Both CoC2 and TiTS got an update at about the same time! Be sure to check out both posts!
And there is a Caption-Writing Contest going on right now!
Both CoC2 and TiTS got an update at about the same time! Be sure to check out both posts!
And there is a Caption-Writing Contest going on right now!
What do you do with Ardia?
Total Voters: 835
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Sooo, will there be an option to give Celice a goo core at some point?
Hey Fen, I don’t know if you watch this guy, but he starts off this vid with a song you might like, after plugging for Honey:
Idk if anyone’s asked but since the slavebreaker stuff has been worked on I was curious if Lund’s “break & rebuild” story has been finished?
It’s not finished but there’s a couple of completed scenes still waiting to be put in. The conclusion will take a little while yet.
I remember in one of the scenes it mentions that now you can “build him back up however you like” or something similar. Does that hint at possible choices for how Lund will behave? Would there possibly be use for the evidence training at Va Va Groom?