Howdie neighborinos! I come bearing gifts! Or at least… a new scene for Azra, by William… and a lot of effort by our coders to run down some of the worst bugs that have been plaguing us of late. My next coding job will be some progression content on Phaedra, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
0.9.056 Changelog:
- [Public] Azra has a new blowjob scene, by William. Originally it was written such that Azra would surprise you with a bunch of sweat and musk, but that didn’t quite align with my vision of the proper shark-woman less physical job and high hygene standards. I reworked it to the PC to blow her without mention of extra sweat/must, or adjust the lab’s thermostat to get yourself a lil extra to sniff. It doesn’t make a tremendous difference in the overall scene text, but it’s another notch in player agency. In my haste to do all that, I forgot to tag the content for backers-only. My foible is your gain! Written by William, coded by Fenoxo.
New image pack scene: Azra getting blown by the PC. The lines are by MrPink and the colors are by Waru-Geli, and the full resolution version of the image is available on our Patreon or SubscribeStar posts.
- New Bust art: Reaha’s cow-print bikini, by Adjatha. (Lowercase-Donkey)
- Fixed a handful of modal dialog issues that were probably the primary cause of the “shipMode” crash errors, and possibly some of the inventory and storage issues. (Gedan)
- Fixed Ramis’ sleep with button options and clarified what the switch button is going to do without needing to look at the tooltip. (Gedan)
- Fixed a broken call to itemCollect() blowing up using the black market options from Orryx. (Gedan)
- Fixed another pathway through combat cleanup that wasn’t properly clearing text output before emitting loss scenes. (Gedan)
- Fixed the tightness of checks around masturbation with toys, where the menu to pick a toy could pull from ship storage whilst onboard the ship, but was requiring a toy to be in the players inventory to enable the toy menu itself. (Gedan)
- Fixed gooballs not applying the correct color. (Gedan)
- Fixed Sophora’s rend attack improperly calling applyBleed(). (Gedan)
- Fixed another way the shower masturbation scene buttons could blow up in rare circumstances. (Gedan)
- Fixed Mirrin’s DP scene and how it offers selections for genitalia to use, streamlining the process and avoiding invalid index errors. (Gedan)
- Fixed clarity issues with the save buttons disabled tooltip, making it clearer that it is not possible to save whilst the codex is active. (Gedan)
- Fixed Kitty Courtesans not actually taking their credits for services rendered. (Gedan)
- Using the spreadsheets in “panic mode” should no longer bloat saves quite so much. Jacques00 has made improvements that should greatly reduce save file size for those that use them as a place to take notes.
- Jacques00 grabbed the source PSD for much of the old Gats art and pulled higher resolution variants for use in game.
- Added an overwrite option for if the user has at least one saved spreadsheet when saving the current spreadsheet. (Jacques00)
- Dark mode toggle is now a persistent option in spreadsheet mode. (Jacques00)
- Fixed being unable to remove piercings. (Jacques00)
- Refinements to the piercing menu for equipping and unequipping. (Jacques00)
- Added icons for piercing menu filters. (Jacques00)
- Prettified the Inventory item lists. (Jacques00)
- Panties and the Bimbo Ray key items will now read better in the key items list. (Jacques00)
- Added title attributes to inventory set buttons for clarity. (Jacques00)
- Fixed the Ganger Heavy target selection button. (Lowercase-Donkey)
- Prevented Bimbo Kiro from showing up in Kally’s bar as a patron that acts like normal Kiro. (Fenoxo)
- Fixed a number of places where Kiro’s name was hard-coded and not properly dynamic. (Lowercase-Donkey)
- Extrameet fixes for fast travelling to the milk bar on Dhaal. (Lowercase-Donkey)
- Prevented codex output from displaying inline bust images outside of the codex display. (Jacques00)
- Viewing codex entries should now properly clear the menu before displaying the next entry (in case of any extra generated buttons). (Jacques00)
- Adjusted Korgonne’s Translate button for better navigation. (Jacques00)
- Grouped some codex bust images instead of having them be a randomized single. (Jacques00)
- Change sand worm/butt bug image names for clarity. (Jacques00)
- Fixed the deployable drone disabling your ability to duck under the overpass during the Feruze fight on Dhaal. (Jacques00)
- Fixed a crash in Steele Biomedical. (Jacques00)
- Fixed displaying the wrong Syri image based on her coat status. (Jacques00)
- A metric bug-ton of typo fixes, under the hood adjustments to base systems, and small bug fixes.
Bug in the Azra BJ scene:
You flash a coquettish smileERROR: COULD NOT FIND ATTRIBUTE “hasFangs” FOR OBJ “pc”.
Also, the Kathrit trio is still inaccessable after the first time if Steeles’ porn menu was already full (e.g. you have the Zil Nigh 1&2, cowgirl, transit, Throbb, KT&RD, and the other “standard” items) – there is no place for the new button.
Both issues should hopefully be fixed for the next release.
Great to hear. There’s another minor nit I’ve raised before, but hasn’t been corrected: On Dhaal, when you select Zaikia darts, the text reads:
Scene By: AceInTheHole
You decide to choose something a bit more exciting and challenge Evening to a game of Gryvain darts. Her eyebrows raise. “Haven’t played this one a lot,” she confesses. “But it looks like fun. You’re on, Zashy!”
Alas, banging Azra without a condom continues to be a pipe dream.
I feel like I heard mention of an Azra expansion a long while ago, is that still planned for some point?
Outstanding. Great work fellas
BEST patch from TITs in a very long time. Now just got to wait for Azra to fuck Steele with her beautiful cock.
Now I’m just waiting for Azre to chose us as her stud or becomes our stud.
PC needs to be breedable by all the birdsharks.
Its been 84 years
just let Azra bone us already
Is it just me or can I not save anywhere. Keep in mind that I play the android version of this game primarily. Every time I try to save it just says I’m busy in an interaction.
The button should have a tooltip that describes why you are unable to save. Otherwise, paying attention to the data menu icon will dignify whether the game is able to save (the box with an arrow would be load-only, whereas the floppy disc is save-able).
In order to save, make sure your character is not currently in an scene or interaction, or in the codex (checking stats, mail, etc.). Another indicator is if your navigation controls are visible and enabled, you’re game should be possible to save.
Hi , since it’s May ternity , and the year of Rabbit . Can we get a laquine recruit or Sophora rehabilitation?
Seconded, or at least a clear way to deal with her without killing her?
The dialogue seems to hint that she has a motive or something going on behind the scenes, but given she doesn’t even have a page on the wiki there’s p much no info on what to do with her.
Did any of the patches with all the big fixes fix the opal ring bug? It’s supposed to double your cum output, increase girlcum, or increase the amount of milk in your tits, but it doesn’t do that anymore ever since the game was ported to js
Given the complexity of keeping track of all the pregnancies Steele is responsible for over the galaxy, it would be nice to have some more concise way to track them all. It sounds like it would be a dandy add-on to Steele’s codex.
OR, what if the panic spreadsheet had a function that gave access to the date in game – then an enterprising user could set up a spreadsheet of who’s gonna pop when, updating as time passes.
Was Jasvalla moved? can’t find her in Zheng Shi at level 10 anymore
Why does the Kaithrit foursome cost 300k credits even when it’s implied that Anno is paying for the first time when she introduces you to them? I hate doing blackjack due to my shit luck with it. Also, why is the Silk Dress not considered ‘Classy’? It makes no sense, and I had to use the cheap suit for the Gala, because for some godforsaken reason you people made the formal wear on Dh’aal more expensive than some starships.
Whelp all my saves are all gone for some reason
Hello. Please help me hack the turrets on the planet Dhaal. Where three almost indestructible kaihtreets meet. I can’t turn off all the lights in there.