So a long time ago, when CoC goblins were basically a twinkle in my eye, I got PZero to do me some art of a goblin… and was inspired to do a caption of it myself. Tamani was birthed from this little exercise, creating one of the game’s more infamous and beloved characters.
I’m quite fond of captions. I used to lurk in the caption threads on then ‘chan’s /d/ board back in the day and prowl around for them. To me, a picture with a story is a thousand times more enticing and more interesting than bare art alone. It’s one of the things about Dmitrys’s work that I’ve always loved. I’m not sure who did the writing that accompanied his pictures, but I enjoyed it.
Now I’ve bumbled into some goblin-themed captions over on a certain booru that I really enjoyed, and I thought, why not incentivize our lovely community to produce some of our own? There’s certainly enough art!
- All entries must be Corruption of Champions or Trials in Tainted Space themed.
- All entries must have at least 100 words of text, minimum.
- All entries must be submitted in this thread.
- Judging will be done by Fenoxo.
- The contest will close in one week, Saturday the 18th.
- Maximum five submissions per author.
- First prize will receive $100.
- Fenoxo will also select additional “Honorable Mentions” which will receive $50 apiece.
- All payments will be done via paypal.