Might need to go back for stronger antibiotics if I’m not better by the end of the weekend.
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- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
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Feel better! Get you a sexnurse!
Get well soon m8. <3
Get well soon, Fen!
Best wishes from an internet stranger.
Feel better dude
Oof. Feelin shit huh? Don’t forget to wash your hands.
Be careful about antibiotics, they can fuck your life up. I remember my dad went to the hospital for some antibiotics and the next thing I know he has neuropathy. Hope you get well though.
the legend of fensick X the quest for more medication… joking aside get well soon man
Hope it gets better, I know how bad ear infections can be.
Get better man
I would suggest you start taking capsules of oregano oil at least once a day. i can guarantee that it will reduce the chance of sickness by at least 50-60%.
The greatest of it all? no side effects. The downside? if you even get a drop of this on your tongue it will be worse than eating 10 carolina reapers at once. so make sure you take it with water and are extra careful if you decide to take them.
Anyway, Get well soon, Fen π
Wait, this was about an ear infection? i don’t know if my advice will help then…:(
Welp, i can only refer to this page then.
Stop shilling your homeopathic remedies that do nothing to prevent the space lizards of Omicron IV from stealing your monoatomic gold
Only Supermale Vitality has the correct vitamins and minerals to bolster your immune system and protect you against the Annunaki and their plans for the human race.
Doesn’t that stuff also keep the frogs from turning gay? And is that a good or bad thing? Lol.
Depends on who you ask, I say who cares as long as those frogs are gay and it’s all consensual.
Old meaning of gay, to be happy.
Real talk.
The chemicals are forcing these frogs to turn into the opposite sex. Its normally a natural thing that happens when there is a deficiency of one sex but the chemicals are forcing it.
So its not consensual.
Homepathy isn’t effective at fighting the underlying cause, only the symptoms if the user is under the impression they will help. A Placebo effect can make you feel better, but it won’t stop what ever is eatin’ him up.
Medical treatment from professionals is best.
That’s not homeopathy, it’s a herbal remedy. That being said, it is total bullshit, Go to a doctor if you’re sick and need help.
That’s kinda why i placed my comment, if it’s in infection this won’t really help in the slightest. it helps in preventing and getting rid of sicknesses, but against infections? i personally have no idea.
Also the reason i recommended this was because the guy who recommended it to me said that it was stronger than the antibiotics they had in hospitals, which at the time i thought was complete bull until i came down with something and decided to say screw it and take a capsule of it. Next day i was fully cured and i apologized for doubting him.
Aaaaand i just looked shit up and found out that it also deals with viruses and parasites. Now if you’ll excuse me i’m going to go and regret the money i have wasted on medical crap.
you always sick what state you live in it must reason why your sick
Your ability to be sick so consistently is like the world’s shittiest superpower
It’s more likely that Nurgle likes him too much.
Feel better soon!
Chicken soup, orange juice, fluids, sleep.
——:Git better:——-
γ½(Ν‘β ΝΚ Ν‘β)οΎ
Yeah but when are you not sick? Stop sucking sweaty cocks when you go to these cons. Be the change you want to see!
i hope tou feel better fen your health is more important then the game
Make sure you finish your antibiotics and not miss a day!
If you don’t finish it, you could suffer more by letting it come back stronger and resistant to that first round of antibiotics causin’ ya more financial damage on top of the physical.
Get well and drink water!
Feel better soon Fen we’re all wishing you a speedy recovery
Make sure to take probiotics after you finish your antibiotic regimen. The latter can really f-up your gut bacteria that you need to digest food
Fen: Well today’s a new day. Time to be productive.
Immune System: I’m About to End This Man’s Whole Career
Not on topic, but with the ship system getting all fleshed out and what not, are there any plans that we will finally be able to install Hand-So and get the consentacles we all crave, or even do our own ship up its metaphorical tailpipe
Wishing you the best mate.