Okay, finally it’s time to get some forward momentum going again after all that breeding. This week, we’re opening up the next main story area, and there’s plenty more content for it (and other story-related happenings) coming up shortly!
0.4.0 Patch Notes:
- You can now gain access to the next region of the main story quest — the Undermountain! Whether by invitation as the Champion of Frost or by brute force at any point in the story, you can now get past the Chargers at the gates to Khor’minos and enter the vast subterranean labyrinth between the Foothills and the city of the minotaurs. Do note — you won’t be getting into the city itself just yet!
- New encounter and bad end: the Khor’minoan Chargers! Mess with the bulls, you get the horn(ie)s.
- New encounter: Hobgoblins! What happens when you cross goblins with minos? These brutes! (Written by TheObserver)
- New event: There’s some new imp types down in the depths, and you’re in for a memorable introduction to them — and to the mighty warrior that’s been holding Khor’minos back from the brink of defeat!
- New mechanic: Fog of War! It’s damned dark in the depths of Khor’minos, and even when light can be found, it’s hard to tell which way is which with a demonic invasion underway! If only you could find some source of light to carry with you…
- New Busts by Moira: Calise, Hobgoblins
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