Category: Uncategorized

Absence and News from Shoupup

Hey, folks!

Gosh, it seems like I only ever make posts when I’m sick, or when I’m about to live stream. I guess that means that FenCo is upholding it’s “every employee must be sick X times a year”. I wanted to tell you guys I was super sorry for my absence and that I have fully recovered and will be returning to work in these next few days!

TLDR; I got a really bad infection and was on bedrest for 2 weeks because I kept doing too much. Infection kicked the bucket, and I’m cleared to return to my life! 😀

Here is a sneaky peek at Chaurmine and where he got picked up at the other day. I have two words for you guys.

Metal. Scales.

Little Shippy, Little Shippy…

‘Big Dick Gator Boss’ – JayEcho

Time for a ship progress update!

All of the core stuff for ships has been done for a little while now; to give a refresher, this is the stuff that’ll be supported out of the gate:

  • You’ll be able to switch to entirely different ships.
  • Each ship has a different internal layout and map that you can move around in.
  • Certain parts of ships can be upgraded; initially this is just weapons, but we may open up more options as we feel the balancing allows. These upgrades are unlockable, purchasable and rewardable- some you can just outright buy as many as you want, some will require looting things from combat, and other still will only be provided in limited quantity for doing specific things.
  • Crewmembers properly take up space on the ship, so the number you can have with you at any time is finally limited…
  • … but you’ll be able to assign them to different jobs aboard the ship and potentially receive bonuses in the process. Off the top of my head things currently support something like 7 core system assignments, and potentially dozens of weapon assignments. (Capital ships pls tia)

The last couple of weeks has been spent slowly tweaking a lot of existing code to ensure that things will work with the new ships. Another list should help demonstrate what is eating up all the time…

  • In the past we only ever had a single “room” to check against to test if the player was aboard their ship or not, so many of these checks (a few thousand, by my count) have needed modification. I need to do a second pass on these and potentially make some of these checks apply to any ship or just the player’s ship where appropriate.
  • Ship interiors introduce a second “layer” of maps, so a couple of the core game functions that make everything tick have received careful surgery to switch between the different ways maps are handled.
  • All of these new features introduce new types of complexity that we never had to save in the past. About 25% of my time working on each part of this is extending and testing the code that handles saving all this stuff. It’s better (and should be much faster) than the old way, but it still has massive room to be improved if more time is invested in it.

Next up on my plate is actually starting to generate content for this stuff; we have overviews of many of the ships and potential weapons but none of the meaty details that are required like the interior descriptions of the ships for all the rooms that they’re now going to have, or the specifics of the weapon attack descriptions…

For now though, hab some meaty JayEcho draws ?



Net Shit

Hi, my name’s Savin, and I live under a Comcast monopoly. Wherein Comcast (literally yesterday, in a matter of supreme irony given Fen’s post) sent a truck over, knocked the telephone pole over at a 45′ angle, and then denied it on customer service for two hours because apparently my internet being out must be a modem problem. While the pole outside is sitting halfway down with a truck-shaped dent in it. Thanks, Comcast, you guys have the best customer service. I’m glad I don’t have any other competitive ISPs in my area! 😀

Support Net Neutrality.

Smut Neutrality

Net Neutrality is kind of a big deal. I don’t care if you’re a republican, democrat, communist, libertarian, or some sort of weird political party based entirely around getting Marvel to release the next Avengers movie early. This is important. Important enough that I’m posting political shit instead of talking about weird space parasites. Net neutrality helps protect small startups from being quashed by bigger peers, and helps protect weird niche sites (like this one) from getting filtered or slowed by ISPs who’d rather maintain a “family friendly” image than allow their customers to access the content they want.

If you’re an american, please consider supporting net neutrality. Here’s one place with some things about it. has a nice little form set up to send a message to the FCC and congress if you want to be lazy about it.

I’d ask you to strongly consider future candidates’  positions on net neutrality before voting for them, but I think internet regulation is pretty low on every one else’s priority lists. Oh, and also… vote. There’s a reason politicians care a lot about catering to grandma and grandpa’s whims  – it’s because they vote.

As per the usual…

You guys only ever seem to hear from me when I’m sick. Cause that’s what happened, woohoo! FenCo once again known for employing only sick people (Except Gedan & Adj).

I’d been sick for a few days, and at the ass crack of dawn on Monday morning, the pain crested and I gave in and spent the whole day in the ER. Ultimately, I knew what was wrong, the doctors confirmed and I was laid up in bed on painkillers. The culprit? Kidney Stones. Yuck.

I’ve spent the last three days high as a kite and sleeping the effects of everything off. I hope to be returning to livestreaming tomorrow, or the day after – but we’ll see how my recovery continues.

On that note, I’m sure he’s been up here before – but I like him so you get to see him again…

<- Shean, the Dracotaur taxi bro.


Not dead, just haven’t had a good night’s sleep all week – a consequence of watching my kid during the week for my ex since her usual sitter was on vacation. 6am is too early for a Fenoxo to be awake, apparently. It definitely made concentrating on writing or working during the free time I did have really hard, and I mostly just wound up fucking around in videogames in the evenings. One small upside is that I did some twitch streaming for once.

Anyhow, I got my first eight hours of sleep in a while, and I’ll be jumping back into it with a vengeance. TO THE AZRA MINES! (Who is Azra? A harpy/shark xenobiologist specializing in exotic flora.)


It made me giggle. All credit (blame) to Night Trap.

I like big snouts and I cannot lie
you other furries can’t deny
That when a dog walks with an itty bitty waist
and a long thing in yo face
you get sprung, wanna stick out tough
cause you notice that snout was stuffed
deep in the face she’s wearing
I’m yiffed and I can’t stop staring oh
dobie, I wanna get wit’cha
and take your picture
my packmates tried to warn me
but that snout you got makes me so horny

Oooh, Rump-o’-fur-skin
you say you want to get in my Benz?
Well, yiff me, yiff me, cause I ain’t no average furry
I’ve seen her pantin’, to hell with romancin’
She’s sweat, wet,
got it going like an animal vet
I’m tired of magazines
sayin’ flat face are the thing
You take the average canine and ask him ’bout
She gotta pack much snout

So, Furries (yeah), Furries (yeah),
Has your girlfriend got the snout? (Hell yeah!)
Tell ’em to yiff it (yiff it) yiff it (yiff it)
Yiff that healthy snout!
Baby got snout! (Tavros fits with the Mhen’ga Muzzle)
Baby got snout! (Tavros fits with the Mhen’ga Muzzle)


Hey guys, I haven’t been able to work much on the game because things have been super busy at chez Fenoxo. Hopefully by next week things should settle out back to normal. I do still want to get a backer patch out this week.

Thank you for your patience.

And yay, my Fiancee is finally moved in!

Shapeways 3d Printed Penny!

AF, long time friend of my games, made a pretty sweet render of Penny that can be 3D-printed. I got one myself, and it’s THE BOMB DIGGITY.

Sadly, 3d printing to order is still sort of pricey. I haven’t tried the high definition acrylate yet, but I’m looking forward to it.


Still sick. Wsan has been doing a bunch of fan/personal writing over on his own blog. WoW got its hooks back into him, and now the WoWsmut has taken him. It’s only a matter of time till he rents a place in Moonguard’s Goldshire.

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