Category: Trials in Tainted Space


Well, I gutted and rebuild the cockNoun function. There’s technical reasons why I did so, but all you really need to know is that I did it to work with how I’m building the goo-TF stuff. Originally the game was build for goo dicks to be a discrete “type,” not a flag, and the noun function didn’t check for flags.

I’ve rectified this. I should do the same thing for the vaginaNoun function too, honestly. I’ve got a bit of a band-aid hackk in place for the moment.

Whatever. I need to sleep.


Goo stuff isn’t ready for release by a long shot. I’ve got do some serious rejiggering of the description functions to make this all work, namely because of how a few functions are handled. I got the gruntwork of the first three transformations in for the item, which is all well and good. The trouble is piecing everything together so that it works well, reads nice, and we don’t end up with things like “your slimy, slime-cunt” or worse. And then I have to actually build up the customization system.

That part is way lighter on the writing, but is going to be a real bear. I’ll keep poking at it, but my eyes are hurting and I should head toward bed.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.17 – CARNAGE!

maniacpaint_lieve_MDWhy carnage? Because we added red venom! Dohohohoh!

0.6.17 Changelog:

  • The “Red Myr Venom” item has been added to the game. It drops from certain Myrellion encounters.
  • Orryx’s “black market” is now open for biz. As you can imagine, he sells red venom!
  • All interactions with said venom should now properly apply the correct status effect.
  • It is now possible to become a venom addict. Venom addiction decreases over time, so stay away from it if you want to avoid the negative effects.
  • It is now possible to become a venom slut, rendering you permanently addicted to red myr venom. Note that doing so will increase your maximum lust while under its effects.
  • Venom withdrawal has been added to the game. While in withdrawal in a place with access to Red Myr, certain urges may overcome you, resulting in a new scene.
  • Honey Wine has been added to the game. Asennia sells it for 1000 credits, and you get a free bottle for touring the city with a certain NPC.
  • Gardeford’s Crystal Goo vendor now sells “goo balls”. Sadly they’re just hair transformations. Looks like I’ll need to see about writing us up a proper goo transformation soonish.
  • Some fixes to the spam mail system JCup slipped into the last build.
  • Some other misc fixes!

Onward and upward, friends! (Lieve art by ManiacPaint)

Fallout 4 Fallout

tenfenny_towerAbout in the same boat as Savin, only I’ve logged something like 60 hours in the game. I actually kind of felt the writing in the game got significantly weaker around the big twist, and I kept myself from progressing much past that point because the plot seems geared to forcing you to lock yourself out of some of the factions. I’d rather keep playing and get all the content I can out of the way first.

But honestly, mostly I’m just too obsessed with the base building mechanic. When you mod all your armor to have deep pockets (to carry more junk), then climb into power armor with every mod toward strength (to carry yet more junk), just to carry more desk fans and telephones back from your adventures, you might have a problem.

That said, it looks like the most recent android build of TiTS came out malformed. I just finished catching up on emails and need to catch up on blog comments, then I’ll review some merged code and get a new build out that I’m sure will work on android. Thanks! Done!

Picture is an early version of Tenfenny Tower, before I decked it out in lights and shit. I wanted to go back in and get a better one, but I dare not trust the game not to eat another 5 hours of my life.

0.6.16 Changelog:

  • Recompiled the android/iOS version and tested it on my Nexus7 to make sure it actually works this time. Sorry about that, folks!
  • Merged in a pretty big pull request from Jacques00 that has a raft of bugfixes and tweaks.
  • Looks like some button placements have moved too. I might revert some of the in-ship ones. RIP, my muscle memory.
  • Lots of under the hood changes and tweaks, again from Jacques00. Thanks, good buddy!

Back to Twerk

Gryvain Lustomorph (Shou)So…. Fallout 4 is super good. I’m pretty sure I’m near the end of the main story, but I’ve done a lot of dicking around, too. After a good 45 hours, though, I think it’s about time to get back to that whole making smut thing. Man, a game hasn’t kept my attention like that since The Witcher 3.

So yeah, nothing exciting to report other than that. If you’ve been PMing/otherwise trying to contact me this last week, sorry if I probably didn’t get back to you. Guess I’ll be sorting through that backlog today!

Art of tentacle-parasite infected gryvain by Shoupup!

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.15

color-spark_flahneTainted Space 0.6.15 Changelog:

  • Added Gardeford’s Ganrael to the deep caves – and their village. They’re silly-mode only for now – an alternate version of the monster should be in the works from Z for a future build.
  • The Ganrael shopkeeper doesn’t sell a transformative item for them yet. That’ll come later (TF’s are a pain to code, yo!)
  • Gardeford’s fungal queen can now be encountered and saved for a handy payday (again, in the deep caves).
  • Aliss’s shop now has tooltips, and a few items have sexiness bonuses.
  • Seifyn now sells MuskRepel
  • The duster accessory type has gotten some slight nerfs.
  • Lots of bug fixes and tweaks, courtesy of Jacques00.

There’s so much stuff piled on the backlog, that I’m probably have to spend my working time on that stuff instead of on finishing up the part of Emmy’s Quest that I was on. And having Fallout 4 come out won’t help. Things might be a bit scarce the rest of this week.

On the upside, while I was exhausted yesterday I did another video for my youtube channel, discussing the pros and cons of Overwatch’s pricing model to some Team Fortress 2 gameplay I recorded that morning. Please like, comment, and tell me what a douche I am.

Flahne fanart by Color-Spark, though I don’t have a source link handy.

Crystalline Latticework

I don’t usually get much done on Fridays, but this time I was able to plow through a significant part of Gardeford’s Crystal Goo village. The name is a bit of a misnomer – it’s a one time sexy scene followed up with a shopkeeper who will sell their transformation item (I think – haven’t looked at that part yet). The jail cell is tagged as having a bed if anyone wants to use it for leveling purposes or recovering down in the deep caves.

Monday (at the latest) there should be a new backer build with these guys in it.

Hard Crystal Work

Today I polished up the fungal myr queen encounter. There’s not much sex to it, but the combat does play with some mechanics similar to the boss fight from the Stellar Tether dungeon on Tarkus. I also worked through roughing out much of Gardeford’s crystal goo encounters. It’ll probably appear in Sillymode alongside a more serious version from another author soonish.

Fungus Amongus.

Today I sorted out bug reports, which mostly consisted of checking through forum posts, ensuring that Jacques00 had already committed a fix, and moving them to the “fixed” subforum. I also spent some time starting to rough out an encounter with Gardeford’s fungus queen. It’s a one-shot encounter with a robot fight and a decent-sized monetary reward.

I should be able to knock out the rest of it easy tomorrow. Today’s kind of been slow between Savin’s D&D game and sleeping like garbage. Turns out, sleeping into the afternoon doesn’t work so great when roofers are working on buildings around you in the morning.

Renezuo’s Bestiary!

GryvainHey guys, quick plug for a friend! Renezuo has put his Trials in Tainted Space Bestiary up for sale — just $2 for high quality pics and some exclusive color variants for a few races. Check it out!

At right: example of one of the bestiaries. Gryvain codex got coded in last build, and a couple will be showing up in-game pretty soon!

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