No Patch Today

I wanted to have this Phaedra micro-dungeon in you all’s hands today, but I hit a couple slowdowns polishing up things that cost me some time, and I’d like to be able to hotfix up any problems that crop up quickly. Expect it to hit Wednesday and finally nudge the plot forward. This will give me some time to beat on things like the new “Irradiated” debuff that can stack up in certain areas and build out a little more depth to the radiation system to allow for two grades of danger and protection against it.


[TiTS] It’s Raining Rasks

Hey all, another week has come and gone, and another TiTS patch has come due. This time we have juicy new backer-only content in the form of the Soaked Raskvel! Can Captain Steele survive the depredations of another horny alien? Will she manage to make it back to the ship unspoiled, or stagger back every bit as dripping and satisfied as the raskvel she just met?

Her (or his!) fate is in your hands~!

Of course, the public crowd gets a treat too – the GravCuffs scene for the firepup (Corana Lord Flamer), and a nuki’-load worth of improvements to various systems across the breadth of the game: new item icons, better handling of hyper-sized menus, micro-minimap mode, and general stability improvements, to list a few. A more comprehensive breakdown in the notes below, if you fancy a glance into the mind of resident code-dragon extraordinaire, Gedan.

If that’s not enough, how about a preview of things to come? I’m going to drop another patch (hopefully by Monday, against the wishes of my betters), that will expand the explorable area of Phaedra II with the first real chunks of its permanent rooms, leading up to a plot-NPC and micro-dungeon Savin has had on the back-burner for a while. I just have a tricky status effect problem to figure out, some repeatable sex scenes to wire up, and a few hours of testing & cleanup to do on it for next week.


  • Proper art for the Soaked Raskvel is on the way, but for now, you’ll have to use your imagination and this low-rez preview of her sex-scene bust, as sketched by Adjatha.

    BACKER: A Soaked Up Raskvel is now encounterable on Tarkus in the Rust Plains and Rust Ridges biomes – at level 8 or above. (Altair Hayes & Leek)

  • PUBLIC: The firepup has a new scene that requires a set of GravCuffs. (William & Leek)
  • Added multi-page button chunking to a few more menus spread around the game. (Jacques & lowercase_donkey)
  • Added item icons for bikini-type items. (Jacques)
  • Added another minimap mode for a micro-display of the map, exposed under Controls in the options menu. This moves the minimap to the area that the bust is nominally displayed on the sidebar, whilst the bust display is rolled out to its larger format. (Jacques)
  • Added the Classy flag to a few more clothing items, where it makes sense for the item to be such. (Jacques)
  • Added number formatting to the Reproduction stats display. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed vendors who previously bought Gadget items should now also purchase Salvage items, after some old Gadget items were converted to Salvage. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the kitty trio credit cost being applied on the first encounter with them. (Gedan)
  • Fixed hasFangs error and expanded the list of face types that count as having fangs. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a few issues around button paging generation systems. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some implementation issues around Paige’s scene mesh so that they better cooperate with how the genitalRouter methods pass arguments around behind the scenes. Similar tweaks have been made to a few other characters scenes (Kiro, Pexiga and Ramis the main other offenders), but Paige stands out as having the most potential scenes impacted by the issue by a long way. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed an issue with a Penny scene where automatic genital selection can fail and present an invalid index to a following scene. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a common issue with failing to close italics tags after a double-quote that follows a parenthesis. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed some backend issues relating to item icons used by the inventory system to make them apply more correctly and automatically. (Jacques & lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a variety of issues relating to the SVG Mannequin, which should fix some focus loss issues and reduce the volume of re-renders that needed to happen in the past of the whole UI, as well as helping clean up some value-stability issues that were occasionally impacting players. (Jacques & Gedan)
  • Fixed a few armor and clothing items that had an inconsistent typing. (Jacques)
  • Fixed removeVaginaLocked() issue. (Jacques)
  • Fixed inconsistent colour data and presentation used across a lot of items behind the scenes, moving these items to using a shared “library” of color information and ordering. (lowercase_donkey & Jacques)
  • Fixed more potential issues with the modal button debounce method, replacing it with a means of only allowing a single activation of each button per render of the UI. (Gedan)
  • Fixed possible rendering issues and offsets with busts displayed in combat. (Jacques)
  • Fixed bust image offsets not being properly applied to the image gallery preview images. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a bunch of typos. (The Usual Suspects)

[Backers | CoC2] Zhara’s New Roost

The Harpy Wingleader, Zhara, is coming home to roost — right in your Wayfort’s rafters!

0.6.6 Patch Notes:

  • If you have helped Shar move to her tower, finished the Cloister quest, renovated the Wayfort, and never kicked Zhara out of your bed when she’s approached you, she and her goons will approach you about moving into the Wayfort.
  • If you accept Zhara’s offer, you’ll either get new guards or a new source of income to supplement your fort.
  • There are several new events for harpy-related mischief (and a chance to be treated to a reverse gangbang) in the fort once they’ve all moved in. Poor Daliza gets bullied even more.
  • In the fort, Zhara can act as both an alchemy bench and a shop for all flavors of harpy egg. She also has some new talks.
  • Zhara’s firstborn chick has a name and face now, and a special interaction if you’ve got Agnimitra in the party when you meet her for the first time.
  • Zhara’s pregnancy content’s been patched up and expanded for her living in the fort.
  • All of Zhara’s night time visit sex scenes have been touched up to work in the Wayfort. (Thanks to Tobs for helping with the edits here!)
  • Atani’s firstborn kid can now be named, and has new hangout and play options (by Skow).
  • Fixed a bug that made Restrained apply Stun instead of Stagger. oops.
  • Fixed a bug that made Kitsunetsuki’s effects not have the proper duration
  • New Bust: Zhara’s daughter.

There’s some additional content coming for Atani’s kiddo later in the month once a certain other horse gets bred, and for Atani herself a little later~

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[Backers | CoC2] Mayternity Begins!

This month’s got some very thicc ladies we’re working on getting ready to be bred, but we’re also going through and touching up some existing pregnancies or adding more content to existing baby-mommas. Starting this patch with Vitra, the salamander dickgirl, who’s getting some new scenes for her romantic partners.

0.6.5 Patch Notes:

  • Vitra the ‘Mander Bartender has received several new sex scenes focused on femPCs — her baby momma needs some special attention. Or maybe Vitra needs some special attention from a very milky PC. Either/or!
  • If you bring Viv to Vitra’s bar, the witch can offer to teach the mander some magic. This unlocks a new sex scene between Vitra and the PC where she puts what she learned to use!
  • Prince Nyze has a new victory sex scene! (By BerrySicky)
  • The High Ground quest now has additional support for if the PC, Liaden, and Azzy are all romantic. (By Alypia)

Next patch should see you moving Zhara and your brood of harpy-lings to the Wayfort. Later on (in no particular order): expansions to Atani’s pregnancy, new interactions with Aileh’s kiddo, and two or three quite chunky brand new additions to the maternity roster~

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

Jobs Blown

Howdie neighborinos! I come bearing gifts! Or at least… a new scene for Azra, by William… and a lot of effort by our coders to run down some of the worst bugs that have been plaguing us of late. My next coding job will be some progression content on Phaedra, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

0.9.056 Changelog:

  • [Public] Azra has a new blowjob scene, by William. Originally it was written such that Azra would surprise you with a bunch of sweat and musk, but that didn’t quite align with my vision of the proper shark-woman less physical job and high hygene standards. I reworked it to the PC to blow her without mention of extra sweat/must, or adjust the lab’s thermostat to get yourself a lil extra to sniff. It doesn’t make a tremendous difference in the overall scene text, but it’s another notch in player agency. In my haste to do all that, I forgot to tag the content for backers-only. My foible is your gain! Written by William, coded by Fenoxo.
  • New image pack scene: Azra getting blown by the PC. The lines are by MrPink and the colors are by Waru-Geli, and the full resolution version of the image is available on our Patreon or SubscribeStar posts.
  • New Bust art: Reaha’s cow-print bikini, by Adjatha. (Lowercase-Donkey)
  • Fixed a handful of modal dialog issues that were probably the primary cause of the “shipMode” crash errors, and possibly some of the inventory and storage issues. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Ramis’ sleep with button options and clarified what the switch button is going to do without needing to look at the tooltip. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a broken call to itemCollect() blowing up using the black market options from Orryx. (Gedan)
  • Fixed another pathway through combat cleanup that wasn’t properly clearing text output before emitting loss scenes. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the tightness of checks around masturbation with toys, where the menu to pick a toy could pull from ship storage whilst onboard the ship, but was requiring a toy to be in the players inventory to enable the toy menu itself. (Gedan)
  • Fixed gooballs not applying the correct color. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Sophora’s rend attack improperly calling applyBleed(). (Gedan)
  • Fixed another way the shower masturbation scene buttons could blow up in rare circumstances. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Mirrin’s DP scene and how it offers selections for genitalia to use, streamlining the process and avoiding invalid index errors. (Gedan)
  • Fixed clarity issues with the save buttons disabled tooltip, making it clearer that it is not possible to save whilst the codex is active. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Kitty Courtesans not actually taking their credits for services rendered. (Gedan)
  • Using the spreadsheets in “panic mode” should no longer bloat saves quite so much. Jacques00 has made improvements that should greatly reduce save file size for those that use them as a place to take notes.
  • Jacques00 grabbed the source PSD for much of the old Gats art and pulled higher resolution variants for use in game.
  • Added an overwrite option for if the user has at least one saved spreadsheet when saving the current spreadsheet. (Jacques00)
  • Dark mode toggle is now a persistent option in spreadsheet mode. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed being unable to remove piercings. (Jacques00)
  • Refinements to the piercing menu for equipping and unequipping. (Jacques00)
  • Added icons for piercing menu filters. (Jacques00)
  • Prettified the Inventory item lists. (Jacques00)
  • Panties and the Bimbo Ray key items will now read better in the key items list. (Jacques00)
  • Added title attributes to inventory set buttons for clarity. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed the Ganger Heavy target selection button. (Lowercase-Donkey)
  • Prevented Bimbo Kiro from showing up in Kally’s bar as a patron that acts like normal Kiro. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed a number of places where Kiro’s name was hard-coded and not properly dynamic. (Lowercase-Donkey)
  • Extrameet fixes for fast travelling to the milk bar on Dhaal. (Lowercase-Donkey)
  • Prevented codex output from displaying inline bust images outside of the codex display. (Jacques00)
  • Viewing codex entries should now properly clear the menu before displaying the next entry (in case of any extra generated buttons). (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted Korgonne’s Translate button for better navigation. (Jacques00)
  • Grouped some codex bust images instead of having them be a randomized single. (Jacques00)
  • Change sand worm/butt bug image names for clarity. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed the deployable drone disabling your ability to duck under the overpass during the Feruze fight on Dhaal. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed a crash in Steele Biomedical. (Jacques00)
  • Fixed displaying the wrong Syri image based on her coat status. (Jacques00)
  • A metric bug-ton of typo fixes, under the hood adjustments to base systems, and small bug fixes.

[Backers | CoC2] A Fungus Amongus

It’s time for more shrooms, baby.

Hotfix: A hotfix has been released that fixes the new Druid Set not having an encounter power, the Forge Golem causing health to become NaN, a crash in Hawkethorne, and some text issues.

0.6.4 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new fungus-themed dungeon, continuing the story of the Boreal Elves and their outcast druids’ integration with the city. You can initiate this expedition by talking to Hethia, after having finish the Specter of the Wyld quest. (By TheObserver).
  • Etheryn gets a new Druid-themed set through doing the dungeon.
  • The combat code’s gotten some overhaul to help smooth out bugs and make things easier to expand on in the future.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

See you in May 🙂

Trials in Tainted Space: Greatly Changed Up Programming System (TiTS: G-CUPS)

The update – she cums!

…is it too late to rebrand after the javascrypt conversion?

Gedan gave me a poke this morning to indicate that another big ol’ batch of bug fixes was ready, so lets get right into the meat and potatoes of it.

  • Corrected the below save/load issue.


  • [CRITICAL ALERT]: It has been discovered that saves made in this patch will not load. We will deploy an update ASAP to resolve this. We recommend holding off on this patch for the time being.
  • [New Public Content] Penny Pirate Suck! It’s now possible to have the Cyberpunk Cheetah Pirate suck off your loyal futanari cumslut (or bimbo) fox, written by Fenoxo, coded by Fenoxo, Fenoxo’d by Fenoxo.
  • [New Backer Content] It is now possible to take Anyxine on a date.
  • [Now Public] Anno can introduce you to a trio of kitty cats when boarding your ship at Tavros station once you have met Urbolg, adding a new repeatable fap scene. (William & Leek)
  • [Big Fix] Several Perks that were intended to make permanent adjustments to the players resistance stats (Tough, Tough 2, Helldiver, etc) were not actually applying the modifications due to Javascript being Javascript. 0/10 coding language, do not pass go, do not collect 200 bikini babes (or bros). This should be fixed now, with old saves being properly upgraded to have the correct values applied. (Gedan)
    • Also Helldiver’s perk text has been updated to correctly state “burning” damage instead of “thermal”. Note the old text may be stored on old saves. (Fenoxo)
  • [Semi-Big Fix] Order of post-combat events should be corrected so that the screen properly clears and doesn’t append your victory (or defeat) text directly onto the enemy appearance text.
  • The Tainted Rusher’s encounters now require you to experience the previous planet’s encounter before running into them on the next planet – this should address inconsistencies in the events where scenes would act like you recognized before you even met them, and guarantee proper continuity of their content. (Jacques00)
  • Shower jerkoff options have been further unfuckulated. (Gedan)
  • You can no longer use the Prostitute Pro to commit fraud on Breedwell. (DrunkZombie)
    • To prevent an infinite money exploit, Steeles can no longer use Breedwell Pods with an implanted Prostitute Pro.
  • If the player is flying, they will no longer pancake on the overpass during Feruze’s fight, and will instead zip out of the way. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed incorrectly gendering enemies who cannot reach you while you are flying. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed Bianca’s icon appearing on Myrellion even during her off hours. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed the Easter Zaika’s bust being broken, and numerous typos. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Somebody did a find & replace across the codebase to remove “public” from the code – something that would frequently appear before function definitions in flash but doesn’t need to be there nowadays. It ate a lot mentions of republics, etc in the Codex articles. This has been corrected. (lowercase_donkey)
  • SteeleTech turrets may not be the best turrets, but they’re efficient, durable, and highly-repairable with minimal power tools.

    Work on fixing hard crashes related to custom busts & image gallery code. (Gedan & Jacques00)

  • Taking the Tainted Rusher’s virginity is now tracked. (Jacques00)
  • Tainted Rusher combat texts should support non-PC targets. (Jacques00)
  • Made some under the hood changes to how Tainted Rusher bust displays are called to support future art. (Jacques00)
  • The weapon output for ship combat has been converted to a proper table layout. (Jacques00)
  • Adjusted appearanceWornCollar() in appearance to only show on the player character’s appearance output. (Jacques00)
  • Fixes for temporary color values in game. (Jacques00)
  • All [pc.Name] parser calls should be changed to []. This will not force uppercase on name output for those who want to have a lowercase name. Personally I (Fen) had done this intentionally because I figured a fair number of players might just type in a name without worrying about proper casing, but I suppose some players also want to be able to further dehumanize their characters. (Jacques00)
  • lowercase_donkey did a lot of find & replacing of formatting things for eslint.
  • Reviewed and updated all race() checks and simplify to raceShort() (or isAusar(), isCat() or isDog()), where appropriate. (Jacques00)
    • Adjusted some race outputs. * The “horse” and “demon” races should now be “equine-morph” and “demon-morph”, respectively.
    • The “amazon” “race” output should slightly vary based on gender.
    • Race output override moved down slightly to better accommodate any prefix/suffix changes.
    • The stripped-down version of myr races (red, gold, orange) should now be “myrmydion”, so it’ll be easier to find all variants of the race with raceShort, and the specific race with a race().indexOf().
    • Many instances of Terran have been replaced with human.
  • Re-added in cowScore() for checks that only want the cow score value without the added bovine score. (Jacques00)
  • Updates to the quest log. (Jacques00 & lowercase_donkey)
  • Some accessories incorrectly gained boot icons. This has been rectified. (Jacques00)
  • Numerous other smaller fixes, tweaks, changes, and find-and-replaces. (THE TEAM <3)

[Public | CoC2] Bug Fixin!

We’re sneaking out a quick fix patch for everyone while we’ve got the next dungeon cookin’ — should just be a few days, depending on how laborious the combat code turns out to be.

0.6.3 Patch Notes:

  • Etheryn’s appearance screen now accounts for her being uncaged
  • The Critical Error screen no longer allows you to attempt an Autosave, instead you can attempt to load the last checkpoint. The attempted autosaves were always a bad solution, since the autosaves generated could have bad game-state due to the error. Checkpoints should not have this issue
  • Fixed a bug introduced with level 7 that caused all healing to be increased by 25%.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause bald and bearded PCs to have “NONE” beard color
  • Fixed an erroneous NPC marker in the Wayfort if you have the Behemoth
  • Fixed a bug that made Etheryn’s [Royal Dicking] Cait threesome gated by the PC having a cock
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Abyssal Depths Barricade fight to crash if you used certain items
  • Using items here also no properly removes them from your inventory
  • Fixed a bug with the Dracia Tower stairs not always taking you to the right floor
  • Fixed a bug where Kaina would be nude while requesting tea. She’s not that much of a degenerate
  • Made the cock length parsers for Lyric’s new exhib scenes more consistent with the rest of their content
  • Tipping Livrea now properly deducts EC. No more conjuring coin from thin air for her.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the fight with Alissa in Dracia to crash
  • The [Let Elthara Take Her] first-time scene for uncaged Etheryn now properly requires the PC has a cock
  • Drifa [Praise] option now works properly if you’ve never fucked her
  • Fixed a bug that would allow you to Hogtie the Demon Dragoon after fucking her even if you don’t have anywhere to send her
  • Fixed a bug that would show “0x Item” in the combat loot
  • Fixed numerous bugs related to the new Cleaving Strikes, Enchanting Acts, and Overflowing Health level 7 perks
  • Also buffed Cleaving Strikes and Enchanting Acts to 40% from 20%
  • Too many misc. text fixes to count

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Itty Bitty Fixy


Art by: ototatx (via Discord!)

Another quick, off-cycle update to clean up some more things; last week I shoved out a replaced system to handle keeping track of how and when the UI changes between different display layouts. In the past we only had the possibility to track a single previous layout and some minor additional data with it (generally main text and buttons) – it was basically a bit of a hackjob that I cobbled together when getting the initial port work together enough to start seeing the game work, but over time as we’ve made the UI more complicated, it became clear the limitations were becoming ever more problematic to work around. We had to build more and more special cased code to handle exactly what we wanted to happen in certain circumstances and it was just generally a goddamn mess. I took it as far as I could, but it was clear we’d be chasing issues with it basically forever.

I had an idea of a better way to approach it that would allow us to strip out most if not all of the special casing; now we only need maybe one or two special cases in strategic places (essentially only for the main menu, to deal with when a gamestate is or isn’t available and what should happen in that case) but I kept putting it off, hoping One Last Set Of Bandaids would cover everything; and without fail, more shit would crop up that would need another set of bullshit to get working. The downside being, now I gotta fish out all of the special casing that had built up over time and strip a bunch of that shit out so we can just rely on the state stack instead. With as many submenus and sub-submenus we have, it turns out there was a lot more of this garbage that needed to get thrown out that I expected, but I think most of it should be out on its ass now. At least it’s given me an opportunity to carefully comb over all of the little bandaids we’ve stacked up over time, which has let me find a few sneaky bugs that existed under the old system that’ll finally be getting fixed to boot.

0.9.052, builds 3334 and up:

  • Added busts for ST Turrets, Divrani Cultist, Shalin Shaman and Cheetah Pirate. (Adjatha & Fenoxo)
  • Fixed some more of the submenu loops under appearance. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a react error in the lightsout minigame. (Gedan)


  • Added special support to the Accept/Cancel keybinds to also apply to the “Your inventory is full” modal. (Gedan)
  • Added inline image support to the codex and added some new art assets to squeeze into the codex. (Jacques)
  • Rebalanced the level 2 tainted rusher encounter. (Fenoxo)
  • Rebalanced available hours for the Pumpking encouter. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed appearance screen submenus softlocking into loops. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a potential issue with the level up screen that could in rare instances result in a softlocked menu. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the image scaling option not properly applying. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the data menu sometimes not initiating in the correct mode layout. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a menu to options to menu loop using the escape keybind. (Gedan)
  • Fixed an issue with the mail and mail setup system that could result in loops and weirdness when backing out of the mails. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a button configuration error in a shower masturbate menu. (Gedan)
  • Fixed autopathing always disabling after navigating a single room. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Johr and the Pumpkings attack text appending to the players attack text. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the room configuration around the Pumpking encounter. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the room configuration around Kally’s house. (Fenoxo)

[TiTS] A New State

Armature, Adjatha

Armature, Adjatha

Swinging in with some fixes for the UI state system that got swapped out over the weekend – I left a couple of dumbs scattered around, as is the style, and they needed to get cleaned up. That was part of the plan I guess about doing a sneaky extra update over the weekend, with a push to clean up whatever cropped up during the regular patch time. There’s still a couple of weird issues around, but I don’t think they’re caused by the new state system, they’ve been kicking around for a while and simply exacerbated by the new changes rather than being caused by them, and I’ll be continuing to look into them and get them fixed as soon as I can figure out the causes.

Tired, so keepin in short. Back 2 da mines…


  • BACKER: There is now a tainted rusher that you can encounter on a variety of planets as a random combat event. (Fr0sty & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: Added scene for Naomi, a cowgirl on New Texas that got stood-up and is looking for revenge. Available to bipedal Steeles with a cock. Will trigger randomly along the main street between the hours of 1800 and 2400 with a 1 week cooldown. (Written by Damie, coded by DrunkZombie)
  • Added cheats to reset Delilah and Akane content. (Jacques)
  • Added an extra option to TapTooltip mode; you can now choose to have buttons generate a filler tooltip (thus always requiring two taps to activate buttons), or only require two taps on buttons that have actual tooltips (and buttons without tooltips will activate on the first tap). (Gedan)
  • Fixed the control overlay not quite working with the new UI state stack. (Jacques)
  • Fixed mail buttons, enabling and disabling them respective to the currently viewed folder. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some lingering remnants of the old UI state system. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the data menu state code to align more with how all other UI states are transitioned in and out. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a crash backing up from the data menu when on the main menu without a gamestate active. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the findLast crashes under android. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a ton of potential null/undefined checks inherited from AS3 era code. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the experimental undo system not cooperating with the new UI state stack system. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Bizzy busts going missing when she wears a collar outside the matching body type in the art. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Sera busts showing a dongle when clothed. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some missing descriptions in the image manifest. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some scroll height issues in the codex when the control overlay is enabled. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a crash with Black Void grunts. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a variety of issues and oversights with the porting of Mimbranes, re-enabling some combat and time-passage events. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Sturm and Drang using an incorrect accuracy value. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the placement of some tease buttons in the combat menu. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Jasvalla becoming inactive when levelling past her existing level ranges. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed some inactive content that was waiting for Gianna crew to happen in some Bess scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed potential issues with the way saving is blocked, unifying access to the variable that controls it. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some issues with Leithan and Raskvel body part type instances. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Galomax consumption softlocks. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a crash in Riyaquest relating to the Security Droids blowing up (in this case, literally). (Gedan)
  • Fixed typos in many places. (Jacques, lowercase_donkey, Gedan)

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