[TiTS] In Soviet Tarkus, Siegwulfe Rides You

Hotfixed my bumblefuck causing a “Cannot read properties of undefined” error when Experimental Undo was enabled.

Siegwulfe Bimbo Milkies (Jacques00)

Siegwulfe Bimbo Milkies (Jacques00)

Crankin out this weeks patch on schedule for a change. Wow! Everybody has been kinda busy over the last week, but the fixes have been coming regardless; there might be less of them, but it’s because we’ve been spending time trying to crack into bigger and more difficult to solve problems. Sentry has proven real nice for hunting down some troublesome and weird issues and it feels like we’re finally cresting the top of the wave in terms of broken shit still lingering from the porting process.

Same time next week, hopefully!

0.9.064 Changelog:

  • BACKERS: Siegwulfe has had an expansion for her dom/bimbo path, adding a new repeatable scene as well as a collaring event (for the PC), and an option to ride back to your ship underslung. (Azthra & Gedan)
  • PUBLIC: Emese, the cat mommy (written by Doots), can be found on Uveto’s main street. (Doots & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: Sisterly Ruuing by William: With both Anno and Syri as crew members, and after both have acquired their maid costumes, players with a penis can trigger a new random event by simply boarding their ship in which the two Dornas tempt you with the prospect of domming them both in bed. Which of the two siblings gets to be first? (William & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: New encounter on Phaedra: the Kihan Armature. It happens in a specific location on the way northwards in the east half of the map. This peaceful encounter will give you a little lore and set you up for the next piece of content…
  • Fixed a parser crash with Dhaal dungeon parser tags.
  • Fixed Penny’s sexmenu blowing up.
  • Fixed Penny’s old roleplay scene going mia.
  • Fixed Penny’s new roleplay scene clashing with the old scene button, and is listed as “Surprise Roleplay”.
  • Fixed a crash with flash goggles. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed the unintended availability of hardlight usage for a Dez anal scene that resulted in a crash. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs around Synvanol that could erroneously drop important arguments. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a rarely encountered crash with nukaPsykers. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a few unparsed tags and variants in Neil scenes, Tarratch Slaver scenes and Codex entries. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a bug allowing for the purchase more GaloMax than intended from Sera. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed inconsistencies with cowScore() checks. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some Shalin Shaman scene openers not properly presenting genitalia selection options to the player, potentially allowing selection of a dongue that is not too large for the scenes to continue. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed the event queue from being erroneously serialized when saving game-state. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some instances of amazonian race overriding other race checks for the purposes of scene variations. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Frostwyrm scenes not properly identifying the players race. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a title naming bug with Bess allowing multiple titles to be stacked up inappropriately. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some Eloise bugs. (Jacques)

TiTS Hotifixin’

HOTFIXESSSSSSSSSS (Backer note: direct download links should automatically update to this once it is ready):

  • Penny’s sex menu should no longer blow up.
  • Penny’s old roleplay scene should be back in it’s old place again and available in public once again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Penny’s new roleplay scene should be available on her base crew menu only, now labelled “Surprise Roleplay”. This works doubly well since her crew sex menu was running out of button space, AND the scene was written from the perspective of being an “out of nowhere” request and not something following the normal sex-approach lead-up.
  • An optimization to the parser was exploding some of the Dhaal dungeon parsers, hard breaking that content. This should be fixed.

[Public | CoC2] Day Trip & Public Mayternity

There’s a new horse to get friendly with in Harvest Valley, and some entirely wholesome new family bonding with your dragonling.

0.6.12 Patch Notes:

  • Adjustments to which items Kalysea will accept.
  • If you gave her the Ring of Fate prior to this patch, it should be refunded to you.
  • Numerous bug/text fixes courtesy of Spotty!

0.6.11 Patch Notes:

  • Kalysea, a centaur druidess packing a little (more like a lot) extra between her hindlegs, can now be met post-CentaurQuest at the grove of trees in south Harvest Valley wanting your help. Upon accepting her quest you can donate items to her for a reward, if you’re so inclined – though the nature of the druid’s reward might leave you a little sore… (by Wsan)
  • You can take your & Aileh’s adorable dragon daughter out to the Winter City! See the sights, start a child army in the snow! (by Skow)

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • Kohaku can now be knocked up. This is a one-time event. This comes with all manner of new and updated interactions and sex scenes with Kohaku, and updated talks for the other den-denizens.
  • For no reason whatsoever, while Kohaku is pregnant the catfolk merchant in Khor’minos goes on vacation.
  • Ahmri can now be knocked up! She will go into heat one day out of every week when you are married and she is not currently pregnant. Even if you don’t have a dick or are sterile, you’ll still be able to help her through this rough patch. Her first baby is unique, and pregnant Ahmri and her kiddo have a bunch of new unique interactions.
  • The sleepy snake Vatia can now move into your Wayfort and be knocked up. This is locked behind some story progress: you need to have fucked Vatia so that she comes to find you in Frostwood camps, must have had the [Magic?] conversation with her, you must own the Wayfort, and must have been inside Khor’minos City.
  • Zhara, Lumia, Nikol, the Pupperidge girls, and Aileh have new 69 scenes.
  • New CGs: Two new CGs for pregnant Kohaku.
  • New Busts: Yusra and the Wyld Tree from FungusQuest.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

Trials in RP Space

Howdie howdie howdie! I hope our patch this week finds you all hale, hearty, and hard-on’d.

Personally I didn’t get a ton of writing or coding this week – but I did break out a potential ability & perk list for a psychic “kineticist” class to be added to the game, from level 2-12. The big focus for me was giving it a unique class identity from the others that really leans into “magic user class” tropes while still holding onto the sci-fantasy, technological bent that the TiTS universe has. To that end, it’s going to be a class that favors more activated abilities than its peers and does not get any of the usual “flurry attack” or “second attack” perks. Instead you might find yourself leaning more into abilities that debuffing the enemy while causing damage, hastening yourself, or even raining down psychic blows on a foe while disarmed. You’ll leach your foes’ body heat, dealing cold damage to restore your own energy. You’ll choose between tanking with constantly regenerating shields or mercenary-tier HP that heals every time you cast a spell.

Focusing on telekinesis was a necessary choice to maintain cohesion of the game world and the existing events and storylines – a Steele that can reach into other’s minds at will and exert his own mental pressure on other NPCs requires a game bespoke tailored to that sort of experience – something we aren’t doing.

I hope the eventual result will satisfy in the crunchy RPG turn-based sense and fun RP sense of being a psychokinetic space-monk killing machine… but first I have a lot of feedback to address from the team after my presentation yesterday, implimentation, and play-testing.

TL;DR: Fen specced out the first draft for psychic class abilities (COMING SOON ™), also we have some new content in this patch below!

0.9.062 Changelog:

  • [Public] The Soaked Raskvel is now available for making moist.
  • [Backers] New NPC: Eloise, located in the Crash Landing on Dhaal. Why not wander over and see what she’s about? Written by Magenta Needle and coded by Leek.
  • [Backers] New Penny Scene/Event: Roleplay! Written by William and coded by Leek, this event lets you request Penny jump you for some cop-on-PC roleplay sucky-fucky!
  • Cleaned up combat’s “sense” menu output to look nicer.
  • Malai’s quest now pays out.
  • A few small fixes for the blackjack minigame.
  • Fixed the “manage collar” screen not clearing the screen.
  • More keybinds for pop-up modal added – now includes the standard gameplay buttons and the zoom toggle buttons (mainly used in the image viewer).
  • Added some clarity on keybind opacity option.
  • Busts associated with ship busts will now have a non-person as their “default” image if they are missing an image in the manifest.
  • Added default logo image and image parsing.
  • Shifted button keybinds for rooms only appear when in navigation mode (MAIN_TEXT, though may change if needs more parameters).
  • Added consistent keybind location for gallery/inventory tab buttons.
  • Fix for Vulriks sometimes doing buttstuff when he’s supposed to do vagina-stuff.
  • Gedan did a lot of monkeying around under the hood and is still doing more monkeying under the hood that is likely to be more documented next patch.
  • Work under the hood was done to support custom ship busts like the custom PC busts.
  • Fixed a Neil combat crash for invalid targets.
  • A possible fix for a nuka psyker crash.
  • The drone no longer prevents fleeing from the nuka psyker.
  • “Suck and Frot” with radglow now requires a penis.
  • Helped the Shalin Shaman find the correct cock – and otherwise improved their ability to select an appropriately sized one.
  • Fix for loading bar visual issue where it appeared to load too much.
  • Fixed a crash in the pumpking during fight initialization.
  • Applied a fix to “hermRouterObj” that should fix a paige sex scene crash and may solve some other crashes elsewhere that we don’t even know about yet!
  • Fixed a crash looting eggs off the Easter Zaika.
  • Fixed a crash attempting to fertilize a cuntsnake.
  • Fixed a rare drop crash.
  • Fixed Sylvanol not being able to find a valid creature.
  • Fixed Foxfire always going Kitsune.
  • Fixed Siegwulfe’s lust not increasing.
  • Fixed a softlock with the Zheng Shi mining bots after getting the RFID tag.
  • Fix for Narc being described as missing pieces of herself that had already been restored.
  • Fix for “still in combat ninny” after fighting the hazard zaika in Dhaal dungeon. There’s a lot of content here, so there may be more branches to fix.
  • Fix for anal content appearing in a Kase+Anno threesome where butts should not be involved but the PC is a buttslut.
  • Use Nykke’s “erect” bust for her anal scene.
  • A lot more work on our appearance tech. Should now work correctly when it’s used in combat for a “closer look” at a target.
  • Fix for areolae description being double printed if the player had dick nipples.
  • Fix missing space in ballsack description
  • Fix for collar descriptions not properly clearing the screen when refreshed.

[Backers | CoC2] New Kit on the Block

And now for the latecomer, another kitsune joins the breedpile.

0.6.10 Patch Notes:

  • You can now knock up Kohaku! This is a one-time event. (By TheObserver)
  • While Kohaku is pregnant, you can decide to bring her lots of delicious food (or not).
  • There’s a variety of new and modified interactions after the fact.
  • All Kohaku’s old scenes have been updated to account for pregnancy stage (or post) and history with delicious food.
  • All den denizens have had their talks updated.
  • A bunch of new Kohaku scenes.
  • For no reason whatsoever, while Kohaku is pregnant the catfolk merchant in Khor’minos goes on vacation.
  • New CGs: Two new ones supporting Preg Kohaku.
  • New Busts: Yusra and the Wyld Tree from FungusQuest.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

Trails in Phaedra Space

HOTFIX UPDATE: If you can read this, I’ve just finished shoving out a hotfix that should handle the majority of common crashes hitting people in the appearance screen, on Uveto, and a few other combat issues.

Hello! I hope this week finds you all well. This week we pushed hard in the content mines to dig into some of the submission backlog, so backers have a nice chunk of new content to look forward to. Of course, we haven’t forgotten about everyone else – Phaedra’s base content is now enabled for public, even though it’s still very “in-development.” Nobody’s here to listen to me prattle on though, so lets get to those juicy, content-impregnated patch notes.

Hotfix 0.9.062, builds #3601 and up Changelog:

  • Adjusted scrollbar styling. (Jacques)
  • Adjusted a bunch of internal logging to use the proper categorized logging system, so that it can emit (hopefully) useful information into the action crumbs displayed during a crash. (Gedan)
  • Fixed crash relating to metallic color name keys in appearance. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed crash when recieving various non-targetted damage. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed missing author data and a typo in Selene content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed Olympia/Bubblebuddy interaction. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed Olympia tailcock buttons and some text in assocated scenes. (lowercase_donkey)

0.9.062 Changelog:

  • [Backers] A new mini-boss encounter is available on Phaedra II, written by Magenta Needle. It features the tag-team of Selene and Neil, a semi-treated Thraggen with his mutant Rahn “slave”. They come with fourish win scenes and another fourish loss scenes AND a bad end. It’s also a pretty challenging fight, so for now they’re confined to one tagged square and respawn after three hours – but once I break the Phaedra encounters in the plains into sub-zones they’ll be part of the random encounters in a sub-area…
  • [Backers] Have you ever wanted to meet up with Mhorgenn again? In a bar? Well now you can, after meeting her on Dhaal she’ll be showing in the crash landing going forward. Written by Sil and coded by Gedan.
  • [Backers] New “Wall” character in Cherry’s Taphall: the Bull. Written by Reathe and Magenta Needle, coded by Leek.
  • Coming soon to Hyrax warboys near you: bikes!
    (WIP Art by Adjatha)

    [Public] Come land on Phaedra II! Four new-to-public encounters available! See the scenic incomplete room descriptions. Enjoy the friendly plant life! See the psykers! And watch out for motorcycling Hyrax and stampeding bird-taurs!

  • [New Busts] Soaked Raskvel, Ancient Warbot, Syne, 17, Emese
  • Several keybinds have been reworked or improved by Jacques00, both in function and display.
  • Author, busts and showName are now tracked in the UI history stack so they can be recalled after a UI state is recalled. (Jacques00)
  • Have consistent-sized scrollbars, where applicable. (Jacques00)
  • New panic mode calculator. Office better look out, we’re about to become the top fap/office-work app on the market! (Jacques00)
  • Geddy dug around under the hood dealing with things like debounce handling to improve mobile play – and is also chasing down some small bugs buried reeeeaaaaal deep in the engine.
  • Fixed logic to set the variable correctly to use the correct egg laying scene for the current stage. It was always using the first stages scene due to incorrect logic. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixes to Haley Preg Preg interactions are no longer available before she sends the first email for subsequent pregnancies.
    • Fixed dialogue text in “Check on her” scene to display correct pregnancy time remaining.
  • Add a feature where tooltips can be closed by tapping on them if the blur function doesn’t catch it first. (Jacques00)
    • This should allow players who mis-touched or don’t want tooltips blocking their text to remove it from view. Tapping the respective button again should redisplay the tooltip as normal.
  • Text fix for first encounter with liferoot mistakenly behaving as though you had met before. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Code missing text for when the Hyrax Raider has their bike destroyed. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Code missing button text for the same raider’s smut options. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Shalin Shaman text fix, do not show text for dart’s effect if the dart missed. Fix capitalization of their name in combat. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Hyrax raider fixes: they can no longer Lust Boost multiple times in a single fight, can now be defeated via lust. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix ‘Breastplay’ option for nuka psycher not triggering player orgasm/lust reset. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for player not taking environmental damage on Uveto. We were silently failing out of our damage system if no creature had responsibility for causing it. Possibly this fix will expose other issues, please report if you get odd crashes about `attacker` missing. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix odd issues with Rodenian Mechanic and their button, may have been causing softlocks. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Crystal Goo resistances were not calculated correctly, (their resistance to freezing damage may have been being overwritten.) (lowercase_donkey)
  • Small fix for Cherry where Cherry’s internal cum counter was not updating correctly. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Several codex fixes where buttons inside the appearance screen were not properly writing content to a place players could read it (Gender Selection, Silicon/Wing preference, etc). (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for Emese Pet Play bugs: first a crash, then an error printed in text caused by a bad test that let players into a scene that did not meet the qualifications. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for vampiric effects on weapons not working. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for Azariah crash relating to dick selection (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for Kaede Ilaria date which was giving you 100000 credits for buying a sin-a-bun (The actual issue was a capitalization mistake when we were looking up the price, and the cash give away fallback was a very old fashioned way of alerting folks to an issue, according to an old note.) Modernized this section of code so similar things don’t happen again.  (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix bust for Phaedra’s Liferoot. There is no “nude” art variant, liferoot is always nude. But if it DID wear pants, what would they look like? (lowercase_donkey)
  • Small whitespace fix for robotic enemies in combat. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix double spacing in victory text and improve formatting. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix spacing issue in Edan scene, many spelling fixes. (lowercase_donkey)

[Backers | CoC2] Nice

Patch 6.9 only comes around once, sooooo….

0.6.9 Patch Notes:

  • Zhara has a new 69 scene (Wayfort Only)
  • Lumia has a new 69 scene (by Gardeford)
  • Nikol has a new 69 scene (by B!)
  • Aileh has a new 69 scene (by Skow)
  • The Pupperidge girls, Anna & Morwen, have a new 69 scene (by Skow)
  • Ahmri can be impregnated! (By Gardeford)
  • She will go into heat one day out of every week when you are married and she is not currently pregnant. Even if you don’t have a dick or are sterile, you’ll still be able to help her through this rough patch.
  • While pregnant, her scenes will subtly change to be more safe for the baby. Most of these changes are not major, but add up and might be noticeable in some places. Some of the more noticeable changes include new options for the chain of kiss scenes, and a swimming scene to revisit (or visit for the first time) the chilly mountain cave from her party destressing session.
  • Ahmri’s first baby will be unique. Garde suggests making a save to try out a few names, like “big zooba” or a swear word.
  • The unique kiddo has repeatable meetings/hangouts for each companion(Garde recommends silly mode for Azzy’s) in addition to solo/Ahmri bonding time, as well as a number of one time events that are spaced to roughly a week between them.
  • Every couple of days, Genova will be looking after your kiddo so that you and Ahmri can have some alone time without needing to worry about whether he’s napping.


If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

P.S. There’s a little more of Mayternity left that’ll be spilling over into June….

[TiTS] I’m gonna go out to run


Art by: ototatx (via Discord!)

HOTFIX UPDATE: Pushed out some fixes to handle lots of little crashbugs that cropped up in this weeks build. It’s using the same version number so that people accessing backer builds from links on Patreon/Sponsus should just be able to hit those links again and get updated builds without needing Fen around to posts new links on those sites! By the time you can see this message, those links should provide you with hotfix build #3552 or higher.

Lotsa fixes in the codemines this week. Fenoxo has been deep in working through polishing up the latest and greatest phaedra stuff, but he’s off on a trip to see family over the weekend – I’m getting the patch out and ready for him to swing by later and sprinkle a little extra detail in the post and make the requisite supporter-site posts to make sure people have access.

I’ve been smashing my face into testing some more annoying error reports to try and replicate things; there’s been a few little things I’ve tossed in the bucket to clean minor things up but I’ve been struggling to duplicate some things that we’ve had reported. Never underestimate how useful it is when reporting an issue on the forums to also include a copy of your save; not only does it save us a lot of time recreating the correct flag state to have access to whatever content is being problematic, it ensures everything is in a similar state and lets us dig out what the true cause is rather than having to make educated guesses sometimes!

Until next week!

Hotfixed 0.9.061, builds #3552 and up changelog:

  • Added an option to enable the legacy sidebar layout. (Jacques)
  • Adjusted size of status effect icons for control overlay and legacy UI layouts for better readability. (Jacques)
  • Adjusted the Myr Venom disabled button tooltip after defeating the Kui-Tan miniboss as part of Malai Quest to better communicate what you need to be able to use it. (Gedan)
  • Fixed an unparsed variable branch in Siegewulfe content. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a leaky italic tag in Tainter Rusher content. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Dr. Badger lab access being available too early. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a button layout issue with the Treatment cheat options. (Jacques)
  • Fixed “invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance” crashes relating to mimbranes in combat. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a sidebar crash issue. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a lot of other potential leaky and otherwise broken or incorrectly nested italics tags across all game content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed crash whilst exploring the ZS mines level. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed spacing bug in foot descriptions. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed Warbot softlock after victory. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a bunch of inconsistencies spread all across the UI implementation style. (Jacques)
  • Fixed missing lift icons on the Great Majin map. (Jacques)
  • Fixed player bust from unexpectedly appearing in the codex if navigating from there. (Jacques)
  • Fixed ramis fuck sequencing not properly updating the response value to generate the proper buttons. (Gedan)
  • Fixed paige sleepwith crash. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Feruze taxi fight crash. (Gedan)

0.9.061 Changelog:

  • BACKER: The ancient warbot is be encounterable on Phaedra. The encounter rate is tied to your reputation with the local Kihan faction, that is adjusted by your reactions during your first landing and Syne’s quest (so far). This is a non-smut battle with salvage drops for cash, one of which only drops on the first encounter and can be shown to Anno or Olympia.
  • PUBLIC: Anyxine’s date is now available for public consumption.
  • Lots more backend code cleanup and unification has been happening across a great many areas of the game and content. This is mostly a slow grind of cleaning up linting warnings which are proving useful to find areas of code that might be problematic.(lowercase_donkey)
  • Lots of duplicate implementations and mirrored functions have been cleaned up. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Added new tile formatting for irradated rooms. (Jacques)
  • Added some enhanced movement systems for ships to speed up leaving and entering ships the player owns. (Jacques)
  • Added an option to automatically roll out the bust to the large view if the minimap is already rolled out but navigation is currently disabled, allowing the two to switch places with each other somewhat automatically. (Jacques)
  • Added contectual icon changes to the in and out navigation buttons for if and when their target rooms are locked. (Jacques)
  • Added extra options to the teleport cheat to allow quick travel to various areas of the players ship from anywhere else. (Jacques)
  • Fixed potential disparities between gates in Narc content with her observations. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix bugged sandworm rate on Tarkus again. Sandworms now have one entry on the encounter table at normal, and 2x for high.  It seemed too high in the past so we nerfed the rate. However, this was because of a lurking bug where normal and high rates were both calculated as high. Compared to older patches this is both a buff and a nerf, meaning a 2x rate for high players and normal players unchanged. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed an issue with Quickdraw closing an interface earlier than it should have when switching weapons. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for code being printed in Anno thraggen, kihan armature scenes, and some ZS descriptions.  (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed some issues with bodypart descriptions, removed “and” from cock descript outputs, typo in ball counts. (Jacques)
  • Fixed bust for the Moodast Gruss, and tweaked a lot of the image offsets and positions for ship busts. (Jacques)
  • Fixed missing shower clean to a Naomi scene. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed hasSnakeByte property not found crash in Verusha content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for “the wall” where femboi anal option’s availability was reversed. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed DeployableTurret not having a proper description and improve its various names and components for improved use in combat. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed issues with shield damage text. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed typo with the “Cushioned” status effect. (Jacques)
  • Fixed cropping issues with the Warbot and Hyrax busts. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed shock collar status effect. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed missing colour for the liferoot pollen effect. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed and cleaned up a lot of things with the hyrax raider, improving the bikes reactions in combat, combat attacks not handling the presence of NPC allies well consistently, tuned the damage, gave status effects save chances, applied cooldowns and improved AI. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed issues with lust resistance output in combat. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some ship stats and display issues. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a softlock when using Soak. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed “sceneSeen” undefined crash with Mitch. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed pudding panic encounters on the rust coast. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix for Kiro’s talk buttons not being grayed out correctly where they have been recently chosen. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fix crash for cumflation where the player was pregnant and could not truly be cumflated. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed Leyak’s appearing gendered in some scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed attack text issues with the tainted rusher. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Dr Badger’s lab (not the shop, the inner room) is in the basement according to the writes, but our map tech had it floating in the sky as though its head was empty… thoughtless… Not a care in the world. Buried it back underground. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed “o[(0, A.TN)(…)] is not a constructor”. (lowercase_donkey)
  • The usual assortment of typos have been eradicated. (lowercase_donkey, Jacques)
  • Fix for Extrameet on planets with no content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Some tweaks to old icewyrm scenes with B’s help due to player feedback. (lowercase_donkey)
  • We often use curly quotes for dialog in the game. Some of these curled the wrong way, now they don’t. This is very serious; the world must know. (lowercase_donkey)

[Backers | CoC2] Snakewife :D

It’s time to make some cute little noodles 😀

0.6.8 Patch Notes:

  • The Sleepy Snake, Vatia, can now move into the Wayfort and have your children! This is gated behind some story progress, so be forewarned. You need:
    • To have gotten cozy with Vatia in her tree so she comes and finds you in your camp
    • To have had the [Magic?] conversation with Vatia in your camp
    • To own the Wayfort
    • To have been to Khor’minos city (NOT the Outskirts)

    Quite a task, but I promise the rewards are worth it! Her Wayfort content includes:

    • All of her prior camp scenes, modified where applicable to account for pregnancy.
    • An additional bonus sex scene involving a unique use of a certain well-known spell (requires having a dick).
    • The all-new pregnancy content. Includes a very cute CG!
    • Your snakelets! They’re here, and they’re wiggly. You can take them out for a walk if you want and run into a couple of particular elves if they’re at your Wayfort at the time.
    • Additional post-pregnancy tile events for Vatia and the snaklets.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Public | CoC2] Kitty Came Back

Quick patch to fix a game-breaking bug — sorta thing that can’t wait until the next big Mayternity bit’s quite ready. But hey, a couple smaller bits were ready in the hopper, so they’re coming along for the ride too!

TiTS also cranked out a big ol’ patch yesterday, including a new NPC by me. Check it out!

0.6.7 Patch Notes:

  • If you kicked Farrah out of the Wayfort, you can now find her again in the Undermountain’s caravanserai (where the fast travel point is).
  • You can recruit Farrah back to the fort from there, or just use her as a merchant. Or bully her again.
  • Farrah’s able to build the Wayfort’s dungeon now, so all three possible renovators can do it if you only have the one.
  • Etheryn has a new scene for milky PCs nursing her after she’s been uncaged. (By Alypia)
  • Fixed a bug with the Vine Restraints effect that would cause a crash. This could effect the Alraune, Amalgamation, Archdruid Xadaron, Wyld Tree, Tanuki Witch (Meira), Prince Nyze, and Hethia fights. it incidentally made the Fungus Dungeon almost- or actually- impossible to finish. No more!
  • Fixed a couple bugs with Magic Missile/Firewyrms, one that could cause it to shoot off randomly when your turn starts, and another that could cause a crash if your previous target was Banished.
  • Fixed a bug where Zhara would keep laying the same egg forever.
  • Fixed a crash with the Kitsune troop encounter.
  • Pre-turn effects (perk procs, combat effect procs, stance procs etc.) no longer work through Banished, except for Burning/Poisoned/Bleeding.

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Rounding up everything else since last pub patch after the break!

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