While we’re gathering things for the next patch, enjoy these fan comics commissioned by Korgie from Gynoid_Herring! They largely follow the enemies encountered in Kiro’s recruitment quest: Dr. Po’s sexdolls.
Po’s Demon Doll:
Po’s Goth Doll:
While we’re gathering things for the next patch, enjoy these fan comics commissioned by Korgie from Gynoid_Herring! They largely follow the enemies encountered in Kiro’s recruitment quest: Dr. Po’s sexdolls.
Po’s Demon Doll:
Po’s Goth Doll:
New week, new patch! This time we have a whole new follower recruitment, though it is sadly limited to hard personality types only at this time due to the way the PC is written within the events. We also have a new transformation item, freshly worked up and ready to go, and I even went ahead and integrated it into the weapon crafting system to boot!
Stay tuned as we push deeper into Phaedra’s wilds in the months to come!
0.9.119 Changelog:
Varena’s got some more relationship building (and even some PLOT to go with those vast plots of land), which sets up a quite substantial second quest getting ready to hit the code queue. Also, KnotQuest and the new character creation bits are all public with this update, so enjoy!
Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix an issue that could cause all tiles in Varena’s quest to fail.
0.7.34 Patch Notes:
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My sinuses couldn’t kill me. My ears infections couldn’t kill me. Having to make my holiday trip with an ear infection that wouldn’t pop on the plane didn’t get me either (ow).
So I slogged through and built up a system that had been concepted when we were adding the Kineticist class – a build your own hardlight weapon system. It’s not fully complete (and may indeed be buggy in unknown ways~) but it’s an excellent proof of concept and for the moment, fairly exploitable. Stacking a critBonus-aligned weapon with a critBonus-aligned resonance gem let me roll like +47% critical… which might catch a nerf soon. Abuse it while you can, I guess! There’s also several other gems that are intended to be added to the game in order to make sure we have reasonable coverage of the main attributes, damage types, and proc chances.
And after settling in back at home, I resumed work on a transformation item for an upcoming enemy: The Behemoths of Phaedra. The transformation item is about 85% done. I just need to finish up the double-vagina transformation and the special perks (heat/rut & radiation resistance). Those will be coming soon.
But wait, there’s more! Two other fully fledged encounters are finalized and ready to go thanks to Gedan and Leek’s tireless efforts – more on that below!
Okay, so after a WHOLE LOT more work, Balak has finished his grand opus on the combat system update with a rework of the Charmer class. Plus, to go along with it, we have chosen to update the Character Creation pipeline at the same time, since I reckon a bunch of you are going to be making new Charmers to check it out. This is the end of Balak’s great work, and now he can peacefully return to the writing mines with the rest of us. Big round of applause for the guy.
Oh, and just so it doesn’t get lost in the weight of all the other changes in the patch: Cait and Katya have a threesome together now! (Thanks Aury!)
Hotfix: A hotfix has been released to fix issues with pupperidge combat infinitely proccing, character creation not giving balls, Caranbrot causing NaN HP, and slider text being near-invisible in dark mode.
0.7.33 Patch Notes:
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
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Merry Christmas everybody! It’s finally time to slap some sense into all those corrupted lupines, and make sure sweet little Drifa can smile again.
Or throw her into a pool of corrupted goo and see what happens. Up to you, really.
TiTS ALSO PATCHED TODAY. Go give it a read for some important updates from my good friends from the far, sexy future.
Thank you all for another amazing year of adventures in Savarra. We look forward to seeing you in 2025 — the year of the snake!
0.7.32 Patch Notes:
This quest is balanced for level 4 or 5 Champions. If you’re heading in there, you might want to bring some friends good at teasing or spellcasting, or stock up on Blood Iris! Remember: beastfolk hate Blight damage!
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
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Before I get into anything else, I’d like to say farewell to a member of our team – not in a fatal way but in a retirement way. A couple of weeks ago, William indicated he would no longer be working on TiTS projects for the foreseeable future. That loss hits hard. Will’s enthusiasm brought us wide swathes of content ranging from sweaty bunnies to MILFy doctors and everything in between. We will be lesser without his contributions, and I wish him the absolute best of luck in his future endeavors, whether they be smutty, mundane, in between, or non-Euclidian.
We still have a big-dicked bunny-girl space pirate he wrote that should be coming to the live side of things to help us ring in the new year, so keep your eyes peeled for her. Should I get word of him working on a similar kind of project, I’ll be sure let you all know about it (provided he consents~)
Sicknoxo here. After making the 40 hourish drive to drop my wife back in her home country of Canada (QQ), I picked up some sinus crud that has been slowly beating the shit out of me for a week. I did manage to get a lot done in the early days of relatively mild sinus crud, but it has absolutely spiked my plan to have a new transformation item in your hands for the holidays (and forced me to reschedule my Christmas travel plans as well.) It’s not Covid (tested twice so far), more on par with the wicked sinus shit I used to get all the time back in the CoC1 days. I suppose stress, travel, and poor quality sleep have combined with the cessation of my fitness routine to leave me vulnerable.
I still coded a scene, laid out the complicated groundwork for the aforementioned TF (it’s very non-standard), and got a 100+ page submission reviewed, but now? Now I am a slug. I’m gonna go crawl back in my tub.
0.9.117 (Master Cheeks) Changelog:
It’s about time for the First Princess of Khor’minos to finally make her appearance outside the palace!
This chunk of Varena’s content represents about 80 pages out of a little over 200 I’ve written for the royal cow over the last couple months. Bit of an endeavor, but I’m quite pleased with the results! It’s all leading into the final bit of Khor’minos’s storyline, and the penultimate Main Story Quest overall — which’ll be my first major project come the new year. I hope you all enjoy your first taste of the princess cow!
Speaking of quests though: with any luck, the massive Corrupted Lupine Dungeon (aka Knot Cave) should be dropping in the next patch, well before the new year.
0.7.31 Patch Notes:
May your holidays be filled with milk and honey!
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Ged-update: Blasting out a quick little hotfix to cover some shit I done goofed the other day. I’m reasling how common it is to run into one of the issues this fixes, so I’m pushing it out of the door now, along with a bunch of other little bits and pieces.
0.9.116, Builds 5539+ Changelog:
0.9.116 Changelog:
Cait and Hana have some new opportunities to show their Champion some love together, and Skow’s got a new rogue around who’s real good at sheathing her dagger in you… Plus a couple of new community-submitted scenes for early game characters!
0.7.30 Patch Notes:
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