Server Go Boom

Well, our old web host hurried us along by randomly imploding this morning. What you see now is the new server. It comes with a fatter pipe to more easily pump out all that thick, juicy content you’ve come to expect from us and our games. Of course, it’s not all positives. This surprising turn of events put a few kinks in our tentacles:

  • We didn’t get to make a last-minute backup of all the blog and forum data. That means a day got Thanos-snapped off the forums, and my last patch was caught in the corssfire.
  • Our git and backend pipeline for deploying new builds also got interrupted. It may be a little bit until the “Play” and “Backer Builds” headings are able to update with fresh patches as they used to.

In the meantime, I can still link you guys to the image-embedded version .swf for the bug fixes I did last night, if you have a stand-alone flash player to open it with.

Thank’s for bearing with us!

[Public | TiTS] Rough Gianna

Well, I got a patch out today, even if I got a fraction of what I wanted in it. I’m gonna go lay down somewhere and lay into fixing bugs for another public patch tomorrow.

Image Embedded Version Available (Note: Requires a stand-alone flash player.)

0.8.142 Changelog:

  • Crew Gianna has a new scene available. It requires Gianna to have a donger installed, the player character to have a vagina, and the player character to be bipedal – because there’s some mating press-style hijinx involved. It clocks in at around 5,900 words of total text with a fair bit of variation thrown in for spice. If I ever decide to write another character with variable breasts, butt, lips, dong, and body temperature, kindly slap the shit out of me. (Note: this scene could probably still use some edits, be on guard for typos and slap ’em in a bug report if you spot ’em.)
  • Sera’s “Tainted Love” expansion by Nonesuch was added by Jacques00. If Sera is your mistress, it’s possible for her to get sick and need your help running the shop. It’s a one-time event, but repeat chances to work the desk are in on a random trigger. Note: you need to be eligible to collect their salary payment in order to trigger it.
  • Gianna got a whole mess of new busts courtesy of Morgore – 16 total with 16 more variants that require some more writing from me before players will be able to see them…
  • Adjatha’s busts for Salacious Sally and Azariah are now live. Check them out on Dhaal!
  • Some fixes for Sylvie pregnancy were added, courtesy of DrunkZombie.

And now I think I’m going to flop into a beanbag chair. G’nite!

P.S. If you like B’s writing (author of Frostwyrm, Paige, Azariah, etc), he’s got a game of his own over on his Patreon called Equivalent Exchange that heavily features asset theft. I’m told he added a new slime-girl and a character customizer, if you’re interested.

Of course, you can always support us on Patreon or SubscribeStar!

[Backers | CoC2] New Blood for the Tribe

Of course, we couldn’t let Mayternity go by without a contribution from me myself, so as a bit of a surprise — a companion that’s long been requested to get some babytime can now take as good as she gives!

0.3.44 Patch Notes:

  • You can now impregnate Arona after she becomes Chieftain of her tribe. You need to go through some rigmarole to get there (impregnate at least one of Infrith, Hretha, or Rags first; take Arona to Hretha after she brings the subject up) but it is repeatable thereafter.
  • Cait can now acquire a magicock from Lady Evergreen (ask about Services with her in the party), and of course, put it to use on you!
  • After completing the three starting quests (defeat Alraune and clear both Centaur Dungeon and Orc Dungeon) and meeting Atugia, the dullahan will bring a summon from the Baroness for a special meet and greet.
  • During combat, only combat status effects will display on character cards.
  • New Busts: Arona by Moira, and Magicock’d Cait!

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
… Patreon!
… Sponsus!
… or SubscribeStar!

Server + TiTS Update

Well, first off, the new host has had me in “validation” for a several days at this point. I’ve been waiting almost 48 hours for a response after giving them the requested documents. Working with the internet is suffering some days.

I’ll go ahead and give you guys a report on TiTSdev since it’s been quiet. After dealing with some issues for a week that I literally can’t discuss here (sadface emoji), I got back to proper dev work on Monday with some hip-shattering goodness for dick-enabled Gianna. This scene is already over 4,400 words and getting longer by the day. I want to squeak in a third set of messy orgasms and a bit of aftercare before I finish it up. I’m thinking the total will clock somewhere in the 5-6000 word range.

I’ve also been collaborating with Morgore to get new bust art for her – including a variant where she changes her skin pigment into the SteeleTech outfit – for all the different size variants of her bust. We also got some art for the futanari variants, likely to be displayed in the appearance screen only to keep the bust variant count under 50.

Savin is still writing more Syri stuff I heard. William is chipping at his own backlog now that it’s grown to match Savin & I’s.

More excitingly: Gedan has save import largely working. I handed her a small pile of saves I collected from working on bug reports, and she was able to get most of them to import without issue after adding an “export” option to her local flash branch. After this week’s meeting we were discussing the possibility of making the WIP version of the JS port available to backers, even though many systems still need to be rebuilt inside it. Soon ™!P.S. The next patch will be public and come out early next week. Thank you for your patience and support.

Patreon Linking Issues + Server Move

Hey guys, (Fen here)

UPDATE: Stuck in verification with the new host atm. It could be a few days.

Short version: we’re going to move web hosts shortly. We’re aware there are issues with Patreon account linking right now. They might not be fixed until we get everything set up and moved over.

Long version: we got reports that account linking was broken, which lead to the discovery of some DNS issues with our current host – on top of issues we were already aware of with our chosen hosting distro being on the way out. That makes right now a great time to move servers and set up something that’ll hopefully be a little more durable. We’re going to be swapping to a bigger hosting company with a nice phat bandwidth pipe for us to feed your downloads with. We might even get set with a second to serve as a backup or a download server for the games, but that’ll need some more discussion.


[Backers | CoC2] Mayternity Begins with Fertile Temple Girls

0.3.43 Patch Notes:

  • You can now finish building the Temple of Mallach with Cait, should you desire, giving her a permanent anchor to the Marches and giving Sally a place where she can ply her trade. (All written by TheObserver)
    • Once the temple is established, you can visit Sally at the temple and knock her up (for a princely sum)! If you don’t want to do the deed yourself, several bedicked companions can be put to stud for her as well — with accompanying threesomes!
    • If you’ve finished the temple, Cait’s patron might just pay you a visit… or let you pay him a visit.
  • The imp mob has a bunch of new scenes! (Written by Fleep)
  • New busts: Elyon and Leold, both by Moira.
  • New CGs: Zo Equanimity training and Cat Temple welcome.

Temple welcome illustration by bk!

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
… Patreon!
… Sponsus!
… or SubscribeStar!

[Backers | CoC2] Complete Control

And now for a feature literally nobody but me and my shitty cubital tunnel syndrome asked for, plus a new husbando written by Tobs and some double kitty fun with everyone’s favorite manti-let Valencia!

0.3.42 Patch Notes:

  • CoC2 now has controller support! You can’t use it for chest puzzles or filling text boxes, but 99% of the game is now playable with a controller. Buttons are displayed on the screen when in use (and you can disable it on Options, of course), but some hints: you can click left-stick to simulate a mouse click, and you can click the right stick to engage a constant rumble effect if you controller supports one. I’m sure you can figure out something stimulating to do with that feature while you’re playing two-handed… There’s three different vibration settings if your controller supports them; we’re not responsible for your battery life/etc. etc.
  • There’s also proper fullscreen support now, and dark mode works better in Firefox.
  • Elyon, the Huntsmaster of the Winter City, can now be found within the palace — if, and only if, you become the city’s vassal. (Written by TheObserver)
  • Cait and Valencia have a hot new threesome! (Written by StrawberryTea!)
  • The Veteran perk (Warrior 1st level) has been redone to be more useful.
  • A bunch of new busts including new marefolk shaman, crazyhorses, and centaurs done by Honeypony, as well as an Appearance screen CG of Dancer Cait by Moira and Zo’s busts by DCL!

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
… Patreon!
… Sponsus!
… or SubscribeStar!

[Public | CoC2] A Totally Different Sally

Coincidentally there’s also a whore named Sally being added to CoC2 patch. What’re the odds?

0.3.41 Patch Notes:

  • After completing Cait’s quest, the next time you go to the Frost Hound you’ll get to meet her BFF Sally from back home. They have a load of paired content if you visit with Cait in tow. She’ll also give Cait a new set — remember, you can equip new sets from the JOURNAL, not inventory. (Written by TheObserver)
  • The Companions and Guests staying at the Frost Hound have been split between two menus. So many NPCs…..
  • New TF: Boreal Elf. Find frosty flowers in the Rift of Frostwood. (Written by Alypia!)
  • Evergreen has new services, including a couple of magical piercings — a clitring that conjures a magical strapon for you, compatible with any cock-using scene, and a pair of nipple piercings that make you perma-milky. She also sells a Summoning Circle you can install at the Wayfort. Currently you can only pet the Ghost Wolf tell him that he was/is a good boy; the actually sexable summons will come later!

New Since Last Public Patch: (Which was just 2 patches ago cuz anniversary)

  • You can now get a pair of new sets for Arona: one exclusive to her Exiled status (mirroring her Chieftain’s Bronze set) and another accessible only if you’ve taken Arona to one of the ghostly dungeons so she can become properly afraid of spookums. (Written by Balak)
  • Another step in Gweyr’s quest in the Rift has been added, this time taking place on a ship controlled by Tollus’s cult. (Written by TheObserver, coded by Squishy)

As always, you can become a backer and support the game’s development on…
… Patreon!
… Sponsus!
… or SubscribeStar!

[Backers | TiTS] Cherry’s Image Wall & Sylvie Preg!

Sinensian absolutely killed it with this art. This version with the jumper silhouettes didn’t make it in game, but I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it.

Some hangups with Leyaks are going to hold them back for a bit, but DrunkZombie delivered Sylvie’s pregnancy expansion to me today, and I sorted out a pretty nice pile of high quality art for the game. Enjoy~!

0.8.141 Changelog:

  • Sylvie can now get pregnant! She can start or stop taking birth control. High virility Steele’s have a small chance to impregnate her even when on. She has special talk scenes during pregnancy, and futanari Sylvie can impregnate Steele as well. Nursery scenes are included in a special area.
  • New Busts: Big T, Bianca (though only for two of her variants), Cherry.
  • New Imagepack art: Anyxine under desk service (illustrated with SEVEN new images by SimplePhobia), Cherry’s Slutwall, Slut Wall Gabilani creampied, Slut Wall leithan creampied, Slut Wall raskvel creampied, Slut Wall ratboy creampied, Slut Wall slyveren creampied, AND I updated the Slut Wall spots that were missing embedded versions of their Adjatha bust to include the art.

As usual, the image-embedded version can be found on the relevant Patreon or SubscribeStar post. Thank you so much for your continued support!

[Backers | TiTS] Azariah Azariah!

Here comes my first drop of additional Azariah content! Written by B, author of such wonderful works as “Lane”, “Frostwyrm”, “Nykke”, “Nenne”, and more that I’m surely forgetting, this lovely (and heavily modded!) slyveren mistress is happy to have you help her girls service her cock. Check in with Sally on Dhaal to unlock her, but you have to make sure you treat her right! Once Azariah’s unlocked, you can bump into her on the east side of the Gyre at around the same North-South “elevation”. Patch notes a bit further down, under the general dev update.

I’m juggling a lot of irons in my fire right now between pushing out the visual novel, coordinating the TiTS team, and trying to keep the content flowing to you guys while some of our better coders (in my opinion) are busy with the port to Javascript. An update on that – Geddy’s still picking at teaching the flash version how to export something we could potentially import into the javascript version of the game. Odds are good you won’t have to start fresh!

As mentioned on my twitter, Jacques00 put together a little tween-animated tutorial helper we can use to help first-timers with the UI, already embedded into the current javascript port in mockup form, even allowing for me to give her some custom text. Of course I got goofy with it. It’s too good not to share on the blog!

Lighterfluid has been busy coding (in addition to real life demands) the Leyaks, which I can only really describe as floating jellyfish – if the jellyfish had sexy bimbo faces tucked into them. I wasn’t 100% onboard with the concept at first, but the busts Adj is putting together for them look really, really nice. One small wrinkle is that they were written to induce the effects of a galomax dose in certain loss scenarios, but given how galomax is written and structured, that won’t be a good fit. I’m going to have to work out an alternative goo-ification (jellyfication?) scenario to satisfy everyone tonight or tomorrow.

DrunkZombie has also had plenty to keep him busy in the real world, but he told me that I could reasonably expect Sylvie to have a pregnancy expansion on Friday. I’m not as into pregnancy as I used to be back in the CoC days, but I’m still looking forward to it!

0.8.140 Changelog:

  • Azariah the slyveren mistress is now on Dhaal! She comes with two sex scenes that have significant forks (each the size of a small scene on their own) and a blowjob that you can trigger from almost anywhere in her content – with significant variation based on when and where you start it. B really outdid himself on that one!
  • Gianna will now get out of your bed when you tell her to. Naughty companion robots, I swear!
  • Slave Sera’s inventory can now contain Vernacola and Dicksprout.
  • Tuuva can no longer have a threesome with Nenne while Tuuva is indisposed.
  • The “Twins” from Kiroquest will now properly offer their “Get Service(P)” scene to males. It was blocked by an error in disabled button placement – unless the PC was herm, like my test PC. Whoops!
  • FIRST-14’s “Overqueen” was missing her full list of “sexual dislikes”. You may find her a bit tougher to tease as a result!
  • “Generic” Enemies on FIRST-14 have had their uncommon drops standardized so that they cannot drop equipment you already have – and will instead drop a piece you don’t have instead. This should make getting pieces you don’t have a little easier and eliminates some random variance in methodology between the two.
  • Fixed a potential crash related to collecting Perdita’s stories.
  • I wub you guys. Stay safe out there!

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