It’s coming, but probably AFTER midnight. So technically it might be the seventh? Anyways, wanted to touch base with anyone feverishly mashing f5 and let them know what’s up.
What do you do with Ardia?
- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
Total Voters: 835
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Ah, okay. Thanks for letting us know Fen 🙂
Cool beans, brah! TY for the update.
” anyone feverishly mashing f5″
Got me good
Go on without me boys, I’ll stay behind
Hmm… OK.
“Feverishly mashing f5”
How’d you know?
Right on by 21st birthday.
Thanks 😉
I admit, I was feverishly mashing f5 xD
Eh… I just keep the tab up on my phone…
I usually use Ctrl R instead of F5 since I have a laptop, but whatever.
>not having a laptop that uses F5
It has F5, but I have to hold a separate “Fn” button for it to do that. I don’t have to stretch my hand as much with Ctrl R.
Appreciate the hard work. As for me? Going to shut things down and let batteries charge in lieu of expecting hurricane Matthew making landfall in my region in another hour/hour and a half. #Floridaisclosed
See you on the other side, folks!
Good luck!
be safe out there.
Get naked and face the storm!
A buddy just got activated for hurricane relief. Good luck.
Hmm….. in what time zone is this midnight in?
Oh good, the time is 2 hours ahead of mine. good to know.
And what’s your time zone?
I have been checking my phone all day… got me there.
Okay ya got me. I was mashing f5 as well, but with this short post I’ve gain a smidgen of patience…. Alright real talk come midnight I’ll be mashing again.
I have a feeling this public realse will be the best one yet. Worth supporting monthly for sure.
This is factual
Hey, no sweat. Thanks for letting us know.
When it’s ready, it’s ready. No need to stress. Thanks for the hard work.
What time zone though?
Btw F5 Smash Intensifies
Timezone test
So does anyone else start a whole new game every build?
Hells naw… character is almost at a year.
Mind’s old enough to have Steph Irson’s autograph.
I’m on the East Coast and it’s almost 1am.
Ok so I’m pretty sure the tone zone is UTC/GMT -3 hours
I only just remembered to check.
Timezone test.
One hour behind mine. 1:30am here. Let’s git ‘er dun.
[f5’ing intensifies]
Ilaria’s bakery makes me want to bring our favorite bitch kitty over for a bite to eat. If she doesn’t know about the place already. >;3