- Two new scenes added to the Storm Lancer, penned by Night Trap.
- One scene is a new victory scene for vagina-havers. The others is a new loss scene for ladies in heat.
- Work to build-in support for orifice plugging (and potential chastity) is ongoing. Thus far, I’ve added a simple version of it that is cleared by showering. I’ve also have it force the PC to shower when flying off planet to clear the effect to save me tearing my hair out trying to rejigger everything in the game. I intend to add an accompanying status effect that explains that it doubles your libido as well as parser support tomorrow, if I’m feeling up to it.
I went ahead and set up some stuff to potentially support vaginal and anal chastity while I was at it, but if anyone wants to actually add such an item to the game, I think I’m going to need a significant outlay of effort (think 15-20 supporting scenes for various NPCs) from the effort it’ll take to rejigger every sex menu in the game to properly handle it.
I woke up with a hell of a lot of congestion in my chest. Hopefully this is a passing thing and not something I’ll be stuck fighting like last month.
Lovely Ula fanart deployed by SheepPun!