Plugs & Stuff!

It’s time for another edition of… Plugs and Stuff! The semi-yearly (but not really) time of year when Fenoxo drops some fat plugs for some projects he feels could use some attention. I’m putting the nice stuff at the start and the filthy stuff at the end, because fuck, why not?

Youtube Channels

There’s a couple of youtube channels I’d like to bring attention to. First off is my buddy Dave’s pet project:

Character Select is a small lets play channel that he does with a number of his friends, including me and another couple filthy wastes of flesh that hang out in the community from time to time. I’m not sure why it worked out that way given that he tries to keep things relatively PG-13, but it is what it is. Savin, Me, Third, and a few other randoms have managed to ingratiate ourselves into Dave’s good graces, and it’s the least I can do to give him some internet attention after youtube took a dump all over smaller channels like his.

Additionally, both Savin and myself have channels where we post D&D-type stuff from time to time. Mine’s not nearly as active because I’m a terrible human being.

Although keep in mind the cool imp there. He seems like a quality guy.

Smutty Stuff!

Two other things I want to mention that I’ve tried recently: Lilith’s Throne and Inner Bimbo. The former is a CoC-like game filled with fucking, transformation, and a really clean-looking UI system. It has taken me three or four tries to actually get into the game, however, as there’s a whole fucking lot going on. If you thought TiTS had overwhelming character creation, Lilith’s Throne puts it to shame. Ever wanted to know what color the inside of your throat is? Lilith’s Throne will tell you.

It may sound like I’ve complained a lot about it, but hang on. Lilith’s Throne is actually pretty damn cool. It has a really slick enchanting system that reminds me vaguely of playing Morrowind forever ago. I was able to enchant some boxers to increase the amount of cum I produce for every hour that I wear them, which is neat. It also has a full-blown slavery system, though somewhat lacking in depth compared to something like Slave Maker. Additionally, the sex scenes are done via a procedural sex system that feels like a mix between something you’d see in CoC and actual combat, though I am real tired of seeing vaginas referred to as “kitty”s. This can wear a little thin, but after a few hours of playing last night, I was still having fun with it. I give it Fen-point-Fen/FentyFive.

Now on to Inner Bimbo. Sadly, it wasn’t about your character slowly descending into being a bimboslut and was instead about running an illegal salon that bimbofies girls. The image set that comes with it is really slick, featuring lots of high-quality gifs that give you some eye-candy as you journey through its admittedly-unfinished plot. If you like big-breasted bimbo-sluts, the game might be for you. I give it 500CCs / TiTS.

[Backers] Shekka Funzies

I’ve been in a fairly write-happy mood, considering I chunked out a solid 8,000 words of Shekka stuff over the past two days. I’ve lobbed it all into the game in a rash of coding, so enjoy! Please be aware it is only edited in the lightest sense of the word. I hope to clean it up a bit tomorrow afternoon, time permitting.

0.7.154 Changelog:

  • Hermaphroditic Shekka can now be caught playing with a toy, resulting in three possible sub-scenes!
  • Crew Shekka may follow you into the gym for some “squats”. Hit the weights if you’d like to see this one. (Requires a phallus.)
  • Myr Venom now automatically gives your tongue the aphrodisiac-laced flag.
  • Motherhusks should no longer crash on use. Whoops!
  • Watch out for Space Bears in silly mode.
  • The odds of Throbb increasing penis size are now higher.
  • Many typo fixes.

Art is Adjatha’s rendition of the New Texan gym sluts. Thanks to whoever requested he draw that during his doodle stream!

[Backers] Tainting Space + Shekka Refining

ToonNik’s rendering of Chibi Mirrin approves of this patch.

So this patch adds in a new mechanic and subsystem that’s been nothing but an idea for… a really long time at this point. Talking with the CoC2 team and writers just reminded me that I should really get on making it a reality…. Thus, please make a warm welcome for the addition of “Taint.”

0.7.153 Changelog:

  • Follower Shekka can now Buy, Sell, Fix Emitters, and buy Tarkus junk once more.
  • Follower Shekka now has a new item in her inventory. Enjoy!
  • With the addition of Taint, the libido-reducing “Chill Pill” item has been made active in the game again. It is available from Dr. Lash and a number of vending machines.
  • A new hidden statistic has been added to the game: “Taint.”
    • Taint is gained by using illegal, unsafe drugs/chemicals or being transformed by eating alien foods.
    • Taint is functionally a minimum libido score.
    • Going 72 hours without a taint-increasing event causes your taint to drop by 1 point.
    • If you hit 100 Taint, you gain the “Corrupted” perk, doubling your maximum libido and forever locking your taint at 100. This will never be curable.
    • Alerts for crossing thresholds of Taint have been added.
    • A Codex entry has been added for Taint in the medical section.
    • The introduction now makes mention of Taint in the passage about your immune booster system.
    • Most illegal drugs and alien-food-based transformation items now have warnings in their tooltips about taint.
    • [To-Do] Adding taint gains from PoE A events, Badger’s Transformation scene, and maybe some of the gloryholes or whoring, if appropriate.
    • [To-Do] Adjust Penny’s talks to mention her transformation giving her a high amount of taint (and thus explaining her very, very high libido).
    • [To-Do] Overlay indicators for minimum libido and lust onto their respective bars. This one probably won’t happen till after ship code gets done.

Why does genetic damage result in nymphomania instead of horrible cancer (at least in the short term…)? Because the Trials in Tainted Space universe is wayyy better than the real one.

[Backers] Some More Shekka and a NEW CHALLENGER

Bet you all thought it’d be a while till a new patch. Well, surprise! A recap of my trip to FWA is in the post below!

0.7.152 Changelog:

  • Shekka’s milk-drinking scene should now work for follower Shekka.
  • A new event is possible where Anno and Shekka argue about the best way to make a Dildo. It’s repeatable too. Yay!
  • A new parser has been added: [pc.womb] (or [pc.uterus]). It will usually simply randomly output womb or uterus, but pregnant characters and characters in heat can get a few descriptions to pop up (assuming writers decide to use it).
  • Jesse has been added to the game, courtesy of Whimsalot’s coding efforts. I haven’t had a chance to bug-test it yet, so let us know if there’s any problems! (Check Canadia Station!)
  • Added some more mentions of Shekka’s reactions to PC’s with aphoridisiac spit.
  • Many issues were resolved, including one that prevented Shekka’s futa status from properly being recorded.

I’m gonna play some Overwatch now. All work and no play make Fen a grumpy boy.

Art of Shade by MilkTofu. We might see this appear as a variant bust later!

Furry Weekend Atlanta Retrospective

Now that I’ve had a chance to sleep in own bed for the first time since… last Tuesday? Damn, it’s been a while! Anyway, I wanted to talk a little bit about my time at Furry Weekend Atlanta (or FWA as it is often called) on the blog.

I got the furpies!

Probably the first thing I’d like to put voice to is that furries are damned friendly folks. I’ve been to other conventions (like Gencon), but FWA was a new high watermark for just how nice everyone can be while having to cram into elevators like sardines. I’m essentially an anxiety-ridden shut-in in at home, but the atmosphere around the con was so damned nice that I was largely able to put my baggage aside and have a legitimate good time around a bunch of zany strangers!

At one point, my hotel key (and the envelope with my room # that held it) slipped out of my pocket, all but inviting somebody to rob our hotel room. Instead, somebody brought it back to us within an hour of misplacing it. I wasn’t even wearing any furry paraphernalia or items to identify as some kind of “popufur” smut baron. People were just super nice and excited to be there! That or they were all on some really good drugs… early in the afternoon. My guess is the less salacious option is the correct one.

The hotel was impressive.

Friday night, we ran a panel. Maybe 20 or 30 people showed up for a trip down memory lane, some advice on making your own texty smut-games, free merch, and a bit of trivia. No, I didn’t have it recorded. If I was going to do that sort of thing, I’d need to get a fursuit head to do the entire presentation in to preserve a modicum of anonymity. I should get someone to build me a minotaur head for that next year, maybe. Shou and I had a blast, especially since we bullied UpcastDrake into showing up to talk about CoC2.

My other adventures I’ll be a bit less in-depth about, namely because they involved large amounts of intoxication. Suffice to say I wound up in a pretty cool party or two, actually danced at a rave for the first time in my life, met some cute girls who were eating ice cream with credit cards at 4am, and discovered that I’m definitely completely straight IRL. Turns out that I’m not interested in dude dick even when completely blitzed. Sorry to the guys I (hopefully politely) turned down!

I’m going to miss Atlanta. The city looked beautiful from one of the hotel penthouses. (Meanwhile, I stayed about 30 floors below that myself.)

(Oh, and I got to meet PulsarCardinal, Strype, Kabier in an elevator, Gideon, and some other really talented artists who I’ve neglected to mention like an ignorant sack of shit. There’s a whole pile of business cards to sort through! And I bought a furry boob mousepad! Whhhheeeeee!)

[CoC2 | Public] Combat Refactor Build

Hey guys! Time for another CoC2 build. This is mostly backend stuff, but it’s going to allow us to start implementing content pretty soon. Specifically, DCL is working on the last of the UI assets and once those are in place, we’ll roll out another build and then start adding the first explorable area.

Play the Game Here | Support Development Here

Please note that, just like the last build, the game’s story content ends after the Kasyrra encounter. You can explore Hawkethorne and talk to the townsfolk (not Cait), but you cannot leave the village yet. We’re finalizing the last bit of content for the game’s first explorable region, the Foothills east of the town, which includes several enemy mobs and locations you can travel to.

0.0.07 Change Log:

  • The game’s combat rules have been rebuilt from the ground up, with some buffs and nerfs to every class. There is documentation up on the forum for those inclined to look into such things. The biggest changes come from Attack Power and Spellpower, and how they scale with abilities. Healing and damage on both sides should be slightly lowered.
  • Combat text has been added for all spells and abilities. No more generic “Your Dirty Trick hits!”
  • The Dancer class has been renamed the Charmer. Same general idea, but adding songs and stories to their repertoire.
  • The Leadership score has been replaced with Presence, which contributes to a Leadership bonus to your companions’ Attack Power and Spell Power. While Tease combat isn’t accessible yet, Presence will be the governing attribute for sexual conflict.

Bust of one of the game’s upcoming companions, Kiyoko, by DCLzexon. Click the pic to see a gif of her various pregnancy and increased-thiccness states. It’s good stuff.

The announcement returns – Furry Weekend Atlanta is here!

 Well well well! Here we are again, a year later!

Hello everyone, Shoupup here. Fen did his final Furry Weekend Atlanta announcement the other day, and here I am with the final (and only) one from my end! We’re having a Panel again this year, but no merch booth. (I enjoy getting to walk around too much, and Fen also wants a chance to  better explore without rushing back to the table!)

Our panel is Friday, April 6th at 10:30 PM at “Panels Dock 6.”

Making Adult Adventure Games (Trials in Tainted Space) + Meet & Greet

Are you interested in producing your own erotic visual novel or adventure game? Do you enjoy games like Corruption of Champions (CoC) or Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS)? Then this is the panel for you! Fenoxo (of CoC & TiTS fame) along with the lovely, talented Shou (a staff artist) will put on a presentation of what all goes into making such highly erotic, customization-laden games, followed by trivia, Q/A, and generally hanging out. Much like our games, this panel will be 18+ only! This is your chance to chill out with the developers of one of the biggest projects on Patreon and maybe win some free swag in the process. See you there!

So there we have it, reposted from Fen’s post in case you guys wanted to read it over again. And I look forward to seeing you all around!


A character Profile done TiTS style – hopefully, you’ll be seeing the development of Shourya soon! :3 If you guys are interested in purchasing something like this, I’ll have an announcement after the convention for it.

[Public] Crew Shekka (Alpha) & Final FWA Notice

Fenoxo here! I hope you all had a great Easter and April Fool’s. I stayed kind of quiet so as not to steal any of Savin and CoC2’s thunder, but suffice to say, I am excited to see where this goes. UpcastDrake is a phenomenal coder, and DCL has been knocking the UI design out of the park for them. Keep the good work coming, guys. (Also I had a D&D game to run Sunday night!)

Now, onto TiTS (which is going to keep chugging along largely unaffected by this). I’ve got a public patch with the start of Shekka’s follower content on the way. There’s an Anno “nerd-off” event still in the document that’s going to need some work, and I’d like to do more with the red venom addiction stuff than there currently is, so I’ll see what can happen there before too long. For right now, I’ve got to get ready to go to FWA, run a panel, and have a good time!

DCLZexon did this piece as a commission for Quiet Coyote. Not sure how Tuuva got to a green planet, but she seems to be enjoying it!

0.7.151 Changelog:

  • Shekka can now be recruited. It takes in-game months and a lot of funding to pull off! Thanks to SKoW for chipping in to write this stuff and supply some edits to her sex scenes.
  • During creation, the height selection box is now auto-filled with a semi-random average height for your chosen race. You can still change it, but it provides a quick baseline if you’d like to get going faster.
  • JohanLitvisk’s “Siren’s Bounty” transformation item has been added to the game. Nevrie on Myrellion sells it.
  • Lots of assorted fixes.

This month has been bigger on back-end work and writing than coding, leaving us with only perhaps 2-300 pages of new content instead of the usual, enormous amount. Hopefully the new scenes, new options, and Lund will be interesting enough to hold you over for now – well that and Shekka! Unf, I love that little Rask.

New Since Last Public Patch:

  • New Scenes: Sexytimes with Milly the Steeletech agent, new Kase stuff, new milking scenes for some of Savin’s characters, a pretty big Fisianna expansion, a new email from Kiro and Kally, a foursome with Kiro/Kally/Sylvie, two new penny scenes, and Maja’s lewd options.
  • New Character: Lund!
  • An inactive blackjack system is in the code now. It’ll show up later, sadly. (We made our own game with blackjack and hookers, wooo!)
  • Whimsalot coded a number of milking scenes for Savin’s characters including some fun little stuff by HugsAlright for Kase.
  • Korg’ii Hold’s rooms are all filled out now. Yay!
  • Breast descriptions have been slightly reworked to better reflect lactation.
  • More Synthsheaths can be found, and Shekka can sell some after the PC unlocks the Codex Entry for them (by using one on themself or an NPC).
  • New Busts: Maja, Verusha, Seer, Fix, and an unused recolor of the naleen male.
  • You can now shave your beard when showering in the ship or nursery.
  • A new piercing subsystem has been added, though currently only one piercing exists (Lund’s).
  • Under the hood, we added a new function to allow for a vagina selection menu to be used for certain scenes.
  • Ula’s rescue timer is back in the game. After the first time you approach her, you only have five days or so to rescue her. I’ve appended some bolded text strings to make it more obvious that she’ll be leaving, and that she might be important.
  • Added the ability to watch certain holo-scenes from anywhere (the “Smut” option in the masturbate menu).

TiTS Public Update – Soon ™

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I meant to get the public patch out today, but I wanted more of the Shekka follower stuff to be active before I did it. I’m aiming for at least three of her smut scenes to be active on top of all her other new content.

I had to run off to a real life D&D game tonight, so I’ll be finishing that up tomorrow before the pending drive to FWA consumes me alive. After (or during) I’ll try to slip a few extra scenes in for backers.

Shou and I will once again be meeting up at Furry Weekend Atlanta, if anyone would like to come say hi, have a drink, and talk lewd, crude, and with attitude. Our panel is Friday, April 6th at 10:30 PM at “Panels Dock 6.” We won’t be selling merch at a booth this year, but we’ll bring some to the panel if anybody wants some spiffy branded flashdrives, buttons, or stickers.

Making Adult Adventure Games (Trials in Tainted Space) + Meet & Greet

Are you interested in producing your own erotic visual novel or adventure game? Do you enjoy games like Corruption of Champions (CoC) or Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS)? Then this is the panel for you! Fenoxo (of CoC & TiTS fame) along with the lovely, talented Shou (a staff artist) will put on a presentation of what all goes into making such highly erotic, customization-laden games, followed by trivia, Q/A, and generally hanging out. Much like our games, this panel will be 18+ only! This is your chance to chill out with the developers of one of the biggest projects on Patreon and maybe win some free swag in the process. See you there!

[PUBLIC] Clowns To the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right~

Hey bras, thanks for putting up with my dumb little April Fool’s post below. I do actually have a big announcement some of y’all have been waiting for.

But first, let’s talk for a second.

Fenoxo started working on Trials in Tainted Space in 2013. Since then, you guys have made FenCo pretty much explode: we’ve grown to a six-strong studio, plus all the volunteers, commission writers, and other awesome people who’re out there working with us to make TiTS the best it can be. We’ve grown the community to something like 20,000 forumites and 6,500 backers, plus a great and growing discord community.

So first off, I want to say thank you. You guys have been seriously amazing. Fen’s right to call you guys “bras,” with all the support you’ve given us the last five years.

With that being said, here’s the news:

Corruption of Champions II

No, it wasn’t a joke after all. Corruption of Champions is coming back with a new game that’s in development right now. In fact, you can play the first build of it right here, right now.

Please note that this is a very early build! The combat system isgoing to be completely overhauled over the next few weeks, and the new UI (designed by the very awesome DCLzexon) is in the process of implementation.

I think a lot of you have heard rumors and rumblings about this over the last little while (especially after that Save Export addition to the final encounter in CoC), but there it is. Corruption of Champions returns with a breath of new life: a new lead developer, all new code, a new world, and a new direction… but the same familiar fun you’ve come to expect from a FenCo game.

Now that I’ve said that, let me quell a little panic (or at least, concern) I’m sure a good few of your are feeling. Most importantly, CoC2 Development won’t interfere with TiTS Development. CoC2’s development is being handled by a whole different team: that means that, while the people working on it will of course still be here, and the game will appear on the blog where you’d expect it, CoC2 won’t be taking any funds or development time away from TiTS.

Here’s the lowdown on what to expect:

    • Savin (that’s me!) on lead writing/designing duties. Fenoxo’s involvement with the project will be effectively nonexistent, as he’s still slaving away in the Oxonium mines of Tainted Space.
    • We’re using an all-new code base for CoC2, built in Javascript instead of Flash. We’ve learned a lot — and I mean a lot — from TiTS’ development cycle, and we’ll be improving on previous FenCo games whenever we can. That means faster and more flexible content delivery for you, and a whole lot easier time working on the game for us. Also, because we’re using JS, you can play the game on mobile and browser without much issue.
    • Corruption of Champions II is a true sequel to CoC, with its introduction taking place a few minutes after Lethice’s downfall. You might have noticed that your Champion of Ingnam’s epilogue doesn’t exactly mesh with that, what with dying of old age or going on an endless crusade. That’s because…
    • CoC2 stars an all new cast of characters, including a new Champion, on a new world connected to Mareth through the portals. Lethice may have fallen to the Champion of Ingnam, but the demons’ Corruption is far from extinguished with her defeat.
    • New mechanics! A lot of the nuts and bolts of the game, from combat rules to the new class system to how TFs work, are going to change from CoC and TiTS. The most interesting — and to me, by far the most important — is that CoC2 will support party adventuring. Possibly the most requested feature of CoC and TiTS will be front and center here, with the Champion of Hawkethorne able to bring companions along for fighting, fucking, and everything in between. Pictured above is the game’s first companion, the catgirl white mage Caitriss.

So what’s on the horizon? Well for starters, you’ll be able to play the first builds of the game here. We won’t be doing backer builds like TiTS for the first little while (while we get things like the basic UI and mechanics fleshed out) but if you want to show your support and excitement for the project, you can head over to the shiny new Patreon here. Once again, I’ll remind you that CoC2 and TiTS aren’t connected business-wise: funding for writing and art comes out of my pockets, not Fenoxo’s.

Big things are afoot at FenCo, bras. Thanks again for all your support over the years, and for sticking with us as we open a new chapter for you.

(Fen Note: This is why you promise the rights to a sequel to a friend years and years ago. Because sometimes they gather up some of the top talent in the community and actually do it.)

Be sure to check out the new Forum Section, as well as the Wikis as we get them up and running.

Art of Cait, above, by Cheshire!

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