Frogapus made the cutest picture of Fentaur trying to work on a teensy little 13″ laptop… and can anyone actually use those comfortably? They’re awful.
What’s new? Well, we have two pages of plans for an extended tutorial dungeon that’ll take place on the way to Mhen’ga to hopefully better introduce a number of the game’s more complicated mechanics (and give a bit more sci-fi “taste” before dumping the game into a jungle full of primitives). The TL;DR version is that something goes wrong on the way to the gate, and you have to land at the closest “abandoned” mining platform and scrounge a part for repairs. Of course, it’s never quite that simple….
Now on to ze patch!
0.8.100 Changelog:
- Kimber’s expansion is live! Four new items to give her, four new stories, four new sex scenes, and a small quest to go along with it! Written by Slab Bulkhead and coded by Gena138.
- Known issue: one of her sex scenes currently has a crash bug. We’ll have an update to fix that before I clock out tonight.
- A bunch of Shekka BJ fixes. Sorry about those!
- Some various typo fixes sent in to me got fixed.
- Various other small fixes.
Damn, man, I didn’t think she’d get an update almost all to herself. 😀 But thanks. Seriously happy to see this in the game.
Can’t wait to see your other upcoming content in game soon, your work is great! 😉 Just a bit sad i couldn’t join Adja’s recent streams because they were so late at night for me, maybe this friday i can join again.
I hope the update makes it easier to find her shes nigh impossible to find on my game these days
I find it easiest to hunt her down on NT after recruiting kiro. means only her and erra occupy the same square.
“Known issue: one of her sex scenes currently has a crash bug. We’ll have an update to fix that before I clock out tonight.”
Specifically, the crash is in “Boob Worship”, so don’t click that one. My apologies :/
boobs so awesome they crash the game lmao
Sounds about right
I hope that there’s going to be a way to turn the tutorial off like the skip intro. For someone like me who likes to make different characters and different builds. The idea of going through a tutorial mission everytime is a big NOPE for me.
Sweet! I actually forgot about her, so this will be wo- WAITAMINUTE?!?!! She…. doesn’t like parasites? >~> But my cockvine tail has been with me since Day 25….And it’s Day 1100 now… So now I have to choose? Dawwwmannn…. XD
Kimber won’t object if you use Catnip, Foxfire, or Lucifier to integrate the tail.
You do lose access to some other scenes, though.
Yeah, the whole cocktail situation is a mess.
Well… I did immediately snag Foxfire on Day 38, so I should be good. And worst comes to worst, I have a lion boi on a separate save. ^^;
this is extremely random but who’s the gold myr on the $10 patreon tier ive never seen her in game
She appears when attending the ‘Unification Rally’ during Irellia’s quest.
What do we need to get on Mengha?
The probe?
“Mhen’ga is home to all kinds of strange plants, but the natives hold onto some particular leaves Kimber might like.”
Venus Pitcher Bloom, maybe?
Still wish we could recruit her
I hope the “something going wrong” on the way to the Gate isn’t something breaking on the ship. Zeke literally just overhauled it before we left. I might need to go back and have some words with him if that is the case.
New Azra content when? Soon I hope!
There is a “Buttplug” scene that is greyed out with Kimber, how do you access it?
Anyone know what the leaf item from Mhen’ga is that Kimber wants? Tried out the Venus Bloom Plant and the fruit but none of them were items needed.
I think it’s the naleen nip?
description of the item seems about right, but i havent unlocked the new kimber content to confirm.
I can’t believe I’m asking this question because I’ve never actually done the alternatively route but…
What happens to teh Tarasque crew after you let them get away with the platinum? Couldn’t they just show up in Zheng Shi or some other pirate mission event thing? The things that could lead to if someone wanted to write that…
But yea, i had to post that here cause i was laughing in that route, especially since they didn’t explode the planet!