[Backers] More Storm Lancer and Prototype Plugging


  • Two new scenes added to the Storm Lancer, penned by Night Trap.
  • One scene is a new victory scene for vagina-havers. The others is a new loss scene for ladies in heat.
  • Work to build-in support for orifice plugging (and potential chastity) is ongoing. Thus far, I’ve added a simple version of it that is cleared by showering. I’ve also have it force the PC to shower when flying off planet to clear the effect to save me tearing my hair out trying to rejigger everything in the game. I intend to add an accompanying status effect that explains that it doubles your libido as well as parser support tomorrow, if I’m feeling up to it.

I went ahead and set up some stuff to potentially support vaginal and anal chastity while I was at it, but if anyone wants to actually add such an item to the game, I think I’m going to need a significant outlay of effort (think 15-20 supporting scenes for various NPCs) from the effort it’ll take to rejigger every sex menu in the game to properly handle it.

I woke up with a hell of a lot of congestion in my chest. Hopefully this is a passing thing and not something I’ll be stuck fighting like last month.

Lovely Ula fanart deployed by SheepPun!

[Backers] Storm Lancer v0.0000000000000000000069


  • The storm lancer has been added to Uveto’s encounter table for PC’s with genitals. He’s a big, blue dude with an attitude. Also there’s some weirdness his scenes introduce that is going to require some serious back-end revisions and updates to classic content. Presently he has three real scenes and some pretty involved combat routines.
  • Cundarian (Storm Lancer) and Spinarran Codexes have been added to the game.

There’s two more scenes for the storm lancer to add in addition to support for plugged orifices that will need handled. I can’t say I’m looking forward to the latter, but the former ought to be good considering who wrote them. Have a great weekend, and I’m glad I got to drop this in the afternoon instead of monday!

Art is Gardeford’s Puazi, Gwen, getting some alien love! By Santafire (messy version on his tumblr).

Storm Lancer: Coming Soon

I just got the Storm Lancer’s (male Uvetan enemy) combat routines to compile. Keep your eyes peeled for a content drop by Monday at the latest with this one. People who like big, buff, dudes should be pretty happy with it.

As I was discussing in our discord chat earlier, I’m going to focus on pounding out as much of Uveto’s content as possible (including my pet project, Korg’ii Hold), then sliding into the next story zone and/or Azra’s third quest. The pile of submitted waifus might sit a little, but I’ll be looking to bring people in to help fill out the next story zone and Azra quest… and Korg’ii Hold, but I already have people wrapping up their projects there.

Enjoy the weekend!

[Backers] Zil & Ula Work

0.7.124 Changelog

  • Mistybirb’s enhancements female zil pregnancy and enhancements to sex scenes have been implemented by UpcastDrake.
  • Crossman’s planetary busts for Uveto have been updated and added to the space elevator scene.
  • Ula’s talks have had alternate text for the eventual improvements to Korgonne translators.

I’m going to take a poke at the Stormguard enemy for Uveto that’s been waiting in the wings next.

Happy Year of the Dog

I’m told that 2018 is the Year of the Dog (or it will be in February but who’s counting). Well, you know what that means: there’s gonna be a lot of ausar love coming your way! In the meantime, I hope you all had happy holidays and meet the new year with lusto gusto.

Art by the delightful DCL.

Happy New Year!

A bit early, I know, but I have in-laws coming in for a couple days, so my time to smut around is going to be limited at best. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!

[Public] Milodan Breeding Solstice – THE FINAL PUBPATCH

0.7.122 Changelog:

  • QuestyRobo’s “Milodan Breeding Solstice” event has been added to the game. For optimal experience, turn on silly mode first (or you won’t see the second half!) Requirements: Low chance of encounter on any combat square. Requires genitals (and an unfertilized womb if feminine).
  • Shade’s event has been reworked AGAIN. Now she won’t send you the email until after you’ve been to her house for the first time on Uveto, and the logic for determining which variations of the scene you get has been simplified. Here’s hoping this solves everyone’s problems with it.

0.7.123 Changelog:

  • Fixed a bug that stopped the female breeding solstice from proccing unless you had multiple vaginas.
  • UpcastDrake slipped in Gwen’s holiday event as well!

That’s it for Christmas unless UpcastDrake winds up doing one of the other events. Leftovers will be held onto for next year. I’m going to go back into “bang out Korg’ii Hold” mode.

Art of Urta, Shizuya (a submitted character), and Risky Boots from the Shantae games, apparently. Drawn by Ber00. Alternates on his tumblr.

[Public] Randy Claws & Fynmas

0.7.120 Changelog:

  • The Randy Claws event has been added to the game! You should get an email that triggers an interesting dream next sleep – if you know Ciaran.
  • Some fixes to Shade’s event for those with more… complicated relationships with her.

(UPDATE:) 0.7.121 Changelog:

  • Fyn now has seasonal sex scenes for you to enjoy! Four of them, to be precise!

Quick confession – UpcastDrake actually coded Randy Claws in last night, not long after I pushed the last patch, but at that point I was out the door to go to karaoke with a friend. House maintenance ate up most of my time this morning, but I’ve spent some time fixing bugs and am going to code one more holiday thing before rolling back into normalcy. More stuff from this contest will definitely slip in for next year, though!

Christmas Penny by Liliruru.

[Public] Myrna the Christmas Korg

0.7.119 Changelog:

  • Myrna the Christmas Korg is now in game. She is a rare encounter in hostile squares in Uveto. Once you meet her, she will appear in a specific square on Uveto. Hint: southeast of town.
  • Some typo fixes.
  • Some under the hood stuff to prepare the .exe version for use.

Big shout-out to everyone who submitted stuff to the contest. I look forward to seeing another entry or two roll into the game. Just like last year, we’ll be holding onto the rest of the results for potential use in the years to come. <3

XXX-Mas Contest Results!

It’s over! (But at least one more patch is coming.) The winners are….

  1. “Myrna” by Lkynmbr24
  2. “Santa’s Little Helper” by Vixen_Vaccine AND (a tie) “Milodan Breeding Solstice” by QuestyRobobobobobobobo
  3. “Holly” by Ess
  4. “Randy Claws” by Night Trap

Once more, I’m going to give 5th the same prize as 3rd place ($100), because something something something giving season, yadda yadda yadda. Also both entries that tied for 2nd place will get the full $250. Authors, please contact me at fenoxo@gmail.com to claim your fabulous prizes. If you didn’t win but your entry still gets in, please give me a boop on my snoot for your prize dollarydoos!

A link to the full grading document can be found posted in the submission thread for the contest. Thanks again for the effort, energy, and love you guys baked into these. We’re going to code a few more of these then roll back to our regularly scheduled content for a good long while.


P.S. You guys seen this Venture Seas game? They just put out a demo that shows a TON of potential! The guy that makes it did a thing called “Euphorian Tide” that was very CoC-inspired back in the day, and I suppose this is the next step in its progression!

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