Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Pubbies & Backers] Wombo Combo

naynaDoing a bit of a dual release – bug fixes and some new content for everyone, and an exclusive backer TF (since non-backers are making out like kings this month).

0.6.59 Changelog (ZE PUBLIC PATCH):

  • Large wings can now be considered as “clothing” for covering purposes.
  • New busts: Steph Irson (Adjatha does damn fine work)!
  • MysteriousPerson’s voluntary cuntsnake scene.
  • Floppy dog ears from huskar treats are now a thing.
  • A new NPC by Slab Bulkhead in the New Texas gym: Simone.
  • Bunches of fixes and new bugs introduced.

0.6.60 Changelog (ZE BACKER GUDNESS):

  • Three new items have been added to the game – Foxfire, Frostfire, and Immunoboosters. As you may imagine, the items are largely geared around foxy transformations. Big thanks to Etis for churning them out!
  • New Nayna busts, courtesy of JayEcho

Also coming soon: a hermaphrodite leithan for New Texas, penned by Wsan. I reviewed it early today, and it is smashing, if you’re into taurs that can make Urta look small. She’s note quite done, but I have confidence a finished product will land in my inbox sooner rather than later.

Checkin’ In

What’s this? Fenoxo posting on a weekend? MADNESS. You guys will get to hang with me for most of this weekend (except Sunday). I got Etis’s fox TF reviewed and approved yesterday. It’s super in-depth, and with that degree of complexity, I wouldn’t be surprised to see it having some bugs. I’m going to be reviewing some other submissions before I get back into writing myself, time-permitting.


I’m back at my actual computer, which should mean progress will be picking up once more. One thing I got some work on in is a latex bodysuit that the PC can wear that can shift and change based on the character’s libido, progressively getting more lewd. It turns out that the “put it on the first time” scene ran away with me, though, so it’s taking longer than I planned to spend on it. (When doesn’t it?)

I’ll try and squeak out a public patch to fix any leftover bugs from the last one, then start shoveling out the backer content. But at the moment, Savin’s D&D game is starting (he ought to put a link up in the twitter sidebar), and I have like a million emails to sort.

[Public Release] Tainted Space 0.6.58

kiro_1Tainted Space 0.6.58:

  • New Nayna scene, penned by Frogapus.
  • New busts: Lola, Quenton
  • Various fixes, courtesy of Jacques00

Just a small one today. Getting the Nayna scene in went slower than anticipated due to having to rewrite/tweak some of her dialogue.

New Since Last Public Release

  • New Items: DracoGuard, SukMastr 2000, Bubble Buddy, Feline TF, Huskar Treats
  • New Scenes: Doctor Badger removes tail parasite, Zephyr + parasite tailed PC, Vanae + parasite tailed PC, dryad + parasite tail, male zil + parasite tail, and losing to mimbranes with a parasite tail, taking toys from the myr deserters, giving bubbles of goo to different in-game goo-girls.
  • New busts: Able, Carrie, Darnock, Flahne, Kiro, Lane, Shade, the pexiga, Terensha, Anno, Horace Decker, Female Lane, Nayna, the bathing Myr Honeypot, Tamani, and the group of gold myr bathers.
  • The first part of Shade’s Uveto content.
  • Gray Goo armor customization.
  • Improvements to genitalia descriptions.
  • A butt-embiggening device.
  • Nyrea bad-end.
  • Kaede Uveto event.
  • XP gains reworked.


[Backers] TiTS 0.6.57

able0.6.57 Changelog (Public Build Coming Soon):

  • New item: DracoGuard
  • Dr. Badger can now remove vaginal tail parasites.
  • Shade’s Uveto encounter is now active.
  • Reworked some more parsers.
  • New busts: Able, Carrie, Darnock, Flahne, Kiro, Lane, Shade
  • Sex toys have their own storage slot on the ship.

It took me like 30m to upload the .zip to Patreon, so I didn’t do the android/iOS versions on Public builds should hit tomorrow or the day after, time permitting.

Not Dead

shibeHey guys, I’m not dead, but things have been slow. Fucking around with Parsers didnt really give me much to show off, and with Gedan busy in the backside of, we haven’t had her piling in new, exciting stuff for you guys to do.

In addition, my fiancee hurt herself at work a while back and got a month-ish off for physical therapy. As you all can imagine, I snagged a flight up to the great white north to spend a week with her. I’m up there right now, actually.

I still managed to write 1,300 words yesterday. I think if I can get time today, I’ll do some more work on parser stuff and try to get a build out in the next day or two.

Also, Gedan’s work on the blog’s backside is nearing fruition. Word is we can do automatic integration with Patreon or Old Offbeatr pledges here in the future, assuming everything works fine.

…now I have 100+ email chains to read and answer.

Two Years

Terensha Cum-Filled (Adjatha)Hey folks, Savin here.

So today marks two full years of having been at FenCo! I guess I must have come aboard waaay back when Tarkus was the new hotness: I remember the Stellar Tether dungeon was the first major project I did on the clock, so to speak. Time really flies, huh? Of course then again, it was about this time in ’12 that I was first starting to draft out a certain salamander for the plains, too. Four years, and something like a million words of smut later, and here we are.

As far as progress updates go, Shade’s move-to-Uveto content is done. Reaha’s the next major project I’m looking to finish, as said previously, plus a few smaller scenes here and there to keep the burnout at bay. Speaking of projects, though: I’ve got a smutty fantasy side project I’ve been working on in the background for a while now. I’m hoping I’ll have something to show for myself in the coming weeks; I think a lot of you will enjoy it.

Don’t really have much more to say other than “Thank you” to all of TiTS’ supporters who keep me and all the other FenCo creators employed doing what we love. And another “Thank you” for all the continued well-wishes as I recover from my lingering health problems. I’m on the mend, according to my doctors. Might even be back to normal in a few weeks at this rate.

A thoroughly cum-stuffed Terensha, by Adjatha.

Guess I best say hello…

AuShouShou here!

Most of you know me, and have seen my live streams, but I’ve never actually posted anything on the blog but livestream announcements. So I guess here I am saying hi, and introducing myself. My job with the team is solely art based, although Savin is trying to make me do writes – we’ll see how that goes. It might take off it might not. Hm. Hmm!


For anyone who wants, the places you can find me are :

As a side note, I’ve also started a small GoFundMe to finally try to replace my old, beat to shit desk that I complain about every time I stream.

Um. I suppose that’s everything? Can’t think of much else. Drop me a line, I Suppose! I love talking to people!

Beautiful pic done for me by the lovely as ever, Vivinspace from our Forums! Check out their thread!

Shades of Shade

Shade Topless (Shou)Something like 14,000 words later, it occurs to me I may have made Shade somewhat more involved than originally intended. For those of you who enjoy roleplaying, I think her little mini-expansion here will give you some meat to chew on if you’ve set yourself on one of her more complex relationship paths. Just about done with it, aside from a couple alterations to her existing talk/sex stuff so that she can be properly moved to Uveto. Also included: an introduction to her daughter Astra, who I’m very much looking forward to seeing in-game.

Once I’ve got Shade wrapped up enough for now, I reckon it’s about time Reaha’s addiction cure path got some love. Assuming I can avoid any more health crises anyway (I’m doing better, by all accounts).

Not much to say other than that. Just figured I’d touch base once in a full blue moon.

Also share a sexy new pin-up version of Shade’s bust, by our resident Shoupup. Kitty momma got back (and a heck of a lot in front, too)!

P.S. Also got some art of the Gnoll Princess from CoC by Cheshire, post some incidental TFs while adventuring. Was saving it for last week, but I somehow avoided bad-ending myself in Adjatha’s game! Try, try again I guess.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.56 – Vaginal Tweaks

cheshireCatSmile37_hawktaur0.6.56 Changelog:

  • The function to describe female anatomy has been overhauled with a number of tweaks and improvements for noun and adjective selection.
  • New scenes for parasitic tails for: Zephyr, Vanae, and losing to Mimbranes (with more on the way), courtesy of Frogapus and Zeikfried.
  • Kui-Tan vaginas now have proper description nouns (and a bit more special flavor to them!)
  • ‘Nuki Cookies now fully transform vaginas.
  • Toys for Inessa and Lerris’ shops should no longer be duplicated between the two inventories.
  • Added a new toy to Inessa’s shop – the SukMastr 2000. You may recognize it from a certain Kiro scene.
  • More adjustments and tweaks to the Gray Goo armor.

I’ve got some busts I need to throw in there too, but I do believe it’s bedtime for now. You guys will get to see all that new hotness soon enough.

Pictured at left: a bust I snagged from CheshireCatSmile37 for a character I intend to write on Phaedra II, my planned post-apocalyptic world. Not pictured: a Kiro bust with ginormous boobs AND balls from Adjatha. Expect to see that if I can ever get around to Kiro’s follower expansion/quest.

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