Category: Trials in Tainted Space

Happy Holidays!

I just wanted to wish everyone happy holidays. Surprisingly, I haven’t been entirely idle. I spent the better part of my Christmas night polishing up the coding for a threesome between Kaede and Cass (from the Treatment stories). This morning I cleared out most of the email backlog and reviewed the edits for the CoC end content stuff. Tonight I’ll probably get into chipping at something off the TiTS backlog. Probably from JimT or Zeikfried.

Definitely expect a new backer patch before the new year and a freebie patch sometime during the week the follows.

[Backers Only] Tainted Space 0.6.23


Freebie build ETA: Early January

0.6.23 Changelog:

  • The next step in Emmy’s quest is now functional. To get it going, do something sexy with her, then wait 72 hours for an email. Depending on what you bring her (and your aim and physique stats), she’ll give you a different weapon as a reward.
  • Emmy also has three new sexy-times scenes unlocked once you progress her quest.
  • You can now enter cheats in the custom input menu for V-Ko. This is pretty placeholder for now, and notifications about typing them in correctly won’t show till after you back out of V-Ko’s menu, but it’ll work for Android/iOS players.
  • Jacques00 added a neat event for selling the probe on Mhen’ga.
  • Jacques00 deployed a literal raft of bug-fixes.
  • A new Shou bust was added.

Things will slow a bit over the holidays due to necessary time with family, but I have no plans for any actual vacation. There’s just one small step left to Emmy’s quest to do after this that’ll cost the PC a fair few credits (and unlock a few more sexy scenes I have to write). Oh, and I still need to write text for bringing her a gem satchel and code another variation Zeikfried wrote.

I’ll probably look at spending what time I have free over the holidays on chipping into the backlog. Emmy can have a break now that I’ve put some more effort into her. Did you know she’s over 40 pages long now?

Fungal Queen bust courtesy of Shou (and also added to the game).

[Backers] 0.6.22 Gooliciousness

Celise[Backers Only] 0.6.22 Changelog (Freebie build will drop early January):

  • Added the fourth and fifth stages of GaloMax transformations. Note that there are four GaloMax drops available in the game at the moment, so use the “furfag” infinite item use cheat if you would like to go all the way to being made of goo.
  • Some highlights that are added – different nipple types, including dick-nipples and lipples.
  • Focus Pills won’t remove as much lust if spammed over and over in the same fight.
  • Goo Biomass storage now has a maximum amount that increases as you use more GaloMax.
  • Toggle options have been added for the save overwrite prompt and save notes. You can find them in the options menu, courtesy of Jacques00 (and Gedan fixing his code).
  • Removed an unattainable Codex entry from the list.
  • A big fat pile of bug fixes large enough to contain all of New Texas. Or old Texas. Take your pick.

I’ll probably save the fifth GaloMax drop for Uveto or my post-apocalyptic alternate starter planet. We will see. Expect work chipping at the backlog or writing more Emmy tomorrow.

Celise approves! (Pretty sure this piece is by CheshireCatSmile37, but not 100% sure. It was poorly labelled)


adjatha_kiro_stephStage 4 goo transformation is partly complete – that means a full-body gelatinification, and the ability to adjust the size and number of your boobs. Also how many nipples they have. I could probably call it done there, but there’s a lot of stuff I’m going to polish off before I push out a patch tomorrow night.

I also limited biomass storage at certain stages. You can only hold 1.5 liters at stage three, but 10,000 at stage four.

Still remaining to do:

  • Modifying nipple width/length.
  • Changing nipple type to allow for lipples, nipplecunts, and the like.
  • Maybe dicknipples. This one might not happen, particularly if I want to allow you to set their type or bonus length (Presently they default to 3x normal nipple length).
  • The fifth stage transformation that turns your legs into a rolling mound of goo and store an infinite amount of biomass.
  • Gooify any penises or vaginas added to existing goo-crotches.
  • Maybe allow adjustment of height and thickness at stage 5.

I’ll knock out as many as I can in time for a patch, and I’ll see you fine gentlefolks on the flip-side.

Kiro and Steph Irson by the always lovely Adjatha.

Back To TiTS

Holy crap, Jacques00 had a huge pull request lined up for us to sort through. The biggest changes that’ll be noticed are the options to turn off save confirmation prompts and save notes, if you don’t want to futz with them.

I sorted most of it last night (with Gedan’s assistance for the wigglier bits), and got it merged in this morning. Now I’m back to working on that goo transformation. Thanks for the patience!

[PUBLIC/FREE] Tainted Space 0.6.19

doxy_110lorezIt’s finally here! Sorry for the hold-up. I’m getting word that the combat overhaul is coming along well too, so maybe we can see a party combat dungeon in time for January (no promises). Check out the new hotness:

0.6.20 Changelog:

  • Resolves a crash in a Zephyr scene, issues with the gooey balls submenus, and various other annoying details.

0.6.19 Changelog:

  • Placeholder scene for meeting Zo’dee a second time has been replaced with a proper encounter. Moderate lewdness possible.
  • After encountering GaloMax for the first time, Gene and Sera will each sell one dose.
  • The third level of GaloMax transformation is more or less complete, with a bevy of options for vaginas, testes, and penises.
  • Please note that GaloMax is still unfinished content – the fourth (full-body gooey-ness) and fifth doses (legs become a gooey mound – fullgoo PC) are not yet in the game.
  • Zo’dee has a bust from one of Doxy’s original design picture (Doxy approved!)
  • Codex Entries have been broken up to make the “Races” section less overwhelming.
  • Arbetz travel agency has been added to Tarkus, courtesy of Nonesuch and Jacques00.
  • MinoCharge has been added to Gene’s shop courtesy of Couch and Jacques00.
  • A bigass pile of changes, fixes, and tweaks that probably also broke some new things. Keep the bug reports coming!
  • Some work to allow you to be naked/exhibitionist when wearing clothes that don’t actually cover the funbits.

The weekend is hitting, so I’ll be MOSTLY scarce till monday, but I’m hoping I can spend some time cleaning up any major bugs tonight in order to put a less-buggy public build up. If it doesn’t hit tonight, expect it Saturday night.

Odds are pretty good for Savin and I digging into CoC some next week, though I might not put a whole week into it. CIAO!

Original Zo’dee bust by Doxy!

Public Patch ETA: Friday Noonish, America-Time

I don’t have a more specific time-frame than that. I’ll be poking at some more goo stuff and testing some stuff Jacques00 was kind enough to code in on the side. Someday Gedan will finish rejiggering combat to support Savin’s madness and come back to adding content with us. Someday!

I added a small Zo’dee scene to replace the placeholder event, and fleshed out most of the menus. Ball growth/expansion/shrinking still needs done, though. Also, I’ve set up Sera and Gene to each sell one dose of GaloMax after Zo’dee introduces it, meaning you can get four units of it at present. I doubt I can get the fourth transformation and menu up and running, but such is how it works with progress.

I’m out!

Gooey Shenanigans

I spent a big chunk of today catching up on email and other business related work, built a lego AT-ST, then jumped back into pounding through this goo menu stuff.

I’ve got the following options up and running and somewhat tested:

  • Growing another goo dick.
  • Removing an individual goo dick.
  • Removing all goo dicks.
  • Lengthening or shortening a dick.

And I’ve got the following roughed out and probably close to being good for testing:

  • Growing a vagina
  • Removing a vagina
  • Removing all vaginas
  • Growing an additional clit on a vagina.

Still pending are:

  • Removing a clit (minimum 1)
  • Lengthening your clits.
  • Shortening your clits.
  • Literally all ball options.
  • A proper Zo’dee scene for getting the second GaloMax.
  • A proper scene for getting the third GaloMax.

I got my work cut out for me! I hope everybody had a swell Thanksgiving this year. I’ll keep pecking at this for a little while, then probably take a break after stage 3 is fully completed to work on Emmy some more or clear the Bounty Board backlog.


[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.18

Public build will be early December.

0.6.18 Changelog:

  • Vagina and Penis descriptions have been torn down and rebuilt.
  • Finding GaloMax is now available as a random event. You can only find it twice atm.
  • GaloMax afflicted players can now manipulate their hair and biomass settings.
  • Probably a bunch of other junk I’m too sick/tired to think of. Mostly fixes, though.

Pre-emptive happy Turkey Day from us here. Don’t expect any special event for the holiday, but be sure to visit Canada (the Turkey-girl) in New Texas!

I Got The Plague


Still gonna try and work on stuff tonight, but I just spent the last four hours laying in bed.

Update: Put in some solid code time anyway. Got the first drop for the item rigged up and the first three transformations coded/tested. However, the customization stuff for the third tier is not yet in. This update is gonna generate a lot of bug reports, I think. It makes it really easy to tell when proper checks aren’t being made to feed the player fluid quantities.

Whatever the case, I’ll post something tomorrow night even if nothing else gets done. Ciao.

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