Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Public Build] Freedom Friday… But On A Monday!

0.6.64 is now open to the public. Go nuts! Me? I’m gonna go pass out. Enjoy your fourth of July, ‘Murrica. And everyone else? I guess you could read a book or something. <3

New Stuff Since Last Month:

  • “Freedom Bison” encounter enabled. You should be able to run into her on just about any planet in the hazardous areas. Once we’ve passed by the holiday, she’ll rarely appear in silly mode.
  • A new stationary event/item, the “Orgasmender” has been dumped on Uveto. The item and scene were a response to a custom Offbeatr scene request for healing tentacles, so here we are! The item will be moved to a future dungeon in the distant future.
  • New busts: Nova, Freedom Bison, Mhen’ga Dryad, Simone, Gene, Fazian, Nayna, and Astra
  • New Ceria Scene
  • Tlako is now encounterable on Uveto.
  • New Bad ends: New Texas Public Use For Taurs,
  • New Item: Omnisuit – temporarily available at Shekka’s. (Appears as a strange collar.)
  • New character on New Texas – Haley! You can find her in the barn.
  • New items: Frostfire, Foxfire, and Immunoboosters.

Not too bad considering we had our last public build on the 17th of last month.

[Backers] Trials in Tainted Space’s Fourth of July, 0.6.64

astraPublic build will be coming out on the fourth itself, I reckon. If you’re interested in becoming a backer, please check out the Patreon link on the right. You can link up an account here to get the latest builds early if you are!

Totally tubular! Radical! Jawsome~

0.6.64 Changelog:

  • “Freedom Bison” encounter enabled. You should be able to run into her on just about any planet in the hazardous areas. Once we’ve passed by the holiday, she’ll rarely appear in silly mode.
  • A new stationary event/item, the “Orgasmender” has been dumped on Uveto. The item and scene were a response to a custom Offbeatr scene request for healing tentacles, so here we are! The item will be moved to a future dungeon in the distant future.
  • New busts: Nova, Freedom Bison, and Astra
  • Various other fixes and tweaks.

90’s-noxo is gonna check out now and take something for his headache. (Astra bust at right by Shou)

Streamy Breaky

Idiot that I am, I forgot that I would be busy Thursday/Friday instead of the usual Friday/Saturday! Therefore no streams from me, and instead of leaving this blank (because none of my other employees leave blog posts), I figure I’d update you all on what’s going on real quick.

Shou’s taking a personal day instead of streaming and watching Pete’s Dragon like she said she would!

I don’t know if Adjatha will be working today, but I did review some great stuff he has in the pipeline in regards to the Pexiga. I don’t want to spoil too much, but it seems like there’s going to be the equivalent of a Dr. Badger minidungeon, or at least fights with a couple of crazy, bimbofying robots. It’s not finished being written yet, so I can’t really jump on it.

Savin’s still poking at the freedom-bison as time and his health permits. Last I heard he was struggling with what to do for lesbian centaurs.

Geddy is doing Geddy things. I don’t think she’s swung back to coding for TiTS since the blog upgrade with all the other projects she’s rocking.

Seeya on the flipside, bras.

Patreon Now Charging Up Front

ComfyCushion_Luckster_Colors_Kinathis_Shopkeep_FinI’ve enabled the “Charge Upfront” option on Patreon as of a minute or two ago. What this means is that if you pledge for my Patreon, you will be immediately billed for it. This should result in faster/better linking with the blog integration as well as a better experience for everyone all around.

Thanks for being so awesome! (Psssst, I also replaced the old IRC chat with a Discord chat room. Don’t shit it up.)

(Art is by Comfycushion of a character Kinathis planned to write. No idea what her current status is. This piece is OLD)

[Backer Build] Tainted Space 0.6.63 – Got Yer Ear!

jacques00_bison_teaseNot much new here. Wrote a new 1450 word scene for Ceria. It’s a bit weird. I also wrote 1200 words for a tentacular healing tank, but that’s going to go on at least another 1-2000 words before it’s done. In the meantime, have a tiny patch!

0.6.62 Changelog:

  • The loading issue some users had should be fixed.

0.6.63 Changelog:

  • The Tove codex has been added to the game.
  • Ceria now has an ear-tastic scene, courtesy of a custom Offbeatr scene request.
  • A few bugfixes.

Art is a tease of a bison-girl Jacques00 has been working on. Savin might have something planned for her and the fourth of July. There may also be versions that are way more muscular, but this is my favorite.

[Backer Build] Tainted Space 0.6.61 – Long Overdue

steph_40.6.62 is up which should fix the loading bug.

I had a pretty good stream today – about 5 hours and 40 minutes. I brought it down a little early to work on getting this build out for all you fine fellows (and ladies). More streaming tomorrow – which should be interesting after I kill myself at the gym. We might get to see the appearance of the rare zombie-noxo.

0.6.61 Changelog:

  • Tlako, Uveto’s station administer, is now encounterable. She’s adorkable. (Penned by Frogapus)
  • A new character exists on New Texas – Haley! (Penned by Wsan)
  • New busts: The Mhen’ga dryad, Simone, Gene, Fazian,
  • Myr Venom was apparently reworked into a tease-style attack when I wasn’t looking. This is probably going to be reverted.
  • New Texas now has a bad-end for Treated Femtaurs who get used with Ellie. (Coded/Penned by Wsan)
  • New Item: Omnisuit – a piece of clothing that legally counts as clothing but effectively feels like nothing at all for other purposes… (Penned/Coded by Fenoxo). For now, it can be purchased at Shekka’s. It will later be moved to a special dungeon…

Tomorrow I’ll probably be doing some writing. Don’t expect this much cool stuff unless my other coders get crazy!

Streamy Week


I’m going to be streaming a bunch this week, starting Monday, hopefully. The goal is seven hours a day for four consecutive days. The reason for the seven is because I need time to deal with emails and other stuff. Monday could potentially come up short – there’s a lot of other stuff to do. New builds will be cummin~

Omnisuit Done!

I finished making the Omnisuit, a full-body latex suit that can fully display all your endowments (and mysteriously let you fuck through it) while also getting lewder as the PC’s libido raises. It should be great for any exhibitionists in the group! Putting it on the first time has a pretty snazzy little scene, and you can repeat it from the appearance screen while you have it equipped.

Another custom Offbeatr scene down! Next up: I have to do something with long ears being inserted into a vagina or something. You guys never cease to amaze me!

Also reviewed: a bad-end for treated centaurs getting tons of public use. It should be pretty obvious, so no worries about accidentally triggering it.


Patreon Integration Mk.II


Okay, most of the bugs should be sorted. If you’re still seeing a $0 pledge amount for Offbeatr, relink it. Patreon linkages should work well.

If you had me manually set up your account, check here for instructions. If for some reason those don’t work, feel free to email me at

CHOO CHOO! HYPE TRAIN AIN’T GOT NO BRAKES! [Vote Horsecock. Make Mareth Great Again!]


UPDATE: Geddy is gonna poke at this some more tomorrow. Looks like we’re hitting a lot more issues than we were with the development version we tried in-house.

Patreon and Offbeatr data should now both be synced up through this website, eliminating the need for the old and busted website (and hopefully letting my cheap ass save a few bucks in the process). It also helps that this website doesn’t go down at the drop of a hat.

New freebie and backer builds are out too, check the post below (though I’m having issues getting the backer builds to show up at the time of this posting. I’ll have that fixed once Geddy finishes eating).

I’ll probably throw things up on the old sites later tonight while things are still being sorted.

e: The mismatching redirect URI shit should be sorted now. Don’t ask.

Merging the dev database with the live database broke some reference IDs that I’m going around and fixing. eta tomorrow for all the binding to work properly

If you’ve already confirmed an Offbeatr account e-mail, go to your profile, clear the Offbeatr field and update, then once the page has reloaded re-link your Offbeatr details.

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