Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Story] Dreams of Flight

Vanae Maiden - CheshoreAnother repost from the old forum: Dreams of Flight, by resident Vanae wrangler JimThermic.


She was crouching on a tree branch. It creaked noisily beneath her webbed toes, protesting her continued presence.  Hundreds of feet of empty air separated her from the forest floor.  If she fell, it was certain death.

Anye searched for options, singing in a pitch no human ear could hear.  The imperceptible song bounced off everything around her.  When it came back, a perfect three dimensional reflection of her surroundings filled her mind.  Like all vanae, she saw not with sight, but sound.

There was a branch nearby.  It was a little far, but also her only option.  It was also occupied.  There was a shadowy figure sitting on it, and she couldn’t make them out.

“Come to me. All you have to do is leap,” he said.  It was definitely a man – that brash, masculine tone made her heart ache.  But why..?

She looked down – the ground really was nowhere to be heard, which meant it was more than a half mile.  Even though she was vanae, should she fall, her springy feet and webbed fingers would not slow her descent enough.  It would be the end of her.

“… But what if I fall?” she asked.  

“But what if you fly?” he replied.  Again, she felt that dancing in her chest, stealing her breath away.  Who WAS he?  That’s what she wanted to know.

The widening crack in the branch underfoot cut off her train of thought.  She screwed her courage to her sticking place.  Anye knelt into a springing crouch on the treacherous tree limb. Her six fingers nervously gripped at the branch.  

It was a long distance to cover – but she had to try!

“Come, Anye, fly with me!” The mysterious man called, and she leapt, giving herself over to fate.  The vanae girl soared through the air with limbs spread wide, her long tail out behind her. Roaring wind rushed past and under the slight girl, lifting her up like a bird in flight.

In that moment, she was truly flying.  She could hear the branch approaching with the silhouette sitting on it.  Just a little closer and she could grab the branch.  Just a little closer and she’d hear his face…

… But it wasn’t enough. The world pulled her back down, and her slender fingers failed to even graze the branch. With a shrill scream, she plummeted downward into the darkness.

The man, the branch, the sky; all were out of her reach.  Reaching up in vain, her hands grasped only air as she plummeted to the forest floor below.  Even as she fell, she could hear someone calling her name.

“Anye, Anye—“

Walkin’ Around in My Banana Shoes

Monday is here, which means back to grinding out as much as I can. I went ahead and cleaned up the bug report list, leaving a few choice gems for Gedan (and by choice gems, I mean stuff that probably involves code I don’t fully understand). Also on the table, I removed some references to a “Lucanis” race from the Lacquine codex since Quiet Browser and Lukadoc are FoE writers now, and the race wasn’t likely to get used for a while. Biothroc also hit the cutting room floor. Their author has been AWOL a while, so there was no need to have mention of them throughout content on Myrellion.

On my immediate roster is figuring out some new mechanics for tease attacks and lust-based weapons. As they are now, lust-damaging weaponry just plain doesn’t work well with the rest of the game. I also have to write up a scene for Tamani’s BionaHole (note that TITS Tamani is vastly different from CoC Tamani – they just share a name and a love of sex). Savin was nice enough to jam out some stuff for it, so I might as well live up to my obligations.

And of course, I have Emmy sitting on my backlog, glaring at me and demanding I finish writing her so that she can finally bust a nut. I really need to work out someone to run a bookstore (so that I have a nice place to sell download codes for smutty side-stories).

Oh! I updated the save screen gender marker for characters now. Instead of going off of whether NPC’s use “he” or “she”, it now bases itself off of biological sex (with a few wrinkles). If you have a dick and a vagina, it’ll show “H”. Just a dick? “M.” A dick and a very feminine face? “T” for trap! You all know “F.” And of course, “N” for neuter. I debated throwing in some others, but nothing suitably self-explanatory surfaced.

P.S. I love this song.

[Backers] 0.6.10 – Man Up!

DCL_Penny_ScrapLashcharge and dudebros alike should be pretty happy with this patch. It adds his “Man Up” item to the game, allowing for safe, easy, masculinization. As I’m writing this, I’m realizing that I should have had Sera sell it, but I was testing it in Gene’s inventory, so that’s where it’s stuck for now. A big shout-out to Jacques00 for doing most of the coding work on that particular item. I was actually about 3/4 of the way through doing it myself, but Jacques had puzzled out the proper way to parse some of the earlier variants. I used his instead, losing some grammatical corrections in the process. Keep those bug reports coming, people!

0.6.10 Changelog:

  • Gene now sells “ManUp,” a masculinizer by Lashcharge. Note that it enables beard growth, something largely unsupported by the game. Don’t be surprised if it breaks a bunch of stuff until I can get around to cleaning it up next week.
  • Inessa now sends BionaHoles – the next evolution in portable massage devices.
  • Inessa now has two new scenes.
  • Doctor Badger now sells a bizarre weapon.
  • Inessa now sells a sexiness-boosting accessory.
  • For those on the flower portion of Emmy quest, you should be able to acquire flowers from avoiding Venus entrapment as well.
  • The New Texas GravCuffs encounter should be a bit easier to wrangle.

I’m sure there’ll be lots of new bugs, but I would not expect a new patch on a Friday unless something is seriously FUBAR. Blog posts will probably continue through the weekend. How could I avoid it?

Badass Penny is an old scrap from DCL! I’m actually stockpiling Shoubusts to push out in a build soon!

[Backers] 0.6.9 Changelog

steph_the_movie0.6.9 Changelog:

  • A big thanks to Jacques00 for turning out a set of changes to clean up most of the bugs on the bug report forum. No way would I have pushed a patch today without ya.
  • Lots of little fixes, but big ones are mainly concerning Inessa and her toys.
  • Finished coding and activated a scene where you can cuff yourself up on New Texas…

There’s still two more Inessa scenes I need to do and a bunch of items. Look for that tomorrow if all goes well.

Not sure where I saved this from, but it used the Gats sprites for Steph.


[Backers] 0.6.8 Inessa

Tktktk_Jade_ShadedJimThermic’s NPCs always make me work so hard :{

Note: It has come to my attention that some things are pretty broked in this update. The whips were accidentally set as ranged weapons, for example. I’ll try and have a bugfix patch up for you fine folks tomorrow along with a new scene or two.

0.6.8 Changelog:

  • The merchant deck of Tavros station has finally blossomed into its full glory. On the map, it’s represented as a square, but it’s supposed to be circular. Curse our simplified NESW approximations!
  • JimThermic’s sextoy vendor, Inessa is now open for business. She has some sex toys and sexy clothing for sale – as well as sex with herself.
  • One of her toys can be used on yourself. The other has a variable scene that can be used on many defeated foes – vanae, zil, raskvel, and nyrea to name a few.
  • A pretty large pull request from Jacques00 that should clear up plenty of bugs. There’s another big set of changes backlogged to be merged into the next build as well.

See you fine folks tomorrow when Savin streams his D&D game – or when I’m sitting in FenChat bitching about something JimThermic wrote!

Reposting an old Jade picture by TKTKTK in honor of the merchant deck getting some love!

Spoopy Scary Lustomorphs

Dr. Khan (Shou)So, while Fen’s hard at work rebuilding Tavros and slotting in a sexy new shop, I’m putting a pause on my other projects to churn out a Halloween adventure. Well, an adventure that I hope will be ready around Halloween, and which apes the Survival Horror (IN SPACE) genre ala Dead Space. So I’ll be working on that for the next week or so, I reckon. Then back to SyriQuest — aka Eventually(tm) the project. Anyway, hope our Canadian brethren had a good Thanksgiving! Don’t forget to turn on Silly mode and head over to New Texas’s milk barn for a maple-flavored treat!

Art of one of the KaraQuest bosses, Dr. Khan, by Shou! She’s got a forum thread up in the Art section showcasing her busts now — go check it out if you want to see the collection!

And yes, he is sitting on a testicular bean-bag chair. Kui-tan be weird, yo.

Blah Blahblah Blah

I’m giving Tavros station’s merchant deck an overhaul so that it has room for more shops. It was always the plan to have it be like a circular ring, but building out all the rooms for it didn’t seem worth the effort when there was only one or two shops to place there. Now that it’s overcrowded, there’s a reason to work on it.

JimThermic’s sextoy shop more or less compiles, but I need a place to put it, which means writing and laying out the extra 15 rooms or so of the merchant deck. I’m aiming for a release tomorrow at this point. I wanted one today, but it wasn’t quite in the cards.

In other news, JayEcho, who has been doing some busts for the game, is open for commissions.

Weekend Work

Just wanted to touch base and let you all know I got some stuff done over the weekend in fits and starts: some writing for Emmy (non-sexual stuff relating to which gemstone you bring her for the next phase of Emmyquest) and coding JimThermic’s sextoy vendor Inessa – which should give me a good spot to slot in Savin’s Bionahole stuff.

Got an early appointment tomorrow, so I’ll catch you all on the flipside.

(P.S. Did a little map-building for my old D&D game too. Maybe I’ll see if I can DM again the next time Kinathis’s game goes on hiatus.)

Dicks & Boobs Week Whatever

eradragon_bloodoodle_lnna_PCLast week I didn’t get as much time in on CoC as I’d like, so I’ll be poking at it some more over the days to come – interspersed with work on TiTS. I wouldn’t expect it to get totally done. Savin overestimates what we can do in a short time, sometimes, but progress is being made.

The Minotaur King & Excellia encounter is about halfway done – I still need to write two victory scenes and two loss scenes to finish it up (three victories are done).

Wish me luck~!

(Fanart from here)

Tainted Space Week, Day Infinity

ceria_nudeJust kidding, I’m poking at the Minotaur King & Excellia in my free time, but how about a free TiTS release?

0.6.7 Changelog:

  • Geddy fixed a bunch of bugs (Geddy, if you want to enumerate these so the blog viewers can bask in your awesome, let me know).

What’s New Since Last Public Build?

  • New encounters in Beth’s Broads.
  • Emmy, a hermaphroditic jackal that runs an energy weapon shop on Myrellion. She’s only partially completed at present.
  • New busts for many characters, courtesy of Shou.
  • Zil can sometimes drop bows, enabling earlier bow training.
  • Bess can be found and recruited on Tarkus, courtesy of JimT and Gedan’s tireless coding.
  • New scenes at the prostate milker on New Texas, courtesy of Nonesuch.
  • New Renvra scenes, courtesy of Zeikfried.
  • Probably some other stuff? The blog imploded, so it’s a little hard to keep track of.

Between Metal Gear Solid, Destiny’s Taken King expansion pack, and the blog going tits-up, it’s been a pretty slow month for us. There’s a lot of nice stuff piling up in the code hopper though – I can’t wait to share it!

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