[Backers | CoC2] The Biggest Moo

I hope you like huge milky tiddies and/or cute little femboys, cuz we got both this week. Sorry for missing last week — bit of a down week for us. Definitely not because Fire Emblem: Three Houses came out. It just happened to, that’s all. Also go buy it if you like TRPGS; it’s one of the best in the series.

0.2.9 Patch Notes:

  • A new but optional female companion is available! Find the hidden cave in South Harvest Valley while Brint is in your party and pay attention to the quest. You might want to keep a save before you go in there! (written by Wsan)
  • June, a femboi lupine seeking massive gains (of your cummies) has been added to the gym. (Also written by Wsan. Man hiring that guy was a good idea, good job me. Also, coded by Coolmn.)
  • You can get an extra chunk of storage out of the Ruined Wayfort after the alraune boss. (Coded by AirplanePerson)

Up next: I’m finishing off the last bits and pieces of my salamander-centric project before moving on to the next stage of CaitQuest and the first stages of the Frostwood, our next area. Some more marefolk-related fun and the Harvest Valley centaur dungeon are getting wrapped up — there should be something horsey for next patch, though the quest will take a bit longer! Also, Balak’s coding a small Pupperidge Farm xpak for milking yourself and some other fun, so milky Champs have some relief headed your way too.

We’re actually running a little short on finished content at the moment, so if you happen to have an itch for writing, consider heading over to the forums to check out our submission guidelines! new enemy encounters, sex scenes for existing NPCs, and sexy happenings in the wilderness are relatively easy ways to ease yourself into things.

June likes you. He likes sex. Very nice! (Art by DCL)

As always, you can get backer access here!

Minor Systemic Hiccup

Sav here,

Just a quick FYI because several people have mentioned this happening: if you’re a backer and can no longer see the Backer Builds tab on the blog, you’ll need to re-link your Patreon and blog account. Don’t know why, but it seems Patreon had a little hiccup (probably for a few dozen of you) and this fixes it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

CoC2 backers build this weekend. TiTS public build when Fen’s back from GenCon. He’s feeling much better, from what I understand. All the well-wishes were appreciated.


So last night my sinus/ear infection flared back up in the other ear now that I’m out of antibiotics. This time I got put on some steroids (not the muscle-building kind). Hopefully I’ll have my shit together by Gencon this weekend, dodge any con crud, and hit coding Soak hard.

Also I had to reinstall windows last night, lost a few hours work, and I’m not looking forward to figuring out how to set up my coding macros again >.>

I’ll be back in a week with a public patch, hopefully better health, and streaming work on coding Soak.

I fucking hate everything about this month.

[Backers | TiTS] Consequences


Shou’s rendition of Chibi-noxo can’t handle Savin’s new bad-end…

I’m not dead yet! Enjoy the new content. I made sure Teyaal’s fight was actually pretty tough, but please let me know if it it’s too tough. I could reliably beat it in testing, but perhaps I just had an optimal ship fit for the Sidewinder.

0.8.010 Changelog:

  • Two new scenes were added for the frost dragon, written by TheLetterB and coded by Whimsalot.
  • Doctor Teyaal gets quite upset if you come back after stealing the Sidewinder. If you fly back to Zheng Shi after, expect heavy resistance. (Note that the event is currently bugged to happen no matter what ship you are flying post-theft. In a future patch it will only trigger if flying the Sidewinder.) Losing, of course, brings a sexy new bad-end.
  • New Cheat: “sjw”. Toggling this one replaces “shemale” with “dick-girl” throughout the game’s scenes dynamically. Something like this has been requested a few times, and it spending 5 minutes adding a cheat allows some of our transgender fans to better enjoy the game, I’m happy to do it.
  • Zheng Shi’s rooms have been updated for the Sidewinder‘s theft. What replaced it? A new, much less complete Sidewinder II. One of these days they’ll actually get to use one of their ships…
  • Burt’s vending machine was moved to the back room. Yoma’s button (when he’s there) now occupies its space.
  • Enemy AI for using Shield Disruptors was fixed.
  • Lots of other fixes courtesy of Jacques00. Seriously. A lot of files got the J-touch!

0.8.011 Changelog:

  • You can now mating press the female raskvel, courtesy of William’s writes and DrunkZombie’s coding.
  • This version number only exists because I forgot to merge this branch before pushing 0.8.010 to the build-servers. Whoops.

[Backers | TiTS] Apology Patch

Sorry guys, but I’ve done literally nothing across the past few days (aside from drop my car off in the shop… FML). Still not well. I’m not going to get into the details because I’ll get the same volley of health suggestions I always do whenever I get sick.

I’m just glad this doesn’t happen as often as it used to.

0.8.009 Changelog:

  • Nykke (by B) is back in the game with a new coat of paint. (Coded by DrunkenZombie.)
  • That’s it.


[Backers | CoC2] Ghosts & Doggos

We’ve got a new dungeon that puts your combat and exploration skills to the test (at least if you aren’t a mage-heavy party). That’s about it for this patch; new lewdness next week!

0.2.8 Patch Notes:

  • There’s a new quest and dungeon, accessible at level 3+ and after having rescued Garret from the logging camp. Pick it up from Garth, find River at the Frost Hound, and then again in the southern Foothills to get access to the dungeon. This one’s a combat challenge; don’t expect any new sex scenes in here for reasons that should become abundantly clear. (Written by TheObserver!)
  • You can now save/load file on android, and android versions older than 5.0 can no longer install the game (because it didn’t work anyway). Some other very old versions of android can still install the game, but the UI will still be all fucked up. Game’s still playable, but we really don’t recommend it.

As always, backer access is available here!

Feelin’ Shit.

Might need to go back for stronger antibiotics if I’m not better by the end of the weekend.


Hey guys, no patch today. I just wanted to tease you a little bit – we’ve got Soak on the way! What’s Soak? It’s another transformative drug in the vein of Throbb, but for women. Skom’s been writing it for me, and I did a quick review of the WIP today. It’s phenomenal. There’s a few changes and adjustments I requested, but what’s there already is more than perfect for aficionados of sopping-wet cunts.

Nykke’s rework is also coming. DrunkZombie did a lot of work coding up this new version of the much-beloved scale-slut, and she’ll be included in the next patch.

Meanwhile, I have to redo all the rooms descriptions that make mention of the Sidewinder for its absence. …and then write a scene for Mitzi getting her soak.

I’ll keep you posted!

[Backers | TiTS] Olympia and the Saucy Sidewinder

(Pssst, don’t forget that CoC2 just got a public release!)

Olympia looks good sporting the SteeleTech colors.

Alright guys, this is one I’ve been getting asked about for fucking ages… and what’s worse is that the writing was done months ago, just waiting on there to be actual code for ships. Now, before I get into this, a word of warning: This patch is not 100% complete in regards to stealing the sidewinder. I still need to update all the room descriptions for its departure, and undoubtedly other changes and tweaks are going to be made as well. Be aware that saves made in this patch may not reflect future changes to the Sidewinder’s stats if anything needs adjusted.

(Not bad for a guy with an ear infection…)

0.8.008 Changelog:

  • You can steal the Sidewinder! It goes fast… really fast. More than twice as fast as any other ship in the game. It also comes with a very defensive sex-bot that will need to be dealt with.
  • Speaking of that sex-bot – she can be a full fledged crew-member… as long as you stay onboard the Sidewinder. If you swap it out for any other ship, she’ll ditch you to stay with the Sidewinder. Probably don’t sell it.
  • Amber got some new scenes to personally “Drain Her,” written by Wsan and coded by Legojohn. Great stuff, guys!
  • A new option for having log notices appear in-line with current scene text is now available. Please note: In some rare instances this may cause log notices not to display.
  • Carl’s shop found its tooltips.
  • Some bug fixes, like usual!

[Public | CoC2] Marefolk Village

This is a real Gardeford-heavy patch this month. Give the guy a little love in the comments for solo-ing a new companion and NPC and the start of a new settlement all in the same patch. 

0.2.7 Patch Notes:

  • New Location: Marefolk Village. Located in South Harvest, this small tribal village is home to the more peaceful female marefolk.
  • New PC: Zuzann the Marefolk Mage Smith (by Gardeford).
  • New Feature: Visually Impaired Mode. Significantly improves the game’s accessibility for those with visual impairments, especially regarding tooltips and graphical puzzles (like Kiyoko’s door). Big ups to Drake for taking the initiative to make this happen <3.
  • On mobile, you can hold on buttons to read the tooltips.
  • New bust: Atugia!

Also New This Month…

  • New Companion: Atugia the Dullahan (by Garde).
  • New Location: Hawkethorne Gym
  • New NPCs: Nelia the Clothier (by Balak), Lusamine (by Bubble), Hretha (Post-Orc Quest)
  • New Enemies: Crazy Horses (by Questy)
  • New Scenes: More Brint x Trap (by Wsan), More Etheryn (with a guest scene by William), Berwyn Cuddles (by Hugs)
  • New Dream: Taur-centric dream w/ two variants
  • New TF: Mothfolk
  • New Codices: Slimes, Sheepfolk, Wyld Elves
  • Bust-viewer options.

As always, you can grab Backer access for the rest of the month here!

God damn Atugia is ripped, tho.

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