Knotty Dreams recently reached out to me as excited fans of CoC/TITS with an itch to collaborate. I was understandably hesitant. We’ve done some cross promoting with other companies and projects in the past that produced less than stellar quality. This time, I all but demanded a sample up front, and this time they were more than happy to provide one. It’s good to see someone willing to put their money where their mouth is! (Unless we’re talking about oral, then I’d prefer the mouth over the money…)
I took the “kobold” for my free quality test, and I must say he’s a handsome-lookin’ little fella. They’ve made mention of doing a giveaway with our community, and maybe even making a character-specific dildo down the line if things are going well. So if you’re thinking of getting some freaky toys and want to shop with a smaller shop that isn’t as entitled as some naughty wyverns, maybe the Knotty Dreams folks will have what you’re looking for. And from what I’m hearing they’re looking to release some new models soon…
Dumb question maybe, but did you actually try that dildo out? And if so, did you sit on it, suck it or just jerk it off? Or did you give it to your partner?
I’m not sure if you want specific details, but I have one of these! I got one in the softest firmness and it’s so fun to suck and jerk, it feels lifelike. Sitting on it feels great too, I love the knot and doesn’t need as much warm up as other knotted dildos I’ve tried.
Dying at “iPhoning it in”
The Kobold, ehhh? Kobold TFs confirmed at long last?!
Who would say no to free sausage?
Nice,it’ll be interesting if they could do a take on Dane
The Twins from TiTS seem like a good example for one of these.
Or for being used as an improvised melee weapon, seing as their size and stuff is… Yeah.
Wooow while not really random, it is still very cool. XD
Did not expect to see this today during browsing. Hope everything works out well!
A give away? For real??? *Syri/Ethryn my beloveds*
One of these for Lund/Berwyn would be fantastic, very cool.