[Backers | CoC2] Khor Aterna!

Captain Fenraus would like to explore a dark, dank hole too.

Okay, finally it’s time to get some forward momentum going again after all that breeding. This week, we’re opening up the next main story area, and there’s plenty more content for it (and other story-related happenings) coming up shortly!

0.4.0 Patch Notes:

  • You can now gain access to the next region of the main story quest — the Undermountain! Whether by invitation as the Champion of Frost or by brute force at any point in the story, you can now get past the Chargers at the gates to Khor’minos and enter the vast subterranean labyrinth between the Foothills and the city of the minotaurs. Do note — you won’t be getting into the city itself just yet!
  • New encounter and bad end: the Khor’minoan Chargers! Mess with the bulls, you get the horn(ie)s.
  • New encounter: Hobgoblins! What happens when you cross goblins with minos? These brutes! (Written by TheObserver)
  • New event: There’s some new imp types down in the depths, and you’re in for a memorable introduction to them — and to the mighty warrior that’s been holding Khor’minos back from the brink of defeat!
  • New mechanic: Fog of War! It’s damned dark in the depths of Khor’minos, and even when light can be found, it’s hard to tell which way is which with a demonic invasion underway! If only you could find some source of light to carry with you…
  • New Busts by Moira: Calise, Hobgoblins

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[TiTS | Backer] Sploosh.

0.8.147 Changelog:

  • Molli can now be interacted with at Cherry’s Tap-Hall whenever Cherry is busy in her room. The big squishy goo comes with six different talk topics and four sex scenes, as well as a possible bad-end for those with truly titanic loads (36 thousand liters or more).
  • New Gianna scenes: ‘taur service. While it’s one button, the scene is vastly different depending on which set of genitals you direct her to pleasure.
  • New Anno pic in the image pack for huskar Anno in a maid outfit.
  • Azariah can now play with Paige and Kiro assuming you have both onboard!

Update: I wrote this last night but the build deployment choked. Now Geddy has it fixed but my home internet is out, so patreon and SS posts and image pack uploads will have to wait.

[Backers | CoC2] Mayternity Stragglers

And last but not least, we have a few stragglers to catch up on from May:

0.3.49 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new optional Good End if Infrith, Rags, and Hretha are all concurrently pregnant but Arona isn’t.
  • Elthara’s Appearance screen has been updated to account for pregnancy, with a new CG by AnonArts as well!
  • Zuzaan now finally has a pregnant bust.
  • Ryn has a new combat headshot and appearance CG for her queenly garb.

And that’s all, folks! Thanks for boatloads of support from all you new backers during May — hopefully you’ll stick around through June as we launch into our next zone and get the main story rolling again!

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
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An incredible comm Alypia got of Ryn wearing the other outfit she finds in the palace, done by the amazing Aeryn.
(don’t worry, freeing Ryn’s still coming eventually™)

[Backers | CoC2] Miko’s Maternity Farewell

Mayternity’s pretty much wrapped up after this (save for a last little bit from Arona for next patch) but for now — enjoy breeding a slutty kitsune shrine-maiden.

0.3.48 Patch Notes:

  • Miko can be found struggling with extreme hunger, the kind that can only be sated by sloppy breeding sex! She has 3 new preg-exclusive sex scenes — one of which requires a heavily pregnant kiyoko in the party, and also has a new CG! Several other kitsune including Mai, Komari, Rindo, and Kinu all have updated talks about Miko’s pregnancy. (Written by TheObserver)
  • Darius, a frostscale salamander arcanist, has been added to the Temple of Mallach. (Written by TheObserver)
  • New suite of Miko busts, with 4 different pregnancy levels and post-pregnancy versions, all by Moira!

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
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[Backers | CoC2] Portable Pony

And now for a very cute addition to your camps, anywhere you may tread:

0.3.47 Patch Notes:

  • After completing the centaur dungeon, you can now ask Eubicha to follow you around as your personal packmule — she’ll increase your storage capacity, and let you access it from camps. She also has a new host of repeatable sex scenes, and can even be bred! Mayternity still, innit? (Written by Gardeford)
  • A whole load of bugfixes, and some under the hood tweaks for the Wayfort expansion coming on the horizon.
  • New Busts: Eubicha follower/pregnant busts by Moira!

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
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[Backers | TiTS] Molten Azariah

Well, the air conditioning in my office is out. It got hot enough for one of the grip pads on my mouse to separate the other night. I still managed to chunk out more Azariah, but I must flee back to the respite of my laptop for now…

Time to replace the ol’ Death Adder…

0.8.146 Changelog:

  • New Azariah scene: Marathon! Have a marathon bang with Azariah and her harem. Depending on the player character’s libido, this scene can extend on for quite a while…
  • New Azariah scene: Share (w/Harem)! Have fun with one part of Azariah while her harem helps with the other.
  • Cleaned up a few small bugs in Azariah and probably introduced a bunch more in the process.

[Backers | CoC2] Elven Fertility

It would be a shame to have a priestess of the fertility goddess, and a beautiful motherly elf at that, go without a chance to prove her devotion with her body. I’d definitely consider this one of the big highlights of our Mayternity push this year, clocking in at well over 100 pages of content!

Oh, and for mobile users: if you’re having trouble getting the game to load — update Android Webview and/or Chrome. That seems to fix things.

0.3.46 Patch Notes:

  • After taking the Wayfort (for Etheryn or for yourself) and having fucked Elthara (and also reaching Level 6), Elthara will start coming down to spend 3 days out of every 2 weeks at your fort. While she’s there, you’ll have the opportunity to breed this priestess of fertility~ (Written by Wsan)
  • You can now get pregnant from Crazy Horses (Written by Balak)
  • New TF: Ursus Bulbs, turning you into a monstergirl bear (Written by Jayo)

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
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[Public | TiTS] More Fixing Bugs

Heyo, I have to say, resorting all the bugs from the bug report forum a second time took longer than I expected given that we had most of the new ones handled already. So, in light of that I’ve fixed a bunch more and pushed one last public patch before I dip into shoveling hot new content out for the backers.

Image-embedded version available! (Larger version of the game that includes the ability to zoom in on character busts and has some images directly embedded into the game. Requires stand-alone flash player.)

0.8.145 Changelog:

  • Re-merged some of DrunkZombie’s pregnancy changes that got lost in the server-moving shuffle.

0.8.144 Changelog:

  • If you choose “Stay Solo” after completing Kiro’s recruitment quest, you should now be able to recruit onto your crew later, and yes, she comes with the ship.
  • A spot where you could cum in Feruze without it being tracked was found and fixed.
  • Fixed another issue with the “Get Service” scenes for the “The Twins” in Kiro’s quest that should improve the accessibility of the phallic version.
  • Fixed handling of back-mounted genitalia’s orgasms in a scene with the gabilani chemist.
  • Fixed a random variant in Feruze’s 69 scene not being random.
  • Fixed two broken parsers in Azariah’s scenes.
  • Added texts for NPCs using the “Low Blow” attack and hitting but not stunning. Previously, no text was written for this scenario.
  • Half-Leithans should no longer have their race show as “Leithan” at creation.
  • The Gabilani Chemist’s “Insta-rut” and “Insta-heat” attacks will now only be used if the PC is eligible for those status affects.
  • Feruze has been assigned a modest grouping of sexual preferences. Previously, she had none defined. These affect the effectiveness of tease attacks.
  • Fixed a small pile of typos.

JavaScript Port Updates:

  • We officially brought Leek onto the team part-time to help Gedan with the porting legwork.
  • Though Leek hasn’t reported to me on it yet, I can see the repo, and porting of Breedwell and Aurora is already ongoing.
  • Geddy’s been chasing server shit most of the weekend. Just today I noticed I couldn’t paste images into forum posts for quick attachment/embeds and got that fixed, and DrunkZombie notices some email confirmation issues that might need handling too. Bear with us as we file off the rough edges.
  • Speaking of the new server, it’s handling the load like a champ. Depending on how it keeps up, I may see about directly hosting image-embedded builds in the future.

It’s midnight here now, so instead of coding the Azariah stuff for backers tonight, I’ll have to poke at that tomorrow, assuming I’m not eaten by family responsibilities. (Edit: It looks like the patch deployment system was broken when I wrote this, so the update got delayed a bit…) Figuring out the various issues with Kiro recruitment burned more time than I thought. Who would have thought having an NPC that:

  • can be two different followers
  • can finish recruitment of at any time
  • comes with her own ship whether you have room or not

…would be fiddly…?

[Public | CoC2] Mayternity Baby Bumps

Time for the public component of Mayternity, with a new pregnancy for vag-havers and a gimme for those of use not so into preg stuff via Skow.

Look forward to Elthara and Miko pregnancies still upcoming, among others! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m digging back into Mass Effect: Legendary and Resident Evil 8! Having a blast with both of them!

0.3.45 Patch Notes:

  • A new stud can be found in the Temple of Mallach, and can knock you up (for a price). You can also briefly chat with his sister. (by TheObserver)
  • There’s a new path to recruit Atugia that’s a little simpler. (by Gardeford, coded by Squishy!)
  • A new Taeleer ranger can be encounter in Harvest Valley, in need of butt love. Requires Level 4+. (by SomeKindofWizard)

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • You can now impregnate Arona after she becomes Chieftain and you’ve had a child with at least one of Rags, Hretha, or Infrith. Arona will bring the idea up and set off a small event chain to get you started.
  • You can now finish building the Temple of Mallach with Cait, should you desire to give her and Sally a permanent home in the Marches. This will also enable Sally to start breeding (for a hefty sum), and unlock a dream visit from Mallach.
  • Cait can now acquire a magicock from Lady Evergreen’s services, and use it on you!
  • The imp mob has a bunch of new scenes!
  • Cait and Valencia have a hot new threesome!
  • After completing the three starting quests (Centaur Dungeon, Orc Dungeon, Alraune) and having met Atugia, she’ll summon you up for a meeting with the Baroness.
  • Elyon, the Huntsmaster of the Winter City, can now be found within the palace — if, and only if, you become the city’s vassal.
  • During combat, only combat statuses will display on character cards.
  • The Veteran perk (Warrior level 1) has be redone to be more useful.
  • CoC2 now has controller support. Buttons are displayed on the screen when in use (and you can disable it on Options, of course), but some hints: you can click left-stick to simulate a mouse click, and you can click the right stick to engage a constant rumble effect if you controller supports one. I’m sure you can figure out something stimulating to do with that feature while you’re playing two-handed… There’s three different vibration settings if your controller supports them; we’re not responsible for your battery life/etc. etc.
  • There’s also proper fullscreen support now, and dark mode works better in Firefox.
  • New busts: Arona, Elyon, Leold, Magicock Cait, Marefolk Shaman and Crazy Horses, Centaur Marauders, Zo; New CGs: Zo Equanimity, Dancer Cait, Cat Temple welcome.

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
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Server Go Boom

Well, our old web host hurried us along by randomly imploding this morning. What you see now is the new server. It comes with a fatter pipe to more easily pump out all that thick, juicy content you’ve come to expect from us and our games. Of course, it’s not all positives. This surprising turn of events put a few kinks in our tentacles:

  • We didn’t get to make a last-minute backup of all the blog and forum data. That means a day got Thanos-snapped off the forums, and my last patch was caught in the corssfire.
  • Our git and backend pipeline for deploying new builds also got interrupted. It may be a little bit until the “Play” and “Backer Builds” headings are able to update with fresh patches as they used to.

In the meantime, I can still link you guys to the image-embedded version .swf for the bug fixes I did last night, if you have a stand-alone flash player to open it with.

Thank’s for bearing with us!

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