Happy Mother’s Day, perverts. Here’s a hot MILF. Now go tell your mothers you love them.
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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Oooooh, very nice.
Does this mean Shade can get a beach scene? XD
That said, looking forward to seeing her on Uveto especially after learning about a sister. Or maybe Astra gets to play around with “auntie Steele” before mom gets home and spills the beans. XD
I’m trying to imagine her walking the -20 degree waters of Uveto in her pareo with her tail bouncing an inflatable beach ball. There you go. lol
Does Uveto even have a beach? ?_?
Interesting image though.
Considering it’s a frozen moon, probably have to content yourselves with indoor pools… or maybe a holodeck beach vacation…
wait, is the holodeck in the game yet or is that coming soon?
Not in game yet.
so is it coming soon?
awww 🙁
Simulated beaches for those who are a little sick of the cold! It’s the future, so why the fuck not? Apply for subscription today!
Why Happy Mother’s Day to you too.
I’m not sure I love my mother in quite the same way I feel for Shade…
Just keep telling yourself that.
Not everyone has a Freudian relationship with their Mama. Though if my Mom looked like Shade, I do know I would be giving her all the love she deserves on this special day. Happy Mother’s Day
I can understand
For now.
Happy Mum Day to you too. Remember to buy gift.
Best Dev Ever
that moment when you realize there’s a few hundred age difference between you two ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Quick question
Can I suggest a new class ?
I would like to add a Willpower-based class and a Psionic-type class
so that those stats would not be ignored and instead be used
If so what is the format proper format ( Both for the text and file) and how should i send it to you ?
I would like to help and volunteer for this game
(I would like to donate via Patreon but my budget restricts me from doing so)
We’re not really looking for new mechanics/class suggestions. We’ve got plenty of our own.
If you want to contribute writing, the Event Submissions board on the forum is your friend, friend.
Will characters getting psuedo-psionic abilities be a thing?
(Because our Steele should totally have the MC ability of being capable of learning some form every goddamn-type of powers.. cause science! :^)
Well we can’t have 4 arms, so I doubt this will happen.
Eh that’s why I said psuedo. Maybe nothing innate like Uveto natives, but something conducted through tech. Perhaps some augment when cybernetic implants become a thing? [Quad servoarms!]
@Fang Hao: or (since they have cybernetics that dampen those powers) how about cybernetics that mimic psionic abilities.
Technology capable of inducing/boosting psionic abilities. Where have I heard that before?
*cough cough* Mass Effect *cough cough*
Psionics will be a thing eventually.
4 arms will not.
Do ya’ll have a “Jack-of-all-trades” class in mind? Just curious, no problems either way.
No plans for more classes, other than perhaps a dedicated Psionic later.
What are some of the characters ages?
(Also how does one pronounce “Saendra”?)
Shade is in her mid thirties, Embry is eighteen, Camptain Steele is nineteen and Una is described as “beyond the bloom of youth” so possibly mid to late forties or fifties.
Syri & Anno: 28
Kaede: 25
Shade: 37-38
Amara: 45ish
Ogram: 25-28
Delilah: 19-20
Kara: 25ish
Queen of the Deep: Like, 2-3
Queen Taivra: Unstated, but I imagine something like 10-12. Nyrea grow up pretty quick.
Reaha: 21
Terensha: 20-21
Saendra’s name is pronounced “Sain (rhymes with pain) – dra”
“Queen of the Deep: Like, 2-3”
Jesus, what, two to three years old? That’s a really quickly maturing species.
Yeah, she mentions she was carried in a Red Myr trooper, so it’d have to have been pretty recent for her to be under Gildenmere.
Queen of the deep is 2-3 years old? I’ve hit a new low
Hello, my name is Chips Handon and I’d like you to take a seat.
You realize that you can’t apply the same age standards to alien species, right? Just think Kes from ST Voyager, her species dies of old age at nine years old.
Reaha is exactly 21 and tells you as much. 18 years when she ran away from NT plus two years of Marine Corps service plus one horrific year in Carver’s brothel. Never would have guessed that Amara is older than Shade and I don’t think that Shade has evef mentioned it either. Thanks for the list.
Gracias senor *spanish guitar*
Wasn’t there a Shemale added to Beth’s Broad’s recently? I absolutely can’t find them.
Is it because I play a male character?
Hermaphrodite, but yes. She’s only available during certain hours.
The pole dancer is a shemale…can’t sex her though.
OMG. I was just thinking of Shade, and whether or not I was gonna comment on her having mother´s day 😀
You´re awesome Savin.
Happy mother´s day Shade 🙂 , and have a happy day the rest of you too.
As for telling my mom I love her. It´s not mother´s day here in Norway, but I´m gonna tell her anyway 🙂
Any chance for a Mother’s Day-themed Mama Steele quest showing up in a future build?
God no.
It seems, that there are just some things they will not touch… (lol, CoC)
By “Mama Steele” I mean the player character’s mother, not impregnated Steele.
I asked them this about 2 years or so ago. The response was it’d basically be to much work, for scenes and mother’s background, and jokes about Celise being your mom for that start off type.
the Celize thing was only if they made golatian as a starting race, and mostly as a joke.
I know what you meant. The sheer variety of things Mrs. Steele can be precludes her from ever appearing.
So, Shade tit’s: best thing ever or BEST THING EVER?
Shade’s busts are some of the best in the game to date, and this one is definitely my favorite, thanks for posting it Savin
Shade’s bust is pretty great. Just wanna get your face right up in there.
Shade’s busts are some of the best in the game to date, and this one is definitely my favorite, thanks for posting it Savin.
That is one thick, large cunt tail.
So…. what IS the stance on the incest and stuff?
Character and more importantly (writer) dependant
There was a hint between Savins girls and steele, so maybe he’ll man-up for it eventually lol.
(Chilins of the Deep)
No plans for Water Princess incest. But there will be cuteness.
Been working with a new character and after messing with Emmy, I noticed all to late I couldn’t mention being polyamorous if I went with her apology route. Will I need to remake or will this not affect me badly?
short term? no it won’t affect your game because she can’t find out that you’ve been sleeping around. long term? they might put something in later where she finds out you’ve been cheating on her. but seeing the current content for her myself, i doubt she will care if you’ve been seeing other people as long as you continue to give her attention.
I made sure to tell my mom that my favourite pron site had a PSA that reminded me of Mothers Day and told me to congratulate her. It was a decent conversation opener, let me tell you that.
Don’t suppose one day we could have a special scene with our favourite kitty milf for mothers day?
Maybe some day.
Probably would have written something this year if I hadn’t forgot. >_>
Bad Savin.
just remember, mother’s day is the second sunday in may. so when may starts next year, you can get started on a story/scene/whatever and have it ready for mothers day next year.
Happy mother’s day everyone.
Seeing Shade though, and with Uveto out, parts of it anyway, I’m curious about how her interactions with Steele will go.
I can imagine their meeting after siding with Kara from the start. “What are you doing here?” or “You again?” or “Did you just kiss/(were you just fucking) my daughter?” XD I’m personally hoping for that last one, especially since she wouldn’t know that they (Shade and Astra) were related to Steele since Shade never touched the Myrellion probe AND she pretty much got beat by Steele twice, counting Kara quest 2.
Flirting with Shade and helping Kara out seems to lead to some drama between Steele and Shade.
Though I’m more curious about their meeting should Steele tell Shade of their relations. “So… were sisters” Or “I’m gonna go get my memory wiped so we can keep at it” Or “So… This is my daughter, Astra. Who, I guess, would be your niece.” Or “Did you just kiss/(were you just fucking) my daughter? Your niece?” XD
If it wasn’t obvious yet, I really can’t stop thinking about that particular scene. XD
Considering the new Lactiad tfs, will there be other tfs with similar specific changes in mind? like a lion kaithrit for example.
On the topic of Shade, is there any guesses from the devs on when we’ll next be able to interact with Shade? Considering I like to make my characters Paragons, to use Mass Effect terms, whenever I play a game, I hate strained or possibly ruined relationships.
Being able to make up with Shade would be a great thing.
P.S. Does anyone know when we might be able to get a new ship or even get Power Armor like that Void Pirate lady boss we faced in KaraQuest 2 (which caused the previously mentioned relationship strain with Shade)?
1) Next ship will be after ship combat gets in
2) Power Armor will eventually be added, I know it shows up in one or two design docs that are still under construction, but the when of it is unknown.
As for Shade, she’ll show up on Uveto next, though the planet it still very bare at the moment.
Thanks, dude. Certainly puts me more at ease knowing at least SOMETHING about those kinds of content. Power armor especially, since I’ve seen the “Mark XXXIV Pressurized Power Armor” document. My GOD is that a lot of shit to write and code, let alone do in-game. Hopefully that (or whatever power armor/god-tier armor & weapons there will be implemented later) will be worth the effort and the wait.
Also, AMAZING picture of Shade. If only we could have that in the game during Mother’s Day or at a beach planet if we brought her along.
Hope you dev guys are having fun with your lives and with working on TiTS, as weird as it probably is coming from some random weirdo.
Since mothers and kids go hand in hand, I’ve got a question. I just looked at Sydian lore, and I’m wondering…what are they? When I found out that the males were added to the list of things that could preggo me, as a broodmother character, I jumped on it. (Him, actually…)
Then I found out, with some looking, that they have a 9 month gestation period. Kinda human-y, no? And when the baby was born, the scene said it was a perfectly normal human baby girl, and not a sydian baby. I mean…I’m 4/5ths a goo morph so that seemed really weird. Are they/were they humans before?
Not 9 months for the sydians amongst themselves, but 9 months for my character, I meant,