Category: Uncategorized

Patreon API Issues

Hey guys, we appear to be experiencing some issues with Patreons API at the moment. I’m told it’s definitely something on their end. I’ll update when or if I know more (though I’m probably going to bed soon, sooo…)

Almost immediate update: Now I’m told we’ve worked around it. Everything is fine here. Situation normal. How are you?

…it was a boring blog post anyway.

An Addenum [TiTS]

Hey guys, just a heads up that there was more content in the last patch than I let on: William had written some rodenian wallsluts for the game, and you run into them at Cherry’s. DrunkZombie did the honors of coding it.

Minor Systemic Hiccup

Sav here,

Just a quick FYI because several people have mentioned this happening: if you’re a backer and can no longer see the Backer Builds tab on the blog, you’ll need to re-link your Patreon and blog account. Don’t know why, but it seems Patreon had a little hiccup (probably for a few dozen of you) and this fixes it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

CoC2 backers build this weekend. TiTS public build when Fen’s back from GenCon. He’s feeling much better, from what I understand. All the well-wishes were appreciated.


So last night my sinus/ear infection flared back up in the other ear now that I’m out of antibiotics. This time I got put on some steroids (not the muscle-building kind). Hopefully I’ll have my shit together by Gencon this weekend, dodge any con crud, and hit coding Soak hard.

Also I had to reinstall windows last night, lost a few hours work, and I’m not looking forward to figuring out how to set up my coding macros again >.>

I’ll be back in a week with a public patch, hopefully better health, and streaming work on coding Soak.

I fucking hate everything about this month.

Feelin’ Shit.

Might need to go back for stronger antibiotics if I’m not better by the end of the weekend.

Another Day.

3900 words more were written today. I have an alternate orgasm variant with related cum quantity variants to do tomorrow that should eat about 1,000 words of writing, then I can start trying to code the bulk of this mess. I regret to inform you all that the optional ball-worship foreplay will not make the public patch.

Since it’s taking so long, I’m going to send out the public patch once I’m up and ready to go for the day, then finish working on the scene and try to get it coded for a public update in the evening. I’m not 100% promising to have it done tomorrow night, but that’s the current goal.

See you all on the other side of sleep.

I Lived

Back from FWA. Survived both plane trips only to nearly be trampled to death by a vicious wild animal charging out of my gate (ie. my husky was very happy to see me). Fen and DCL are on their way home later on today; Wsan and Shou will probably be AFK a while longer.

Normal operations resume tomorrow. Thanks to all of you who said hi~! Big shout out to the convention staffer at the panel who busted ass to try and get Fen a functional projector from the 21st century. You the real MVP.

Please send thoughts and prayers to all of us as we are all inevitably laid low by furpies the con crud and/or food poisoning.


Classic Fensick

After an incredible run of good health, I’ve finally gotten hit in the face with a sickbat again. Dodged the con crud (was just sniffly for a day) only for a classic fenoxian sinus infection to settle in this morning.

It’s either going to go away in a day or two… or plague me for like two weeks. Fingers crossed.

Update: Big naps today. And also reading the ~60 pages of B’s “Lorelei”. Some nice stuff there.

Potential Con Crud

Didn’t sleep great and woke up with a stuffy nose that developed into a mild headache. Didn’t stop me from catching up on email correspondence and coding for a few hours, but it’s probably going to be a half day at best. If this does blow up into a full-on sinus infection or whatever, I want to beat it as fast as possible.

The goal is still to spend a few more hours this evening massaging bits and pieces of Roo’s content into place. She’s a pretty solid encounter with something like 4 variants for stripping off each piece of clothing depending on what all you’ve done with her.

Oh, and I cleaned up some Blackjack stuff. Say goodbye to betting mid-game.



Notice: Links Updated

Hye guys, just wanted to mention a long overdue bit of cleanup on the site: the Links section has been pruned of all the dead/abandonware games (they’ve been shuffled off to their own header if they’re still playable, or removed entirely if their links are dead) and any other dead links have been cleaned out. In addition, Fall of Eden by Alder has been pushed off the Play page and onto the dead games page. RIP.

If you’re looking for new smut games to dig into, I’d direct your attention towards the Showcase on our forum where many in-development games are being hosted or discussed. If there’s any finished (or at least content-heavy) games on there you think deserve a spot on Links, let us know.

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