring System

Thrust vectoring systems are used by pilots who would rather have a maneuverable craft than a fast one, re-routing a portion of the ship’s sublight drives into its maneuvering thrusters.



Thrust: -12

Agility: +10

See? See? I’m blocking out stats for the ship upgrade. Gedan talked me into doing some pretty over-the-top stuff, so we’re going to be looking at things like a GUI for slotting in upgrades (and the ability to walk around your ship). For most ships, this will be easy. For the eventual capital ship, it will likely be “zoomed” out, sort of like the Nova.

lazydez_lines_TisinreiArt_colors_celiseShip combat is going to be a laid-back affair for the most part. You’ll set your ideal range, assign your crew to their stations (if you wish to move them), and then perform any other special actions – like overloading a system, performing a special maneuver, or activating a gadget. If all goes well, you’ll probably just wind up smashing the “Proceed” button every round. If the fight is tough, you might find yourself doing a little bit more – turning off guns that are inaccurate at your current range to conserve capacitor, for example.

I look forward to sharing more with you as the system develops, but Gedan is going to have her hands super full with this stuff later. I’m going to make some more general ship upgrade modules (like Luxury Crew Quarters!), then review one of Gardeford’s submissions before bed.

P.S. Remember the Spoopy TiTSventure Savin wrote for last Halloween? It’s finally getting coded. Look forward to it this October!

Celise sketch originally by LazyDez and colored by Tisinrei.

[Public Build] Tainted Space 0.6.70

Hey guys, I’m back from Gencon and back to work! Yay! Before I get into the tiny, tiny… tiny changelog, I’ll give you guys a quick report!

20160805_115009Don’t worry, bras. I’ll keep it brief.

I got to try out a number of rad board games – Potion Explosion and Bloodborne were both tons of fun. I also scored some sweet merchandise like a set of swank metal dice, and I even got to see Jonathan Coulton perform live. Every fiber of nerdiness within me quivered with delight. There’s really something special about getting to prowl around a place filled with tens of thousands of other like-minded people and geek out all weekend.

If you’ve got any geeky inclinations, I would highly recommend making the trip. The guys over at Penny Arcade have a pretty swell write-up about the place as well. Sadly I did not get to bump into Gabe while I was there – though I did get to prowl around doing my best soldier 76 cosplay.

Oh, and on the planes/airports, I did some work on blocking out some more stuff for ships & ship combat. Mostly figuring out how the UI and fitting systems would work, but I’m thinking we’re going to be at a state where Gedan can start prototyping code sooner rather than later.

With that out of the way, have some public goodness!

0.6.70 Changelog:

  • New Busts: Bess/Ben. They are Adjatha’s take on her default appearance. We will not be attempting to show every possible variance. Personally I recommend disabling them if you customize her heavily.
  • Steph Irson episodes can now be seen on demand.
  • Some minor typo and bug fixes.

New Since Last Public Build:

  • New Items: DendroGro, Cerespirin, Anusoft, Yappi Strap, Insulated Coat
  • New Busts: Jardi, Jarvis, Kirlarwe, Vedice, Haley, Godi, Petr, Nova, Frostworms, Steph Irson, Tank Kannon, Anyxine, Dryad, Horace Decker, Gray Goo, Penny (with lots of variants if you set to Jacques00 busts), Ganrael, and Kyris.
  • New NPCs on Uveto: Jerome – written and coded by Gedan, Korgonne Female Barbarian, and Hana!
  • New Steph Irson Episode – Uveto.
  • New Nayna scene for the hyper-endowed.
  • New Anno + Huskar foursomes on Uveto.
  • New scenes for the hyper endowed characters and the Korgonne Barbarian (1 victory, 1 loss).
  • New scenes: Female Zil victory for phallus-wielders, Terensha balljob, seducing male raskvel with a vaginal tail, Anno tailcock funtimes, and Syri tail-dick fun. Big thanks to Savin for coding them.
  • “Miscreant Manor” on Texas. A semi-randomized public use encounter!
  • A metric butt-ton of fixes, tweaks, and adjustments to existing content – poke the individual changelogs if you want a more in-depth reporting.

We’ll try to get some new backer stuff for the backers here in the next day or two. I’ve got a lot of stuff to review and finalize on the non-code side of things, so I might have to lean on Gedan or find a quickie in the pile.

Patreon Integration

I just made some updates to the Patreon integration process to catch a few oversights in the account state information. If any Patreon backers have lost access to the backer portions of the site, get in touch with us so we can investigate. I’m fairly certain there should be nobody that got caught by the change that shouldn’t have, but hey, mistakes happen :V

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.69 – Bug Fixes

As mentioned previously, this is mostly bug fixes. I’ll see you all next week for a public build 😀

0.6.69 Changelog:

  • New Item: DendroGro
  • Set an established volume for hard-light strapons via pc.hardLightVolume()
  • New Mimbrane-related perk (thanks, Jacques00!)
  • Fixed a scene crash in Jerome’s hip-buster content.
  • Fixed a bug in Jerome’s content that would skip part of a scene.
  • Retconned a small line in Steph Irson’s New Texas episode.
  • Tweaked appearance display while wearing an omnisuit to properly let you know your various fur/skin colors.
  • Korgonne preferences are now properly applied.
  • Buffed tailgina capacities, and added a tailgina capacity check to the dryad encounter.
  • Sydians are now more virile.
  • Sydian pregnancy can now involve multiple wombs at once.
  • Fixed Cerespirin notifying of changes with no actual changes.
  • Emmy’s remote is now disabled if Myrellion is glassed.
  • Lots of typo fixes and smaller, less noticeable changes.


This is gonna be a shorty!

  • I’ve poked a little at the Amazon treatment stuff. Mostly just blocking out what I need to do for it and what kind of small perks they’ll have. I’m thinking one will be a perk that reduces or eliminates the energy lost with orgasm.
  • I’ve been trying to clean up and trim down the bug report forums, filing things that have been fixed away appropriately. Almost got it down to one page tonight.
  • Gencon comes up this week. Between Gencon and family obligations, I’m going to be mostly MIA from Tuesday to Sunday night.
  • Adjatha will also be at Gencon, and Gedan is lost to the depths of her other project’s crunch time for who knows how long. Sickvin will have to carry the torch.
  • I might slip a new build out Monday just to get the bug fixes that have been done in your hands. No major content expected.

I’m fucking tired. Night!

[Backers] Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.68

aritimas_robin_the_gooboy_copyLots of goodies in this build. Check it out~!


  • A new Nayna scene for those with very large & thick endowments.
  • “Miscreant Manor” has been added to New Texas. It’s a semi-randomized encounter with up to six different NPCs. It is presently limited to female sexed PC’s. One of the goals for it is to add pregnancies for it a little down the road.
  • New Item: Cerespirin
  • New Busts: Jardi, Jarvis, Kirlarwe, Vedice, Haley, Godi, Petr, Nova, Frostworms, Steph Irson, Tank Kannon,
  • New Anno + Huskar foursomes on Uveto.
  • Probably some other odds and ends I’m missing.

There would be more if I hadn’t spent so long on Miscreant Manor. That sucker clocked in at almost 12,000 words (approx 1/4th of a young adult novel). Oh well, that completes most of the Offbeatr custom scenes I have to do (outside a few too vague to act on). I’m going to be pivoting and working on things like custom items, ship combat stuff, and the Amazon Treatment variant next, I think.

Art is a drawing by Aritimas of his GaloMax-dosed Steele!

Where’s The Beef?

I finished up the stocks scene… but then I started writing a scene for PC’s with overly large endowments to do some docking and cumming back-and-forth with Nayna. Just finished it up now, but I need to pass out.

I’m coding this stuff tomorrow, you can count on it.

(Oh, and I had a slight sinus infection Sunday, but I think I whooped it.)

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