I almost have everything for Doctor Po’s fight ready. The optional non-combat path has been slowing me down.
I almost have everything for Doctor Po’s fight ready. The optional non-combat path has been slowing me down.
What do you do with Ardia?
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I do enjoy non-combatant situations…
There’s a thing or two missing from the “Final Boss” in the VR section. are those still planned to be implemented?
So for the results of doing KiroQuest will we just be recruiting regular Kiro or will there be a path for taking Dolled up Kiro as a prize?
Dang, hadn’t thought of that. If it’s not something planned now maybe fen can consider adding in this option?
I believe that both options are possible, though Kiro’s changes are mostly physical and not really mental. So don’ t expect to turn Kiro into your own personal soulless sex toilet.
Hi Fen, Thanks for posting that you have a Youtube channel on the Twitterlist, and sorry for missing all the other sweet vids. The mini goomba on the top left is giving Dave the Gordon Ramsey look. time 15:36 of Super Mario Bros 3: Part 7.
Lucy whispering “do it do it do it ”
Thk for kiro ! i wanted her in my crew from her introduction <3
Soon Great work. But I have to ask will we ever be able to recruit kaede?
Not planned. She’s doin’ her own thing.
*doin Great work
is there plans to add new races?