Brought to you by the letter ‘O’ and Patrons like you. Remember ‘O,’ for all your oral o-rings and orgasms.
0.9.075 Changelog:
- [Public] Twilit is now accessible to the general public. Enjoy bein’ a purple space elf with titty-based cum-tanks.
- [Backers] New Character Expansion: Erika Caged, by Doots. This expansion allows you to put Erika in a cage supplied by Inessa. You’ll need to have some sexual interactions with her first, of course. Approximately six new scenes are on the table with this one, two of which involve Syri.
- [Backers] The Zaika Hydra got a small expansion with a new attack scene for bimbos similarly semen-addicted characters. She also got a new victory scene for players carrying some White Suma Cream to enjoy “firehose” mode. (Leek & Fenoxo)
- The Zaika Hydra was overperforming in combat against a level 12 test character and caught a few nerfs to make her a little easier to handle. Most notably she will start with more lust to make an initial tease to maximum easier. IMO, the easiest way to defeat them is to tease to max lust once, then slug down their HP twice. (Fenoxo)
- [Backers] A user-submitted item pack was added to the game. (Initial coding by Leek, balance and tweak pass by Fenoxo)
- [Backers] New Item: Cow Print Ball Bra. This item is sold by Ellie on New Texas, and reduces the calculated weight of testes by 50% when equipped.
- [Backers] New Item: Thraggen Harness. This item is sold by Inessa on Tavros Station. It reduces the calculated weight of a character’s belly when equipped by 50%.
- [Backers] New Item: TamaniCorp PregSuit. This item is sold by Lerris on Tavros Station. Its provides significant electrical resistance, a small shield bonus, and some bonus shields if you have the preg-style belly to give its space-age electric-generating fibers a stretch.
- [Backers] New Item: Xenogen Biosuit. This item is sold by Nerassa on Uveto. It is rare quality armor and provides a once-per-battle healing event that consumes a skin-covering fluid as fuel. It also provides significant evasion and fortification bonuses.
- [Backers] New Item: Xenogen Slimesuit. This item is sold by Nerassa on Uveto. It is rare quality armor and provides a bonus to grapple escape attempts. It also provides significant evasion and some resistance to burning attacks.
- [Backers] New Item: Silent Shrimp. This item is sold by Kattom Osgood when found on Dhaal. It is a rare quality ranged weapon with split burning/electric damage and a complete inability to be used with multi-attack talents; it will only ever attack once when used as a basic ranged attack, no matter your feats.
- [Backers] New Item: Deconstructor Gauntlets. This item is found by defeating the Ancient Warbot on Phaedra II. These rare grade melee fist weapons deal high corrosive damage and boost flurry attacks as well as evasion.
- [Backers] New Item: NeverfapCockSock. This item is sold by Busky on New Texas. While worn (and with full balls), physique gains are increased by 50%, with a small accompanying taint gain.
- [Backers] New Item: Sterilex Band. This item is sold by Doctor Lash on Tarkus. While worn, it reduces your “cum quality” to 0, effectively preventing you from knocking someone up. It does nothing to prevent “received” pregnancies.
- Added text to Siegwulfe preg egglaying scenes to make auto pregnancy obvious. Over the years there are periodically bug reports about unending siegwulfe pregs, however it is by design that the pregnancy restarts three extra times. I have added some bold text to the end of the egglaying scenes to make this more clear. (Drunk Zombie)
- Added some logic to the gate for the Spend Time button for Amber to make sure it only shows while she is pregnant. (Drunk Zombie)
- We ran down some issues with lower level utility functions crashing (or otherwise bugging out) when they did not used to. Turns out someone had been casually refactoring some pretty core things without doing a ton of testing to ensure they’d still work as intended. Gedan & I got some of the worst ones, like Second Shot / Second Striker not functioning properly, or holeChange causes crashes, or puffiestVaginaIndexes causing crashes.