Sometimes TiTS patches take forever, really edging you guys. Sometimes they come hot and heavy one after another, like this week!
0.9.126 Changelog:
- [Backers] A new establishment opened up on Canadia station… at least if you’ve done Malai’s quest. (Malai lives on the south end of the Short Stacks on Dhaal.) Featuring a variety of hung femboys, the Pump House offers such delicious treats as pancakes, and dick. Coded by Leek, written by Doots.
- [Public] The suula space pirate can now hassle public skies!
- New busts by Adjatha: Jana, Don, Lino, Niko, and Tamara.
- Added rarities and improved pricing for the cocksocks added in the last patch.
- Map edits and improvements. (Particularly Tavros Residential) (Jacques00)
- Added two new color themes. (Jacques00)
- Fixes for unequipping a combat implant when it is in the utility slot somehow. (Jacques00)
- Fixes for heat/rut perk removal trying to remove perks that don’t exist. (Jacques00)
- Fixed invalid text entry events causing softlocks. (Lowercase donkey)
- Added quest icon on Malai & his quest’s warehouse. (lowercase donkey)
- Improved some over time pregnancy messaging. (Gedan)
- Fixed an issue where renaming Kiro during her recruitment quest would put you into the other recruitment path for her. (lowercase donkey)
- Cleaned up a Penny scene that referenced going back to your ship and made sense for a Penny that was on your ship on your crew. (Gedan)
- Fixed some missing text in a slavebreaker scene. (Gedan)
- Fixed a crash in Saendra’s quest. (Jacques00)
finally, space femboy hooters
I must have missed it at some point, what is Malai’s quest?
He’s a gun merchant on Dhaal – Steele gets him some tech from one of the Zabastu on the down-low.
Let me guess, the Suula pirate… she’s a dommy herm, right? Because that’s not common in the game….
pretty sure its a dude but I’ve never seen the encounter.
i checked and it’s what you thought. personally as long as I can fuck instead of being fucked I don’t mind the herm per se. I’m quite content that both the pirate and the manager do allow for that. it salves Nieve not being fuckable.
Are we gonna get any more people to recruit as crew members, mainly more dommy futa woman that can tower over and breed my 2ft tall MC, hopefully soon???
It’s been quite a long while since there has been any new crew member content (not to mention the m one) so I wouldn’t be getting my hopes up.
why’s there a sudden surge of big dicked femboys all of a sudden?
I mean I get it but tbh I like them small because it feels awesome when you’re bigger then them and they know they’re about to get ruined by a alpha
(Kase supremacy)
also fuck yeah Cat femboy shooters
Funnily enough, in the bad end from the first time this lady appeared, she turns your character into a femboy with a tiny cock and balls. so apparently wither that was special to the pc, or her tastes have changed since then and her harem been adjusted accordingly!
cat femboy hooters
I was hoping her and her bois came back!
Great update. Jana’s content did not all disappoint. Her and Dahnays have been great additions. They have been steamy and very erotic, yet very charming and romantic.
Again, thank you for the update. XD
Big W seeing her return
Don’t usually post bug reports so sorry if this is the wrong place.
Ellie the bimbo leithian taur on New Texas has had issues with her talk scenes for the past couple updates. The actual main issue is I can’t speak with her properly I’m just constantly being forced into her randomly pulled sex scenes.
I must be doing something wrong. I’ve done Malai’s quest but the gang Wong show up on Canadian. I’ve waited a full frostewyrm pregnancy to see if it was time gated but nothing is happening.