[Backers] Pirate Mining

One word of warning – my schedule is shifting slightly for the summer so that Thursdays and Fridays are going to be my “weekends”. Also, I’m expecting to drop the next public patch on Monday or Tuesday. There may be a weekend patch with HugsAlright’s Zil Twins if we can manage it.

0.7.177 Changelog:

  • The first chunk of the Zheng Shi mines have been laid down. There’s currently not any new encounters there aside from our gem-toting robot friend at the moment.
  • Buying a collar for Stella should now work.
  • There should now be a log message to notify you if Stella is successfully impregnated. For reference, it takes about 30 days for her to start showing and a further two months to give birth.
  • Fixed a bug where people who hacked their virility super high could cause a near infinite loop in Stella’s pregnancy check.

Writing room descriptions kills my brain. RIP, Fenoxo.

[Backers] Makin’ Baseball Teams

0.7.176 Changelog:

  • Stella has a small expansion pack written by our local Wsan. Most interesting: a new “Breed” scene where you can (potentially) knock her up!
  • Stella also has a new pregnant sex scene for once she starts showing.
  • Stella also has a new petplay scene that comes with the ability to buy her a collar. Last I saw, Adjatha was whipping up some quick collar modifications, and I’ve logged a requests for a pregnant version of Stella’s busts as well.
  • Fixed a crash when losing to the mining robots on Zheng Shi Station.
  • Urbolg got a spicy new scene!

Art is actually a piece TigerBlack (Stella’s original owner) commissioned from Joelasko.

[Backers] Mining Misadventures with Tivf!

0.7.175 Changelog:

  • New rooms on Zheng Shi: Overseer Maike’s Office, Slave Pens, and a placeholder room that will be the entrance to the mines eventually.
  • New enemy, currently encounterable in the placeholder room: Mining Robot! It always drops at least one gem, but it can drop multiples.
  • New NPC: Tivf, the zil slave. He currently resides in Overseer Maike’s office.
  • New hacking puzzle: Getting in to Overseer Maike’s office takes a bit of work.
  • Two new Kally scenes by QuestyRobo. One is rather easy to find, but the other to have viewed the kui-tan codex entry and get pretty smashed. Oh, and you have to know about her secret ingredient as well. Enjoy!

Fenoxo-taur coding away by MrPink.

[Backers] Urbolg’s Shield & Akane

0.7.173 Changelog:

  • Urbolg now has a few items he sells, a new talk topic, and a rare-rarity shield that can be retrieved from his office after completing the appropriate talk discussion.
  • Akane, by SoAndSo, has been coded in by Lighterfluid. She’s got a pretty long chain of events that lead up to meeting her, starting in Tavros with a stop in Uveto, but if you really like bondagey pain stuff, she’s right up your alley.
  • Shekka can now try the mindwash visor, courtesy of B!


  • I updated the check for the coordinates to Zheng Shi so that more people should be able to get there. Sorry about that!

That’s it for now! Will update this post with some lovely art in a few hours. Art at right is a lovely bunch of sketches of Brandy the mute(ish) cow-girl, who just got an expansion a patch or two back. Much to my shame, I didn’t include this lovely piece with it. FriendlyAlienFriend drew it!

Zheng Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

0.7.172 Changelog:

  • Players can now head to the fifth (fourth for storyline) planet… which, isn’t exactly as one would expect. Landing is a bit of a challenge, and the optional space fight isn’t written or active in any manner since… we don’t have that subsystem in our hands to build with yet.
    • Hint: Just drop an f-bomb in the password prompt somewhere.
  • Zheng Shi has one active NPC encounter thus far: Urbolg, the uplifted Korgonne artificer. You’ll have to fight your way past him to get into station. Presently he has one bad end by yours truly (lose to him twice), and one repeatable scene after you beat him, written by Wsan. We’ll likely add at least 2 or 3 more options down the road, as well as a basic shop option for some basic gear.
  • A small portion of the first area of Zheng Shi has been mapped out. More will come in the future.

I also reviewed an encounter for a planned event – the siege of Korg’ii Hold – that Wsan wrote. Lemme say, if you like milodan males, you’ll love it.

Finally, I feel like a total skeezeball for not properly plugging FriendlyAlienFriend. She did an amazing Thicc Anno bust on commission and I didn’t give her a proper shout out. Check out her tumblr and Patreon if you like her work!

[Backers] Bubbliciousness for Mitzi!

Well, I’ve put in the very last of my planned content for Mitzi. Adjatha has expressed some interest in doing a scene or two for her, so something new may pop up in the future. I only applied a little (lot of) pressure to steer him in that direction.

0.7.171 Changelog:

  • You can now give the fruits of your BubbleBuddy(tm) toy to Mitzi! She’ll give you a unique little prize for the first bubble of each size that you get her way. Happy collecting!
  • New busts: Huskar Anno by FriendlyAlienFriend, and the missing Mitzi busts by Adjatha.

Now back to putting together Zheng Shi Station!

[Backers] Brandy Xpacks & Such

0.7.170 Changelog:

  • HugsAlright’s Brandy Expansion Pack has been coded by TheRealDrunkZombie.

Lots of fixes and tweaks provided by Jacques00, including some groundwork for a new item. In addition, I finished up some dialogues for the first NPC in the pirate base this afternoon, and I’ll be leaning on Wsan to assist with writing sex scenes for him. Expect a small micropatch coming soon with a few new busts and other tweaks before I start coding the pirate base proper.

[Public | CoC2] Lusty Wyverns

Continuing the march of implementation! Drake’s added in the Lust Combat subsystem. You can now Tease enemies into submission and Sense their weaknesses — pretty much what you expect from a streamlined version of what appears in TiTS, but I understand it was quite a bit of work hooking all the actual mechanics up under the hood. On the content side, we have a new enemy in the Foothills region: the wild Wyvern girl! She’s a tanky opponent whose hefty scales make her resistant to physical damage, but less so to Lust…

TBA: Adding Lust attacks for Cait and the Harpy Thieves. Cait’s lust attacks will be added alongside a Tactics setting that’ll let you set your companions to different strategies or damage types.

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0.0.11 Patch Notes

  • Added the Lust Combat subsystem. It unlocks after the tutorial.
  • Added the Sense command, and added Likes and Dislikes for certain sexual equipment to the extant enemies as well as Cait.
  • Added the Wyvern girl to the Foothills, complete with sex scenes. Note that her Venom Milking scene does not currently give you the item itself; it is tba.
  • Assorted bug fixes, code refactors, and making saves more efficient. All the images in game were resized and properly cropped/scaled, so that should improve load times a bit!

The wyvern girl’s headshot is by DCL!


Firstly, Jim Sterling did a pretty decent video on the situation. Usually I don’t care much for his content as he has a tendency to spend 20 minutes saying 5 minutes worth of things, but this one is decent. It gives some good background on the group claiming responsibility.

Now, the affected developers are reporting getting messages from Valve saying the previous warning was in error, and that a manual review was being done. I feel like it’s too early to declare victory, especially when the manual review could still demand further censorship, but it’s a start.


Fucking Cock-Gobblers.

For those who don’t know, Steam has recently informed a number of small, independent game creators and companies that they need to censor their games – or have them removed from Steam (I found out about this in this thread on reddit). Games like HuniePop are among them, or Mutiny, which features writing from one of our own community scribes. Many of these folks worked with Valve to ensure they were in compliance with Valve’s policies, going so far as to send art assets to contacts within the company to ensure they weren’t crossing any lines.

I don’t know how much truth there is to it, but I’m hearing that a religious group has taken credit for it – and claimed to have been running a campaign in Valve’s direction for years with this aim. Fuck that noise.

Mutiny’s Devs have put their game on sale for $1 in the meantime. So if you like VNs on steam, maybe support them, and if Valve doesn’t change course – I’ll be trying to compile some alternative stores that are willing to handle risque games like this, even if they aren’t outright porn.

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