Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] TiTS 0.6.48 – Bunnyfux

xantheNot a lot in this one, but I figured why not push out a release?

0.6.48 Changelog:

  • Added a new scene for Nayna.
  • Added 8 new custom PCs off the list (an Offbeatr reward – don’t sweat it if you don’t know it. Still 53 pages of Offbeatr reward things to do)
  • New texts for the Uvetan space elevator.
  • Fix for ‘Nuki Nuts vs. Suma Cream on tiny kui-tans.
  • Suma Cream bad end now triggered by weight/strength requirements in addition to size.
  • Added and implemented Shou’s Xanthe busts.
  • Adjustments to exhibitionism decay by ignoring exposing underwear from check.
  • Added metallic black and iridescent to Shear Beauty hair/fur color menus.


(New Xanthe is lookin’ adorable. Good work, Shou!)


NuBattori_BrihaI just churned out a 2,000 word scene for plowing Nayna. I’ll try and get it into code along with a proper setup for collecting drones later tonight, then probably look at knocking out a few more custom characters.

Word from Adjatha is that Lerris is getting a bust, and a new toy called “Bubble Buddy” is on the way. Also, Bragga got some art. Shou got some work done on Xanthe, finally finishing up her busts and starting in on Zaalt. Lookat these people, actually doing busts faster than we can write characters!

For now, I’m off to exercise. Stay radical, bras!

Fancy-pants Briha fanart by NuBattori!

[Backers] Tainted Space – 0.6.47 – Uveto Babies!


This lovely Nayna is the result of me getting a Patreon sketch for supporting Gats 😀

New in this patch is a TamaniCorp shop on Tavros, run by a male kaithrit (basically a shemale), a friendly hermaphroditic centaur for Mhen’ga, and an unfinished laquine hermaphrodite for Uveto. Needless to say, I’m pretty happy with the current breakdown, though I wouldn’t expect to see it continue in the next patch. Lady korgonnes are a-comin’ and some boy korgonnes soon after. I might tweak them to make the plural ‘korgi’. Not sure.


  • The alternate intro for Uveto should now be enabled. It shows up as a distress call when travelling through space.
  • You can now land on Uveto Station and take the space elevator down to Irestead. Needless to say, most of the rooms are empty or unfinished. Enjoy a glimpse into the gray areas of planet-building.
  • Nayna the laquine climatologist can now be met in the observation deck of the geological survey in Irestead. Since her lost drones aren’t yet in the game, you should be able to abuse giving her as many as you want for kicks.
  • A tauric, dryad-like hermaphrodite can now be found running around on Mhen’ga. She is a rare encounter outside of a couple specific circumstances…
  • Lerris and her TamaniCorp shop can be run into on Tavros.
  • New items: FertitePlus, Lactaid MilkTank, and Lactaid Overdrive.
  • The Enessa, Frostwyrm, Lureling, Korgonne, Divrani, and Hyraxxi codex entries have been added (but are presently inaccessible).
  • A crash for group combat encounters should be fixed.
  • Some missing busts re-added.
  • New nude Xanthe bust from Shou.
  • New Fyn bust from Lapinbeau.
  • Lots of reorganizing busts under the hood (thanks, Jacques00!)
  • Added XKCD support.
  • Lots of little fixes.

Late Night Update

Gonna keep it simple and short because it’s late, and I’m tired. Geddy coded the Uveto intros and starting areas today and worked on some stuff for the image pack variant of the game. Check my twitter for a preview.

I worked on Nayna some more. I didn’t get a second sex scene written, but I did get 95% of her initial code completed. She should be good to go for tomorrow’s release, though her sex scene might not be accessible yet.


Not Dead!


Boobie robot courtesy of Adjatha

Hey guys, I noticed no one else had done an update this week, so I thought I’d pop up and touch bases on where we are on a couple things.

Monday, Dark Souls 3 happened, so not much got done on the work front. I did actually die about 50 times on my way to the tree boss. Next time I play, I’ve got to figure out how to beat that bastard. I’m pretty sure nobody was really on the clock that day aside from Shou. Apparently Savin and Gedan did get work done on Monday. I’m the only slacker.

Today (Yesterday now, I guess?), I plowed through a bunch of work, some of it dealing with tax stuff, some of it writing. I polished up the custom scene I wanted for Nayna (Short, chubby laquine scientist). It clocks in at around 3,000 words out of a 10,000 word NPC. I’m going to keep working at it tonight to add repeat text so that it can be done more than once, then maybe do something for fucking her properly (and taking her virginity).

I also added a bunch of new stuff to the bounty board, mainly requests for authors to add support for cunt tails and cock tails to fuck NPCs who cannot currently take advantage of said anatomy. I also put in ten requests for scenes that make use of hard-light panties. If we’re going to have these kinds of options, we definitely need scenes that take advantage of them.

Gedan was on the clock today as well, whipping up the coding on a TamaniCorp shop for Tavros that Savin had whipped up at some point. I thought it was supposed to be on Uveto, but I guess we might wind up with a shop on each? The shopkeeper is apparently a kaithrit male who really discovered he liked having boobs after starting to lactate, so it looks like we’ve got a shemale and a futa coming in pretty soon. If you’re a futa/shemale hater, try to hold out – the female korgonne barbarian should be ready to code pending a few minor revisions. Plus, Zeikfried is working on a male version, I hear.

I have no idea if Savin did anything besides play Dark Souls 3, so I’m just going to assume that he spent the whole day praising the sun. I cannot think of a more productive usage of time!

Fyn (male on the residential deck) has a bust from Lapinbeau loaded in game and ready to go. Hopefully we can keep the ball rolling on these characters, and finally get to the point where we can get more alternates of older characters made. Backers: expect a new build by Thursday night/Friday AM.

I wonder if I should start calling TiTS fans “bras” since they support my TITS?

TiTS Public Release Fix! 0.6.46

ber00_shekka0.6.46 Changelog:

  • Fixes an issue with multiple-enemy fights.
  • New busts for Seifyn and Xanthe courtesy of Shou!

Big thanks to Jacques00  for poking at bugs and busts, and Gedan for cleaning up the fight issue.

Crazy stylized Shekka by ber00, I believe.

TiTS Public Release – 0.6.45!

shou_shekka_sidebarI figured I’d be nice and drop this earlier in the day this week. Enjoy!

0.6.45 Changelog:

  • New busts by Adjatha – Cora (Carrie’s sister), Vine Seedlings,
  • New busts by JayEcho – Yarasta and Giala (Yarasta’s bigger-boobed friend)
  • Tweaks to race descriptions for bull-morphs to avoid 6′ bull ‘boys’.
  • Gene’s volume updated.
  • New bust priority system: You can pick the two artists you prefer most in the options screen. For individual NPCs, you can select a specific bust if there are multiples – or disable them entirely. Thanks Gedan, and thanks Jacques00 for doing mockups wayyy back in the day, even if we didn’t use them.
  • A Sera party expansion by Nonesuch, coded by Jacques00.
  • A few fixes and tweaks.

What’s New Since Last Public Patch:

  • Dream sequence for futa lovers. Can proc after unlocking Atha [Custom Offbeatr Reward].
  • Many Offbeatr custom PC rewards completed.
  • Three other custom Offbeatr reward scenes.
  • New character: Atha. Scenes unlocked via email.
  • New Carrie scene for treated bulls.
  • New Emmy scene for hyper characters.
  • Sydian females on Tarkus.
  • A plantation on Mhen’ga.
  • New busts: Cameron, Vending Machines, Una, Lys, Millie, Atha, Briha, and Orryx
  • New items: ClearYu, Rubber-Made, Suma Cream, and Tarkus Joke Book
  • New character that sometimes appears in the northwest corner of Myrellion’s mushroom park.
  • Tightened orifice capacities.

It’s been a damn fine month for pushing new content. Three new characters, a ton of new art, some new transformation items, more scenes, more content, no problems! Lovely Shekka picture provided courtesy of resident artist, Shou. Patreon backers at the $10 tier can get the full, uncropped version, as well as a few other lovely pieces.

Random Update

I’m not posting enough small updates for you guys lately, that’s for sure. But first, remember that the public build should hit in about 24 hours. Asking more won’t make a difference.

That said, I wanted to touch base on what’s been going on in Fen-town. Mostly I’ve just been writing a new laquine NPC, Nayna Triverre, a climatologist stationed on Uveto. I had to make a new character in order to fulfill a custom scene on my list that demands a futa who is almost completely, blissfully unaware of sexual matters. None of the current characters really fit for it. Oh, and did I mention that the character needs to cum like a freight train? Cause they do. So yeah, new furry futa to fill PCs and fulfill my obligations.

bustprevMy code time is probably going to start looking at Uveto sometime after the public release. We may see the layout of the first town plop soon. Also, and perhaps sooner, Gedan has been doing work overhauling the bust display system.

<3 you guys, and thanks for showing up in such droves for Shou and Adjatha’s art streams. I’m sure they were both thrilled to have over 100 viewers during their streams today.

Update: 3,900 word day. Not bad, Fenwrites. Not bad.

[Backers] Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.44


Public Build drops on Thursday!

0.6.44 Changelog:

  • A dream sequence for futa lovers. It should have a 1/4 chance of proccing when sleeping (assuming you’ve unlocked Atha). It even involves angels… sort of. These Offbeatr requests get weirder and weirder!
  • 8 more custom PC’s are chunked in for Offbeatr backers who put in for them. Only 55 pages of stuff left in my “Offbeatr to-do list”!
  • Vi now has some lovely busts, courtesy of Adjatha… and an option to make her boobs gigantic using Silicone, courtesy of ASpoopyGhost.
  • Sydian females should be active on Tarkus, courtesy of Zeikfried’s writing and Gedan’s coding.
  • A plantation has opened up on Mhen’ga, courtesy of Nonesuch’s writing and Jacques00’s coding.
  • An alternate bust for Cameron has been added in Gats’s style – toggle your bust preference over to Gats if you’d like to give it a peek.
  • New bust for the vending machines, courtesy of Adjatha.
  • Una now has a bust!
  • A ton of fixes, mostly courtesy of other contributors!

The next custom scene I have to do is specific enough that I’m going to roll up an NPC on Uveto in order to handle it. Brace yourself, the furries are coming.

Art is from DreamBlade over on the forums of their Captain Steele!

UPDATE: Android/iOS versions are out!

[APRIL FOOLS] Coming Soon – KiroQuest!

kiroIt’s time to take the wraps off what Savin and I have been working on in secret for months – KiroQuest! Did you think that PC was too boring of a protagonist for the game? That the game’s intro was a bit too unusual and dry? Well, we agreed, and from this point forward, you’ll be able to play Trials in Tainted Space as the flagship character, Kiro. We’ve worked tirelessly under the hood to provide a whole new experience for those who want to live as the game’s best-written NPC, with new interactions for existing NPCs and whole new mechanics.

Old bust by Gats, Kiro/Anno sketch by Dsan!

Just a few of Kiro’s TiTS Quest can be found below:

  • Totally different experience in the Tarkus dungeon.
  • The game’s first SSD: Horsepoxia
  • Recruitable Jack/Jill questline!
  • Tracer’s over the shoulder victory pose has been replaced with something less suggestive.
  • dsan_kiro_annoNew combat mechanic: furious frottage – use your superior endowment to grind down the enemy’s resistance!
  • Be a leaf on the wind – two new ship combat encounters exclusive to Kiro’s storyline.
  • New, Kiro-only NPC followers: Dr. Badger, Embry, Sera, and Holiday!
  • Discover Kiro’s sister, Kira!
  • Lash Dr. Lash up and turn him into your personal slave.
  • Impregnate Saendra, Syri, and Kaede – don’t ask how. It’s a secret!

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