Category: Trials in Tainted Space


Taivra (with Tails) - Shou… is basically done. JR left me a fuckton of edits that I’m going to trawl through today, and I’ve got a couple paragraphs I want to add and remove around, but basically done. Pretty happy with how it’s turned out, and what it’s setting up for the future!

Speaking of future stuff, next big project on my docket is basically SyriQuest. Only had that sitting around part-done for like a year or something. I’ve also got a couple of smaller projects I’d like to squeeze out around it, including an egg-training machine and some Kaede stuff.

Oh, and once again, there’s a forum thread in TiTS Event Submissions for the next planet, Uveto. If you have stuff you want to see, or are a potential writer looking for a place to jump in, check it out!

Since a few of you were asking: behold Queen Taivra, courtesy of Shou!

Much Ado About Nothing

1440030348.cyancapsule_emelie_s_big_dildo1920I actually don’t have that much to post about today. Work continues on writing my energy weapon shopkeeper. As usual, my writing is moving along at a glacial pace, but it is moving along – the document is about 18 pages long at the moment. She’s going to take some work to bang, and despite her overtly sexual appearance (constantly horny hermaphrodite in a suit so tight it may as well be shrinkwrapping), the PC doesn’t take interest unless you choose to.

I might wrap up her pre-sex stuff and just code her in as a stub of what she’s going to become so that I can dump out a new build tomorrow – that and bug fixes. Assuming that mail doesn’t get the best of me. I’m probably going to lose an hour or two dealing with shit I have to mail out.

The only pig-girl art I’ve ever liked by cyancapsule. I could use a little bacon.

The Treatment: Chapters 7-8

This concludes all that I’ve written for the treatment. Expect blog content and updates to flow regularly once more starting Monday.

Chapter 7: Potential Solutions

3561 words, dickgirl nurse, blowjob, oral, sex, messy orgasms, lactation, friendship is magic.

The interior of the examination room was cold and spartan. The floor gleamed under the glo-lamps, recently cleaned with some strong-smelling cleanser, and the examination table was barely padded. Cass made a show of climbing onto it, lifting one leg and then the other, sensuously arching her back before twisting up into a sitting position. Old instincts had her come to rest with her knees together, but a nagging itch in her cream-filled slit slowly edged them apart.

Cass placed her hands alongside her and kept her posture, pressing her tits forward for effect while she thought. Everything was coated in a candy sheen of awesome. It was like imperfections just ceased to exist. She didn’t notice the mole just south of the nurse’s ear. She saw good bone structure and the face that the girl could have after a trip to a beauty parlor… or the treatment. Now there was a new idea. The treatment had seemed so bad when she had first took it, but now, she had big, sensitive tits that felt so good to play with. And there was no denying how positively euphoric it left her. What if everyone could feel like this?

[Story] The Treatment, Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4: Bovine Awakening

2400 words, Breast and hip growth, Altered thought processes, Urges…

Cass awakened with her head feeling fuzzier than the time she drank a whole bottle of devarian wine, only this time without the pounding headache. In its place was a feeling of warmth and… rightness. It was the only way to describe the emotion, really. A wide smile spread across her face as she stretched while a new sensation rapidly made itself known to her. There was a weight on her chest, though it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was pleasant, in its own way, like having someone on top of you, snuggling.

Sitting up, the kaithrit blinked open her muzzy eyes and looked down. She had tits! There was a pair of bouncy boobs sitting right on her chest, and they were hers! Cass hugged them tightly to herself and giggled in delight. She hadn’t felt this wonderful since she first laid eyes on her ship! No, this was better! Boobs were way better than any rusty old junk-bucket. They couldn’t have been much bigger than B-cups, maybe C-cups if she was lucky. Cass hadn’t shopped for bras in so long that it was hard to judge, though she supposed she would get to catch up on it once she landed.

[Story] The Treatment, Chapters 1-3

Gurgles_Treatment_Final_LRYou guys were due for a reposting of this story. Here’s the first three chapters to get you started. It tells the story of Cass, a kaithrit, who takes the Treatment on a whim and struggles to manage her deicision. I’ll post the next three tomorrow.

Chapter 1: A Sample Treatment

1900 words, Pheromones, F Masturbation, Exposition

Cass fussed with the medipen in her hand. She had gotten it when she made planetfall, almost three hours ago. It was an innocuous little thing, not even as thick as her pinky finger and nowhere near as long as the inoculation cocktails she had to take before traveling to this system. Even the warning labels were smaller; there was just a single holocode printed on the side. Sure, she could scan it in with her wrist band’s ocular recording system and pull up the real warnings on the extranet, but it seemed so much more benign this way.

Metal Gear Stalleded

Savin and I are probably going to be scarce for a few days starting tomorrow, but today, I’m gonna keep poking at Emmata (Emmy), the KihaCorp company representative on Myrellion. She sells energy weaponry and shields to all non-natives (so don’t show up looking like an ant)! She’s also part of a test group for a new Tamani Brand implant that leaves her moderately aroused all the time.

I’ve still got a lot of talk discussions to write before any sex can happen, or even before I can have her reveal the implant. #FurriesInSpaaaaaace

Oh, and Savin put all his stories back up on the site.

Edit: Apparently I’m incapable of making simple shopkeepers. I finished her talks (2,500 words-ish) and plotted out what you’ll have to do for sexytimes – namely a three-part quest. I’ll be reposting Treatment chapters over the next few days for those who missed them as well.

[Story] Talon Rogue

Okay, so, Fen asked me to re-post all of my stories from the old blog on the new blog! For those of you who haven’t seen some or all of them before, prepare for the smut dump of the ages.

You can find most if not all of my stories on my Patreon (they get ’em first!), or on FurAffinity (they get ’em last)!

Tags: TiTS, SciFi, Shemale, Futa, Futa x Shemale, Horsecock, Anal
The first TiTS work published, this short story stars Captain Kaede Entara, a fledgling cargo pilot who gets herself caught up between the Black Void and legendary pirate Kiro Tamahime. Light on the smut at only one sex scene, this one’s more about world building and plot.

[STORY] The Gene-Stealer

Okay, so, Fen asked me to re-post all of my stories from the old blog on the new blog! For those of you who haven’t seen some or all of them before, prepare for the smut dump of the ages.

You can find most if not all of my stories on my Patreon (they get ’em first!), or on FurAffinity (they get ’em last)!

Tags: TiTS, SciFi, Lust, Cockmilking, Shemale x Female, Shemale x Male, Non-consensual

A sequel to Talon Rogue and my second major TiTS short story. We rejoin Captain Kaede Entara as she journeys to Tarkus on a routine cargo run, only to run into an old flame. Hooking up with Anno Dorna, the pair head into the wastelands of Tarkus but end up embattled in the ruins of an ancient starship. I was never entirely happy with this one, but hey. There’s buttstuff, and it introduces Anno and Kaede’s actual appearance.

[STORY] Downtime

Okay, so, Fen asked me to re-post all of my stories from the old blog on the new blog! For those of you who haven’t seen some or all of them before, prepare for the smut dump of the ages.

You can find most if not all of my stories on my Patreon (they get ’em first!), or on FurAffinity (they get ’em last)!

Tags: TiTS, SciFi, Shemale Solo, Shemale x Futa, Lust/Rut, Masturbation (Anal, Penile), Footplay

More adventures for Kaede! Waking up after an unexpected, sexy encounter with her childhood best friend (see: The Treatment), Kaede tries to track Cass down, only to find herself succumbing to her growing libido — and face to face with Kiro again! (This story’s super relevant to upcoming content!)

Questing Quests

Anno Maidplay Vibeless (Cheshire)

“Sorry, boss! Still cleaning up this mess…”

Well, that was a fun, wasn’t it?

Things seem to be getting back to normal around FenCo., slowly but surely. The forums are still very much a work in progress, so bear with us while we get those into shape. And by we I mostly mean our Lord and Savior Gedan, who has done an ungodly amount of work putting out the many raging fires that the old site getting sucked into a black hole caused. Seriously, if you haven’t already, take a moment to say thanks to our local dragon-coder.

Anyway! I’ve been working away on the next big dungeon (KaraQuest) while the site was coming down around our ears. Ended up re-writing about half of it — pretty much the entire introduction and outro, and generally adding a lot of stuff throughout. It’s almost as big as Queen Taivra’s Palace now, which is pretty fucking big. Got two last scenes to poke at and then the ever-fun process of editing to churn through (though based edit-bro Johnathan Roberts did a whole lot of that for me)! So right now, we’re looking at something like seven different enemies (including a repeat appearance of Shade, this time with some serious backup) and a couple unique bad-ends. Plus blowing yourself up with a nuke, I guess — that technically counts, right?

Probably a nil chance of the dungeon being in a patch this month, but hopefully soon! Next week, I’ll be restarting SyriQuest and getting ready to move my favorite puppyslut over to the next planet, Uveto. Speaking of which, there’s a planet design doc for Uveto up on the forum (in Event Submissions). Go check it out if you’re interested!

Oh, wait, The Phantom Pain comes out next week. Uhh, maybe the week after, then 😛

Might as well christen my first new-blog post with probably my favorite piece of CheshireCat art ever. Holy shit hnnngg. (There’s also a vibe alternative if you snoop around her FA!)

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