[TiTS] Itty Bitty Fixy


Art by: ototatx (via Discord!)

Another quick, off-cycle update to clean up some more things; last week I shoved out a replaced system to handle keeping track of how and when the UI changes between different display layouts. In the past we only had the possibility to track a single previous layout and some minor additional data with it (generally main text and buttons) – it was basically a bit of a hackjob that I cobbled together when getting the initial port work together enough to start seeing the game work, but over time as we’ve made the UI more complicated, it became clear the limitations were becoming ever more problematic to work around. We had to build more and more special cased code to handle exactly what we wanted to happen in certain circumstances and it was just generally a goddamn mess. I took it as far as I could, but it was clear we’d be chasing issues with it basically forever.

I had an idea of a better way to approach it that would allow us to strip out most if not all of the special casing; now we only need maybe one or two special cases in strategic places (essentially only for the main menu, to deal with when a gamestate is or isn’t available and what should happen in that case) but I kept putting it off, hoping One Last Set Of Bandaids would cover everything; and without fail, more shit would crop up that would need another set of bullshit to get working. The downside being, now I gotta fish out all of the special casing that had built up over time and strip a bunch of that shit out so we can just rely on the state stack instead. With as many submenus and sub-submenus we have, it turns out there was a lot more of this garbage that needed to get thrown out that I expected, but I think most of it should be out on its ass now. At least it’s given me an opportunity to carefully comb over all of the little bandaids we’ve stacked up over time, which has let me find a few sneaky bugs that existed under the old system that’ll finally be getting fixed to boot.

0.9.052, builds 3334 and up:

  • Added busts for ST Turrets, Divrani Cultist, Shalin Shaman and Cheetah Pirate. (Adjatha & Fenoxo)
  • Fixed some more of the submenu loops under appearance. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a react error in the lightsout minigame. (Gedan)


  • Added special support to the Accept/Cancel keybinds to also apply to the “Your inventory is full” modal. (Gedan)
  • Added inline image support to the codex and added some new art assets to squeeze into the codex. (Jacques)
  • Rebalanced the level 2 tainted rusher encounter. (Fenoxo)
  • Rebalanced available hours for the Pumpking encouter. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed appearance screen submenus softlocking into loops. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a potential issue with the level up screen that could in rare instances result in a softlocked menu. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the image scaling option not properly applying. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the data menu sometimes not initiating in the correct mode layout. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a menu to options to menu loop using the escape keybind. (Gedan)
  • Fixed an issue with the mail and mail setup system that could result in loops and weirdness when backing out of the mails. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a button configuration error in a shower masturbate menu. (Gedan)
  • Fixed autopathing always disabling after navigating a single room. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Johr and the Pumpkings attack text appending to the players attack text. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the room configuration around the Pumpking encounter. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the room configuration around Kally’s house. (Fenoxo)

[TiTS] A New State

Armature, Adjatha

Armature, Adjatha

Swinging in with some fixes for the UI state system that got swapped out over the weekend – I left a couple of dumbs scattered around, as is the style, and they needed to get cleaned up. That was part of the plan I guess about doing a sneaky extra update over the weekend, with a push to clean up whatever cropped up during the regular patch time. There’s still a couple of weird issues around, but I don’t think they’re caused by the new state system, they’ve been kicking around for a while and simply exacerbated by the new changes rather than being caused by them, and I’ll be continuing to look into them and get them fixed as soon as I can figure out the causes.

Tired, so keepin in short. Back 2 da mines…


  • BACKER: There is now a tainted rusher that you can encounter on a variety of planets as a random combat event. (Fr0sty & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: Added scene for Naomi, a cowgirl on New Texas that got stood-up and is looking for revenge. Available to bipedal Steeles with a cock. Will trigger randomly along the main street between the hours of 1800 and 2400 with a 1 week cooldown. (Written by Damie, coded by DrunkZombie)
  • Added cheats to reset Delilah and Akane content. (Jacques)
  • Added an extra option to TapTooltip mode; you can now choose to have buttons generate a filler tooltip (thus always requiring two taps to activate buttons), or only require two taps on buttons that have actual tooltips (and buttons without tooltips will activate on the first tap). (Gedan)
  • Fixed the control overlay not quite working with the new UI state stack. (Jacques)
  • Fixed mail buttons, enabling and disabling them respective to the currently viewed folder. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some lingering remnants of the old UI state system. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the data menu state code to align more with how all other UI states are transitioned in and out. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a crash backing up from the data menu when on the main menu without a gamestate active. (Gedan)
  • Fixed the findLast crashes under android. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a ton of potential null/undefined checks inherited from AS3 era code. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the experimental undo system not cooperating with the new UI state stack system. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Bizzy busts going missing when she wears a collar outside the matching body type in the art. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Sera busts showing a dongle when clothed. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some missing descriptions in the image manifest. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some scroll height issues in the codex when the control overlay is enabled. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a crash with Black Void grunts. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a variety of issues and oversights with the porting of Mimbranes, re-enabling some combat and time-passage events. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Sturm and Drang using an incorrect accuracy value. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the placement of some tease buttons in the combat menu. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Jasvalla becoming inactive when levelling past her existing level ranges. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed some inactive content that was waiting for Gianna crew to happen in some Bess scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed potential issues with the way saving is blocked, unifying access to the variable that controls it. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some issues with Leithan and Raskvel body part type instances. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Galomax consumption softlocks. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a crash in Riyaquest relating to the Security Droids blowing up (in this case, literally). (Gedan)
  • Fixed typos in many places. (Jacques, lowercase_donkey, Gedan)

[Public | CoC2] Yusra + Public RynQuest!

There’s a new lad to lay in the Temple of Mallach today, and RynQuest is now in the public build — go free the princess from her cage!

0.6.2 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new NPC in the Temple of Mallach after you’ve built it: Yusra! (By TheObserver)
  • Yusra has several new talk scenes and six new sex scenes, including a Cait threesome. (By TheObserver)
  • Evergreen has a new “Cock Sleeve” sex scene if you’ve blown her a bunch! (By LooMoo)
  • Lyric’s sex menu is disabled when all their sex options are, instead of soft-locking the player. Oops!

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • You can now reach Level 7! This level comes with TWO new perks for each class — you’ll pick between one of the options when you level up, or when you switch classes if you’re already Level 7.
  • If you encounter Gytha in the Frostwood after discovering Alissa’s whereabouts (and before leaving for Dracia), you can now confront her more properly. Might be for her own good that she not stay free…
  • After having done Calise’s first quest, you can now head out on Etheryn’s personal quest ‘The Demon of Ice.’ Return to the Palace of Ice’s temple, where you normally meet Elthara, to catch a ride to the dungeon. This is a Level 7 quest.
  • Etheryn, Daliza, and Livrea all have new or updated talks to reflect the events of RynQuest and the expedition to Dracia it entails.
  • Lyric (Male or Female base) can be turned into a futa. (By B!)
  • Lyric has two new public sex scenes. These require 33+ libido and are accessible in populated areas, excluding the Frosthound itself, your Camp, and the Wayfort.
  • Kitsunetsuki no longer requires the Fox Jewel to use, instead wielding the Fox Jewel increases its duration to 4 rounds.
  • The Tail Whack power is no longer accessible to the PC.
  • Etheryn now properly gets the Crown of Winter in her sets if you gave it to her during DraciaQuest.
  • Ally summons will no longer de-summon between phases in 2 phase fights.
  • Fixed a bug where un-recruited Ryn would remain in the party after DraciaQuest, causing crashes when opening the party selector.
  • New Busts: all the new RynQuest NPCs, updated Ryn busts post-quest, one other surprise elf’s updated bust for the quest.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Moving Pixels

Cheetah, Adjatha

Cheetah, Adjatha

UPDATE: Got a few solid fixes to handle some issues that have come up as part of the new storage limits, shoving them out of the door earlier than otherwise so we can see if there’s another layer of problems hiding below the immediate ones! Update should allow more flexibility with ship storage limits when moving items around, and this should hopefully provide (the start) of a full fix for weird UI display loops doing weird things.

I’m still bouncing back and forth between being ill and not quite so bad, but I spent most of the week digging into deeply annoying bugs that have been lingering for a couple of weeks, on top of piles of things that recent reworks have caused. I’ve barely been able to keep up with the report volume for the last couple of weeks as it is, but this past week has been especially bad so I’ve put everybody on notice – no more reworks until the bug backlog is looking much, much healthier. There’s a couple of important things that need to get fixed, and I want to be able to focus on them rather than worrying about treading water with a couple of bigly fucko bugs being introduced because I blinked and didn’t meticulously review every line of every pull request.

DZ and Jacques have jumped in pretty hard to start chopping back some of the more volumous reports, and it’s given me an opportunity to fish out some rather annoying fuckos that took a while to root around and find the true cause of. Leek also came in clutch with dropping the system required for us to support animations; namely, a system to support video embeds just like our existing image embedding scheme. There’ll likely be some more work put towards this to further tune it, but for now there’s a handful of scenes that we have animations for that are finally wired up!

Back 2 da mines.


  • Added a cheat to enable “infinite” storage for location and ship storage inventories. (Gedan)
  • Added a lot more polish to the entire video/animation system, including: Scaling, Autoplay configuration, Image viewer support, Playback controls. (Jacques)
  • Fixed UI state changes between different displays by using a fully detailed stack of displays and associated settings required to return to them. This has nessecitated removing a lot of special casing from the old way state transitions were handled, and some of it may still remain which is likely to cause issues. (Gedan)
  • Fixed potential softlocks with the new ship storage inventory limits by allowing more flexibility when the ship storage is overloaded; you can now accept trades whilst ship storage is overfull to allow you to move items bit by bit rather than needing to complete a singular trade that would leave both your personal inventory and ship inventory at or under their respective limits. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Leyak not being considered unique in combat. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the formatting for nursery computer list output to better match list formatting used elsewhere in the game. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some issues with the Big Green Potion, including relaxing the skin color checks slightly. (Jacques)
  • Fixed Hrad race score labelling. (Jacques)
  • Fixed clarity on the level up screen. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the trade summary screen with ship inventory not displaying the correct slot counts that are actually in-use. (Gedan)


  • BACKER: The firepup has a new scene that requires a set of GravCuffs. (William & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: A Cyber Punk-modded Clydesdale K7 I’ve been calling the Cyberdale. Guess what? It uses the holographic duplicate system! She’ll surrender if you pop her mirrored images and drop her shields, but you can always ignore them to take out her armor. Comes with two new victory sex scenes! (This encounter requires Zheng Shi’s coordinates to be unlocked in order to occur.) (Fenoxo)
  • Added support for video embeds. (Leek)
  • Added a bunch of animations that we’ve collected over the years to a variety of scenes, namely Maja, Bianca.
  • Added support for in-game emails to support embedded images. (Leek)
  • Added better visibility to stat totals in the level up screen. (Fenoxo)
  • Rebalanced resolve so that it no longer boosts max willpower. (Fenoxo)
  • Rebalanced the counter rate of the Kashima event. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed nursery computer ‘undefined character’ crash. (Jacques)
  • Fixed additional buttons in Ilaria menus. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed Kaede sex menu buttons missing. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed custom bet issues with blackjack. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a few blackjack hand vs house winning issues. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a handful of issues with text input elements and when they are displayed and removed. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the win/loss count for blackjack hands and enhanced legibility of values. (Jacques)
  • Fixed tease combat crash. (Jacques)
  • Fixed “Lust Staggered” crash. (Jacques)
  • Fixed outfit visibility checks. (Jacques)
  • Fixed “isAndroidBrowser” crash. (Jacques)
  • Fixed RatsRaiders crash. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a crash that can sometimes happen when loading a game relating to achievement historical tracking. (Gedan)
  • Fixed a bunch of missing Sera busts. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a few crashes in some Punk SpecOps scenes. (Gedan & lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed incorrect handling of permanent flying status for a handful of enemy types. (Gedan)
  • Fixed removeStatusByRef ship crashes. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Zaika Ganger menu buttons not properly clearing. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed the Clear button not being very… clear on the custom bust image editor. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a Tarratch Slaver buttfuck scene crash. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed a broken room in the myrellion caves that blew up the autopathing system. (Gedan)
  • Fixed ship storage limits not being properly applied. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Sturm and Drang using a base ranged attack implementation instead of a base melee attack implementation. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the bonus from Boundless Reserves. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed the “Nake” player gender issue. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed some issues with the combat tease menu button generation system. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a potential crash relating to “childNodes” that can happen when mashing a keybind to open an inventory display and a key that would navigate the inventory at the same time. (Gedan)
  • Fixed completing malai quest not unlocking the additional scenes as expected. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Sera’s Sterilix option being available too early. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed porn studio name brands on Reaha, Sera and Mitzi. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed Jasvalla not handling neuter players by disabling encounters with Jasvalla while a neuter*. This will be rectified better when we have opportunity to rework the scenes to better handle this eventuality. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fix for a rare Nuka crash that happens if a previous encounter was not cleaned up properly (isTainted is not a function). (lowercase donkey)
  • Fixed a bunch of typos and italics bleeds all over the place. (Jacques, lowercase_donkey & DrunkZombie)

[Backers | CoC2] Lyrical Enhancement

0.6.1 Patch Notes:

  • Etheryn, Daliza, and Livrea all have new or updated talks to reflect the events of RynQuest and the expedition to Dracia it entails.
  • Lyric (Male or Female base) can be turned into a futa. (By B!)
  • Lyric has two new public sex scenes. These require 33+ libido and are accessible in populated areas, excluding the Frosthound itself, your Camp, and the Wayfort.
  • Kitsunetsuki no longer requires the Fox Jewel to use, instead wielding the Fox Jewel increases its duration to 4 rounds.
  • The Tail Whack power is no longer accessible to the PC.
  • Etheryn now properly gets the Crown of Winter in her sets if you gave it to her during DraciaQuest.
  • Ally summons will no longer de-summon between phases in 2 phase fights.
  • Fixed a bug where un-recruited Ryn would remain in the party after DraciaQuest, causing crashes when opening the party selector.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Risen Dead

Cultist, Adjatha

Cultist, Adjatha

I’ve been in and out of hospital a bunch over the last couple weeks and it’s thrown me off track a bit – nothing super serious but enough to need to make me drag my ass there. Sure do love sitting my ass in waiting rooms for a couple of hours at a time, twiddling my thumbs!!! Everybody else has been hard at the grindstone in my absence though, so there’s plenty of fixes to go around.

What little time I’ve had to focus has been rifling through annoying bugs and reports for shitty handling of things on different platforms. A lot of these turn into “No Good Answers” problems, so morph into a challenge of thinking up some bullshit to work around the issue and make things at least usable. Big shout out to Android browsers here for doing weird shit with overlapping elements throwing off our positional calculations for the page.

Fen has been fishing through combat code and rebalancing things as part of laying down code for new perks and levels, fixing up annoying little issues that have cropped up over time with how we’ve ended up implementing a lot of combat attacks in practice. Point of fact, that’s what most of us have kind of been doing this week; rifling through combat stuff and cleaning up lots of little bits and pieces here and there that have stacked up over time.

Back to da mines!


  • Walking around on New Texas should no longer crash due to a misconfigured feature flag on the newer cow-girl encounter.


  • BACKER: Anno can introduce you to a trio of kitty cats when boarding your ship at Tavros station once you have met Urbolg, adding a new repeatable fap scene. (William & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: There’s a new extrameet scene variant for some Kaede and Anno funtimes. (Savin & Gedan)
  • PUBLIC: Bizzy has a couple of extra scenes, one some solo action and a few involving Reaha. (Nonesuch & Leek)
  • Added additional clarity when taking actions via the inventory. (Jacques)
  • Added an icon for skintight/underlayer armor. (Jacques)
  • Added scanlines behind big item images. (Jacques)
  • Rebalanced how blindMiss was implemented, effectively removing it as a seperate step in the combat calculation flow, thus allowing blind status effects to more consistently be applied. (Fenoxo)
  • Rebalanced how status effects are processed for combat, aligning the processing step with how general status effects are handled and also hopefully scraping a bit more performance out of combat processing at the same time. This process also likely fixed some lingering/hidden issues with some combat effect processing that have gone unreported, but it has also probably introduced entirely new fun bugs as well! Whee! (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed verbiage and application of gas grenade damage when used against the player. (lowercase_donkey & Fenoxo)
  • Fixed GaloMax softlock. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed an errant unimplemented text variant in a Sophora scene. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a lot of errant variable shadowing issues behind the scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed many typos throughout the Hyrax content (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed typo in Twist the Knifes perk description. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed a variety of issues relating to the additional buttons displayed on the main menu for fullscreen & panic mode. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some layout issues relating to Android browser page rendering by forcibly moving the entire game UI out from under being overlapped by the address bar. Fullscreen mode is the intended means to work around the remaining layout issues whilst we investigate the true causes of a few other overlapped-by-system-component issues. (Jacques & Gedan)
  • Fixed a variety of issues with Zaalts attack implementations. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed how damage stacking works with Power Strike. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed errant text formatting issues with Low Blow. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed a variety of typos throughout the spreadsheet panic screen. (Jacques)
  • Fixed NPC auto-orgasms from being tracked before the player has met the NPC in question. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a variety of lingering issues with the Grey Goo armor. Subscenes and features that were disabled as part of the port have been re-enabled, removing the Undroppable and Unsellable flags – if she is discarded, she can be reacquired on Myrellion via a random bar event or via Anno’s store. (Jacques)
  • Fixed typo in icon selection for acessory items. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some layout issues with the Achievement and Credit display screens. (Jacques)
  • Fixed crashes with the Tarratch Slaves. (Lighterflud)
  • Fixed potential Flash-to-JS imported save issues with broken ship weapon configurations. Ships with broken weapons should fix themselves. (Gedan)
  • Fixed crashes with the Akkadi Security Robots and the Target Link ability. (Gedan)
  • Fixed crashes with the Zaika Hazard Trooper. (Gedan)
  • Fixed text generation issues with the Zaika Hazard Troopers shield-break state. (Gedan)
  • Fixed issues with Bess/Ben’s title selection menu. (Gedan)
  • Fixed Extrameet codex entries being missing. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed typos with the Easter Jumper. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed missing virginity counts. (DrunkZombie)
  • Fixed Kattom being able to show up on Phaedra. (Gedan)
  • Fixed inconsistencies with the implementation of Vaulting Strike. The cooldown should now be appropriately tracked as a combat effect, as well as have a one-round cooldown, as indicated by the perk text. (Gedan)
  • Fixed some border display issues with the control overlay button graphics. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a typo in a flag tracking some Vanae content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a typo in a flag tracking some Shou content. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed the ordering of Vaulting Strike and Sturm und Drang so that the perks better fit the columns they are presented in the level up screen as part of. (Gedan)
  • Fixed typos in many places. (DrunkZombie, lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a flipped Lust/HP victory variant descriptor with the Tarratch Slavers. (Gedan)

The Most Drawn Out of All April Fools’ Jokes

Hi folks, Savin here. No April Fools joke this year (from me at least), because I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone. Five years ago today we tossed out the first public build of CoC2 without fanfare, like it was any other patch day, as our April Fools gag. We had just the tutorial, and a greyscale copy of TiTS’ UI, but it certainly caused a buzz! Since then the game’s grown to several million words of content by dozens of authors, hundreds of busts and illustrations, and even launched on Steam! Your support’s been life changing for a lot of us, letting me bring on a wonderful team of full time writers and artists to help keep the game rolling smoothly beyond what Drake and I could have ever done on our own. I couldn’t have gotten this far without them, and none of us would be here without you — so thank you everyone, for five amazing years of CoC2.

Four our 5th birthday, we brought you some cake and milk. Dig in!

[TiTS] They Fly Now?

Phaedra’s locals can be quite friendly!

Smugglers fly now.

They fly now.

(And the CoC2 folks pushed a big update with a dungeon or something!)

Fen here with an overdue update to give you the level 12 unlocks your hearts have been desiring. I’d like to give a big thanks to Savin for doing the hard work of getting some initial ability ideas down on a page and helping me refine them into their current form. We’ve already started work concepting for level 13 as well. Keep your eyes peeled for more news on that in the weeks to come – as well as me personally digging into the current Phaedra content to polish and balance around the new player abilities.


  • New Busts: Nuka, Glowing Nuka, Medibot, Warboy, and Glowing Warboy. (Drawn by Adjatha, added to game by Leek)
  • [Currently Backer-only] Added scene for Naomi, a cowgirl on New Texas that got stood-up and is looking for revenge. Available to bipedal Steeles with a cock. Will trigger randomly along the main street between the hours of 1800 and 2400 with a 1 week cooldown. (Written by Damie, coded by DrunkZombie)
  • Maximum level has been increased to 12.
  • [Level 11] New Smuggler Perk: Die Another Day. When HP drops below 50%, recover 25% of your maximum HP and energy. And drop a flash grenade, because YOU AIN’T DYIN’ YET!
  • [Level 11] New Smuggler Chosen Ability: Twist the Knife. Your Sneak Attacks and Aimed Shots apply a bleed effect on your target for 50% of the damage. The bleed effect can stack, but it only lasts for one proc.
  • [Level 11] New Smuggler Chosen Ability: Booster Pack. Gain the “Flying” effect for four rounds, and the ability to trigger your Aimed Shot or Sneak Attack ability against enemies who are not flying (while you are). Feruze should’ve been a Smuggler.
  • [Level 11] New Mercenary Perk: Helldiver. +10% thermal resistance jumping feet-first into danger!
  • [Level 11] New Mercenary Chosen Ability: Vaulting Strike. Grants the ability to make a high damage melee attack that does +50% bonus damage to flying or tripped targets. Hmmm what else can I call +50% damage? Minicrits? MINICRITS BAYBEEE.
  • [Level 11] New Mercenary Chosen Ability: Sturm & Drang. Grants the ability to make one melee strike that procs a volley of ranged attacks like ‘Rapid Fire’ ability with enhanced accuracy and critical chance (+25%).
  • [Level 11] New Tech Specialist Perk: Perpetual Energy. Gain 1 energy each time damage is done to your shield.
  • [Level 11] New Tech Specialist Chosen Ability: Overclock. Give yourself the Haste condition for four turns, increasing your evasion by 5% and granting an extra attack for melee and ranged attacks. For when you absolutely gotta go fast.
  • [WARNING: ERROR PRONE] [Level 11] New Tech Specialist Chosen Ability: Deployable Turret. Slap a deployable turret onto the battlefield with a decent-sized laser cannon. Many older AI routines aren’t tuned for the possibility of a PC who adds an ally onto the field. That means they may attack the turret and display text that reads like they’re striking you. There is also a chance that it could introduce bugs into more script-heavy combat encounters like Feruze’s Taxi battle encounter. I will be working on clearing up as many issues as I can over the weekend, but just be aware of the instability this choice might introduce (for now).
  • [Level 12] New Perk: Boundless Reserves. Your energy maximum is increased to 150.
  • [Level 12] New Chosen Ability: Specialized Combatant. The flurry attack granted by Second Shot or Second Attack is upgraded to a full accuracy attack.
  • [Level 12] New Chosen Ability: Second Striker. Allows you to become comfortable making bonus flurry attacks with melee AND ranged attacks.
  • Bleed damage now bypasses shields.
  • Bleed now deals damage on the last turn of the effect (to enable the “Twist the Knife” ability for Smugglers).
  • The “Haste” effect is now shaded as STATUS_GOOD.
  • The “Flying” status can now be assigned with a duration, using its v1 value.
  • Some holiday tweaks and adjustments. (Not Holiday the character, sorry b-baka)
  • Tweaks and adjustments to the Player Character paperdoll display in the corner.
  • Added Achievements for Dhaal’s probe events. (Gedan)
  • Fix loading screen sometimes going past 100% (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Fixes for Dreghan Catch scenes which sometimes confused ass and vagina, leading to some errors. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Fix for Tarkus sexbots using a vagina’s index to look up a cock, which might or might not exist. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Tweak nursery buttons for specific children to remove blanks spots. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Clean up and organize old code. (Lowercase_Donkey)
  • Numerous smaller fixes (and larger fixes that seem small on the surface) courtesy of Gedan, Jacques00, DrunkZombie, Lowercase_Donkey, etc.

[Backers | CoC2] RynQuest

It’s finally here! Etheryn’s personal questline comes to a head with a voyage to the island of Dracia off the east coast in search of her fiendish evil sister!

Hotfixes have been released to take care of lingering bugs and issues!

0.6.0 Patch Notes:

  • You can now reach Level 7! This level comes with TWO new perks for each class — you’ll pick between one of the options when you level up, or when you switch classes if you’re already Level 7.
  • If you encounter Gytha in the Frostwood after discovering Alissa’s whereabouts (and before leaving for Dracia), you can now confront her more properly. Might be for her own good that she not stay free…
  • After having done Calise’s first quest, you can now head out on Etheryn’s personal quest ‘The Demon of Ice.’ Return to the Palace of Ice’s temple, where you normally meet Elthara, to catch a ride to the dungeon. This is a Level 7 quest.
    • Before you get to the dungeon there’s a travel sequence where you can interact and potentially bone down with some new and some returning characters. Personally I suggest bringing Arona on the quest — she loves big boats and she cannot lie. If you have Ashe’s Mace, she’ll have some things to say during the dungeon too!
    • The dungeon includes several new items, new obtainable powers (especially if you’re a Mirror Mage!), a new summon, and a bad end. There’s also up to two characters you can throw in your Wayfort’s dungeon if you want (and have built it, naturally).
  • After having finished the quest, a certain Companion will be able to relieve a certain accursed problem she’s been having, which unlocks changes in all of her existing sex scenes and grants access to entirely new scenes.
  • If said Companion is at negative Confidence or you upgrade your relationship at the end of the quest, you can optionally reapply said problem after talking to her post-quest for kinky fun.
  • New Busts: all the new RynQuest NPCs, updated Ryn busts post-quest, one other surprise elf’s updated bust for the quest.
  • I wrote everything in this quest EXCEPT some scenes for said surprise elf, which were done by Fleep. Big ups to him for pitching in.
  • Balak’s finished his final major round of combat system updates to go along with Level 7. Here’s the lowdown:
    • Consumables that grant beneficial combat effects like Naptha and Brazenberry Ale can be used outside of combat, though only one may be active at a time per character before combat.
    • Sexiness has received several changes:
      • 1.) It’s no longer tied to tease accuracy
        2.) It’s been uncapped
        3.) Leadership now increases ally sexiness
        4.) Presence now increases it by 2 per point
        5.) It’s now a flat increase to damage amplification (the same way Attack Power and Spellpower work)
    • Flare, Frost Arrow, Overchanged, Blue Flame Blade, Charge Weapon, Song of Storms, Elemental Fury, and Arcanist’s Blessing all now have a base number that scales off of spellpower, rather than just being spellpower (that was occasionally divided by some other arbitrary number)
    • Several combat effects are no longer have additive durations (meaning repeat application resets/maximizes duration when applying a new version of the same effect, rather than adding the current and new durations together)
    • Assassinate gets +100 Armor Penetration too, now
    • Holy Shock and Power Wave have gotten slight increases in base values to accommodate the other changes
    • Chrysanthemum Petal no longer grants Blessed. Instead, it increases crit effectiveness by 50 AP.
    • Story difficulty mode can always successfully flee from a fight
    • Caranbrot now shields for an amount equal to your toughness/2 rather than the dealt damage / 2
    • Dawnsword’s Deflection ability got major buffs.
    • Razorcup Nectar now grants a boon
    • The Poisoned condition now reduces evasion by 10
    • Stylish now adds triple one’s level to sexiness
    • Imps got an agility buff and a health nerf
    • The witch outfit can spawn at level 1 now
    • Gweyr Quest 1’s infinite enemies now scale the more of them you fight. Enjoy a fight where the number you defeat actually means something, everyone!
    • A bunch of new items have been added, to be found at Leorah, Kohaku, Ogrish, or Nelia, depending on the item, alongside a new unique added to Vit’s special stock
    • Ley Crystal Grenades have been buffed
    • Blessed now gives +100 sexiness
    • Spirit Veil’s shield has had its base value increased from 10 to 20
    • Dischord now properly hits the whole enemy party with its stagger
    • Smite Evil’s heal now scales
    • Nerfs to: Royal Leathers, Titanic Hat, Control Rod, and Galon’s Griefmaker
    • Adjusted some of the Corrupted Dawnsword’s numbers down
    • Slight damage nerf to Corrupted Dawnsword’s summon
    • Immolation got nerfed because jesus fuck that was way too much burn damage AND CC on top of that
    • Eve gets some additional benefits as she improves
    • Kas got relevant level 7 perks and a few other buffs
    • Flametongue (Agni’s At-Will) now scales off of presence and spellpower
    • Agni got a minor decrease in flame resistance
    • Cauterize (Agni’s recharge healing power) now does 5 fire damage (before resists) to targets before healing is applied
    • Ancestor’s Judgement (Tui recharge power) now properly scales
    • Base Arona’s Amazon Strike (AKA Dominance) has been relaced with Shield Drive

What is NOT in this patch:

  • Updated talks post-quest with Etheryn and Daliza (Very Soon!)
  • Having Lumia unlock Etheryn’s cage (Soon!)
  • A use for a certain crystal you can optionally acquire in Daliza’s basement (Soon!)
  • New REPEATABLE threesomes with Etheryn and anybody else (Not Very Soon!)
  • Content with any capturable NPCs in the dungeon (Not Very Soon!)

Balak says this’ll be the last MAJOR systems revision for combat, unless something ends up broken or way under/over-tuned. He has some plans for Dark Difficulty in the future, and there’ll always be minor tweaks to be made, but we’re pretty happy with where the combat system is now.

If you like what we’re doing, consider supporting us on either Patreon or SubscribeStar! And come hang out on CoC2’s own Discord!

[TiTS] Phabulous Phaedra

Thrall (Adjatha)

Thrall (Adjatha)

Another weird week for me. I cranked a lot of hours out over the last couple of weekends to slam time into improving the state of mobile device input, testing shit on actual devices – which is timeconsuming as fuck when it goes smoothly, and an outright pain in the ass when things aren’t going according to plan. I’ve been paying for it this week though. Started off slow, and then by the time I got up to speed and ready to get my fingers into a handful of the outstanding issues we still had with the control overlay… Jacques had already beat me to it, so I’ve just resigned myself to dealing with back-of-house shit and talking through bugs when people were asking me stuff.

Leek has been in da mines and chopping through more Phaedra stand-up content though, and Fen has started working through the first blob of stuff to properly flesh Phaedra out, starting with a bunch of effort to ship mechanics, fixing a few oversights and expanding the rudimentary stuff we had in a few places, getting it ready for more elaborate things to come.

TiTS 0.9.045 Changelog:

  • BACKER: Started implementing the parts of the proper Phaedra landing events. (Fenoxo)
  • BACKER: Shalin & Hyrax can now be encountered on Phaedra. (Nonesuch & Leek)
  • PUBLIC: Anno’s off-screen encounter with a Thraggen now has an actual scene rather than being behind closed doors (Professor Poprocks & lighterfluid)
  • PUBLIC: Tarratch Slavers are now roaming Mhen’ga for the public builds. (Nonesuch & lighterfluid)
  • Added greater awareness of combat state to enemy ship AI, allowing them to better select which weapons to use. (Fenoxo)
  • Added additional settings to the control overlay, allowing it to be moved, resized and to change its appearance for better accessibility. (Jacques)
  • Added some additional breast shapes to the mannequin bust to aid with size transitions. (Jacques)
  • Added some sorting to option entries in the options menus. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the position-targetting code used for status effect tooltips to work better in multi-enemy fights by disambiguating the targeted elements id. (Jacques)
  • Fixed some ship combat-only status effects not being cleared when combat ends. (Fenoxo)
  • Fixed a crash during character creation relating to the new control overlay. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a handful of instances where the control overlay remains present when movement is otherwise not available. (Jacques)
  • Fixed forcibly opening the large mapview not always properly minimizing the big bust display, leading to a failure to display the larger minimap. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a handful of older checks for a variety of “aphrodisiac tongue” that were hard-wired to search for specific sub-triggers, rather than using a now more encompassing check. (Jacques)
  • Fixed the layout of the status effect display which should help when many effects are being displayed. (Jacques)
  • Fixed animation toggles for various UI components not respecting the configured option. (Jacques)
  • Fixed “Unknown Artist” from appearing in the artist priority list. (Jacques)
  • Fixed a few issues with image paths in the image manifest. (Jacques)
  • Fixed appearance display for multi-cocked characters. (Jacques)
  • Fixed ship missile bays using awkward phrasing for attacking. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed combat text vanishing when fighting NymFoe, when the “Bouncy!” effect blocks a basic attack. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed Quinns pregnancy bust display. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed an issue with the multi-stage combat Feruze uses when the player is using a weapon that has the BYPASS_SHIELD damage flag, end-running around how the triggers operate to move the staged fight along. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed some Sela busts being missing. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed Ilaria never displaying her preg bust. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a handful of issues with the myr deserter. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a reversed check with the Zheng Shi elevator block. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed a scene gating issue with Sophora that could result in crashes. (lowercase_donkey)
  • Fixed the mannequin bust containing some duplicate path data. (Jacques)
  • Fixed hiding the control overlay not always hiding both the D-Pad and the in/out buttons. (Jacques)

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