Category: Trials in Tainted Space

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.6

ceriaIt’s a small one, but new content nonetheless. Public release ETA – Monday-ish.

0.6.6 Changelog:

  • Zeikfried’s enhancements for Beth’s Broads are now live, featuring encounters with a subspecies of rahn and an ovir dancer. High intelligence characters can even get a secret scene with the ovir. Enjoy!

Ceria at left is drawn by Shou! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna pass out in a corner.

TiTS Delay

The post below this one has a lovely new update for FoE! Looks like it’s packing in a whole new dungeon.

Sadly, it looks like my server isn’t functioning right now, so I’m going to hold off on any release for now. It’s not a big deal – it’s just a few thousand words of scenes for Beth’s Broads. I’ll dig into it – and don’t worry, it doesn’t look anything like the sort of situation we had with the old server. It’s just hung up on something, and I don’t have time to figure out how to get it to let me reboot it right now.

I’ve left a support ticket and will pursue it as time permits.

Write Eternal, Shiny And Chrome

What a surprise, I feel like crap and passed out after getting some more work done on Emmy. It’s gonna be a rough weekend for me, but with any luck, I can get some more content in and slipped into a backer patch for you all before bed this evening. Shou’s got a sweet new bust for Ceria I’ll be showing off tonight in any case.

Also, Savin & I are planning to focus on CoC next week. It needs doing.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.5!

Public/Free build will be up on early next week.

0.6.5 Changelog:

  • The first part of Emmy’s sex quest is live in game. It’ll unlock some scenes where she will give you oral, but you’ll have to wait a bit (and do some more work) to unlock more choices in the future!
    • Pro-tip: You need to buy something from her before she’ll give up her name.
    • Pro-tip: You can find a venus pitcher flower by falling for one of them…
  • Some more typo/bug fixes.
  • Queensguard got a new bust by Shou! Woo woo!

More to come in the future!

Showing Off Shou

amaraHey guys, some of you might have been made curious by my last tweet. Well, I’m proud to announce that we’ve added a new player to the team, though long time readers will know that she’s been with us for ages. Shou has been providing a lot of busts for the game for ages, and I was happy to hire her on in a more serious fashion – with paychecks and tax forms and all that gobblygook.

Hopefully this will bring with it an uptick in the generation of delightful new busts (BUST MUST PLUS).

Pictured at left is her rendition of one of Savin’s infinite puppyslut army.

[Backers] 0.6.4 Changelog

This one’s for backers. It’s mostly just bug fixes, including a fix for an annoying error in penis descriptions. I’m going to push some new content off the backlog this week, then push a pubbie build the following week.

0.6.4 Changelog:

  • Lots of fixes courtesy of our local code-dragon and bug reporters just like you!
  • Adjusted appearance descriptions for tauric beings so they are not quite as explicitly equine.
  • Some fixes to make honeypot swelling actually result in more milk.
  • More typo fixes courtesy of myself (and bug reporters like you!)
  • Fixed a potential scene crash in phallus descriptions.
  • Shoot first no longer works for melee. Sorry!
  • Zil bows are now a rare drop.
  • Bow training with Tanis can no longer max out your aim. It stops at 50% of your possible maximum (and never goes above 25 – sorry high level characters who don’t exist yet).

I’d like to push a patch with some real content tomorrow, but I’m not going to overpromise (this time)! Definitely something this week, though. Today alone I’ve reviewed a female sydian encounter (pending some niggles over her proposed combat mechanics), upgrates for Beth’s Broads to let the PC encounter some other broads (pending Savin’s approval), and an educator at the thollum in Gildenmere (I’m about halfway through her 40 pages at the time of this writing).

Lots to do – gotta make up for lost time.


Not Dead…

I just kind of lost myself between my girlfriend being off a few days during my workweek and the new Destiny Expansion coming out (which is actually pretty great thus far). So I’m back on the horse today. Lots of emails to catch up on, tax forms to file, and mail to sort, but then I intend to jump back on Emmy.

Additionally, I’ll be pushing out a release tonight to gather all the bugfixes and other misc tweaks that have hit later tonight. I don’t think I’m going to get a chance to work on Emmy – there’s a backlog of submissions needing reviewed. Tomorrow will either be Emmy time or coding a new encounter/character from the backlog.

Still Pokin’ At Emmy

Finally got her blowjob finished. Tomorrow or the day after I’ll try to get the first part of her sex-quest operational. Sorry for brevity, but that’s all I’ve got for now.

Bugfixin’ an Writin’

Just a shorty today!

Not a lot to report. Just poked at some writing on Emmy and did my damnedest to catch up on bug reports. Also wasted the better part of an hour figuring out how to get the redirect on to actually point at the forums. I also gave the zil a crappy bow that ought to let you start training with Tanis much much sooner.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.3 Release

Not a whole lot going on here – just Emmy’s pre-sex stuff and some energy toys for you all to play with for the most parts.

princess_bandoleer0.6.3 Changelog:

  • Emmy has been added to the DMZ. This jackal will sell you all manner of energy weapons and a few nice shields.
  • Gedan fixed TONS of bugs. TONS.
  • Bows got nerfed to the ground.
  • Jacques00 submitted a billion fixes and tweaks.
  • New busts from Shou for the Praetorians, Princess, and Queen Taivra.

There’s probably still a pile of bugs to sort through, and then I’m going to get to work on on the sexy funtimes with Emmy. RIght now I’ve got a pretty saucy cunnilingus scene that clocks about 600 words, and while it may be short, I think it’s one of my hotter bits of text.

Princess Bust by Shou!

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