[Public] Merry Festivus!

Happy Holidays to everyone of every faith and culture! If you don’t have a holiday, that’s cool. You get presents anyway. Despite a busy weekend that kept me away from a computer most of the time, I managed to finish grading up all the contest entries from the contest and even code a short event Savin wrote up for the season. UpcastDrake has volunteered to code another good submission, so I’ve passed him Anno’s. I’ll try and update you guys as soon as I have something on that front.

0.7.117 Changelog:

  • A Christmas celebration with Shade has been added! The way I wired it up… it SHOULD be repeatable every year. Due to how convoluted Shade’s encounters on Uveto are set up, it might be buggy. Note: requires Shade to be on Uveto and on good terms with the PC.
  • Jacques00 slipped in a “Twink-Ease” item.
  • Fixed a few bugs with the Candy Rahn.
  • Various other fixes.
  • <3

0.7.118 Changelog:

  • HugsAlright’s Anno Christmas event has been coded by UpcastDrake. Thanks d00d!
  • I fixed a parsing bug in Shade’s email.

I know I said I was gonna stop dumping Servik’s art up here, but I couldn’t turn down a seasonally appropriate Aliss!

P.S. Savin and Adjatha are still finishing up grading. Once they get done, I’ll run the scores through the sorting hat and see who gets to Hufflepuff their way to first place. Thus far the scores have been surprising. Now I’ve got to run – these stockings aren’t going to stuff and hang themselves!


[Backers] Candy Canes and Erra-Tauriffic Content

0.7.116 Changelog

  • Erra and Liamme have had edits to their scenes to better accommodate centaur-style PC’s. Thanks, HugsAlright!
  • After reviewing twelve submissions for the Christmas contest, I coded the first one I graded: The Candy Rahn. She can be found in “the freezer” on Uveto during the holiday season. There are lots of promising entries thus far!
  • Some typo fixes.

A public build will release on the 24th or 25th, depending on how busy things are on my end. The art is one last piece from Servik. I should probably stop fellating him at this point and just get a room!

Difficulties Running The Game

Hey guys, we’re aware of a number of problems people are having running the game. Both Chrome and Firefox are cutting their flash support to a minimum (or out entirely). Because of this, they don’t like to run downloaded copies of the game any longer. As you can imagine, this creates a significant problem for some of our less technologically-inclined backers.


Just something like 60-ish entries to take care of! I’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone who submitted something. I hope they’re all phenomenal pieces that can find their way into the game, and even if they aren’t, I hope the experience remains a positive for you authors out there. These kinds of events always make me proud of the games and community we’ve built together.

I can’t wait to see what we do next!

I also coded some edits to Erra/Liamme by HugsAlright to make them properly support taurs. If he keeps going the extra mile like this, I’m going to crown him top writer!

[Backers] Liamme, Kase, Talking with Ula, and Busts

0.7.115 Changelog:

  • New busts: Myrra(not yet in game), Amma nude, Oggy nude, korgonne males (3 variants), and Erika.
  • New code to make it more convenient to pile more busts into an existing bust display. Previously we had manually track what all busts were being displayed, then clear and display them all at once. Now the game has a system for tossing an extra one in if needed – which will make showing all the NPCs in a bar much easier, for example.
  • Ula’s talk menu has been fleshed out. I may add some more options after the Christmas contest, when I go back to finishing up the hold.
  • Kase now has a random event where you can catch him getting some help from Anno with math.
  • Liamme can be bumped into in Aliss’s shop if you’ve done the exhibitionism scene with him.
  • Liamme now has an option for getting taken with a hardlight strap-on.
  • Various other tweaks and fixes.

I’ve got my D&D game to run tonight (which I haven’t DMed in forever due to being down with the sickness), but later tonight/tomorrow I’m going to dive into grading Christmas stuff and pumping out the best bits for you guys to enjoy. Looking forward to it!

Big thanks to HugsAlright for having some small stuff I could work on adding to the game over the weekend.

I’d also like to once again thank Servik for producing such lovely fanart!

Twas Gonna Stream But…

My internet is still being a big butt. And I’m deffo not quite up to pulling a 10 hour shift. Sickfen’s eyes are bigger than his belly. I’m going to get some stuff done with Ula for sure, though.

Pupdate: Wrote about 1,500 words and coded a new Liamme scene by HugsAlright. SUCCESS! LOOKS LIKE WERK IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOIS!

[PUBLIC RELEASE] Fen Is Getting Less Dead

I went ahead and pushed the last backer build to be available to the general public. I’m still climbing out of the sickness hole that I fell into, but am making progress on a number of fronts. At the moment I’m down to an infrequent (but rather harsh) cough and stuffiness mixed with spewing mucus-goo out of my nose, but my voice is coming back. More importantly, it no longer feels like a roaring hellfire is burning in my sinuses and throat.

I have to say, I’m glad I haven’t gotten sick like this in ages. It’s fucking exhausting.

I’m going to try to put a 10-12 hour day in tomorrow. Now when I say tomorrow, what I really mean is tonight, since I’ve lost all control of my life and been going to bed around eleven AM the past few days. Blech.

Go enjoy the Red Myr quest, and have this lovely fanart by Servik from the forums.



Update (12/7/17): still ded.

Update2(12/7/17, approx midnight): tried streaming some Fortnite. Internet was dropping in and out – which is why I don’t stream much. Anyway, if you want to hear my sickness, give it a click.

Update3(12/9/17): A bunch of really gross stuff came out of my nose this morning. I’m 90% sure that means I’m starting to get better. Voice still sounds like I’ve smoked for 40 years though.

I keep having days where I feel better, then get sick again the next 1-2. Not fun. It was my sinuses at first, but now my nose is fine and it’s in my throat/lungs. TBH, my sinus infections usually progress along those lines, so I’ll either be completely better for good in a couple days or get pneumonia.

Wish me luck!

[Backers] Federation Quest

0.7.114 Changelog:

  • It is now possible to get a fairly involved quest from the Red Myr Federation to put down a rebel group. Penned by Savin and coded by UpcastDrake, we hope you all enjoy working with those awful, terrible, no good, very bad sexy, awesome ants. (Gold Red Myr 4 Lyfe!)
  • Also featured in Federation Quest: a 7×7 hacking puzzle, ridiculous battles with five characters on one side, 3 or 4 bad ends, a new lust grenade, and a sweet greatcoat.
  • Ula’s lesbian sex scene is in. Also, all three sex scenes in Korg’ii hold can be repeated. Her talk menu has also been added and set up with a converted version of the initial “stars” talk you can pursue with meeting her.
  • Almost all of Ula’s repeatable content is now set up support using her name instead of “The Korgonne” in places and also has support for a later upgrade to the translation algorithm to allow for proper english dialogue.

Hopefully I can dump some interesting conversations in there and spin up the translator stuff by early next week. I also want to reintroduce her cave sex options under the guise of “roleplay.”

Geddy is still working on the .exe wrapped for local downloads. I’ll keep you posted if there’s a significant delay or hangup that prevents us from deploying it.

Ciao, and happy weekend! (Art is another Gats tower-girls commission of Brandy.)
Slight post tweaks made by Savin :3

[Coming Soon] Federation Quest

Hey all, I just wanted to touch bases on some coding progress. The “FederationQuest” event on Myrellion is almost ready to go live. It’s a pretty decently involved quest for the Red Myr who need help dealing with some rebel gold Myr. We’ve had stuff for it for absolute ages! Big shout out to UpcastDrake for jumping on this while I’ve been lost in the Uvetomines.

I shot a test build over to Savin to check over (since he wrote the event and therefore automatically knows how everything should work). Once we get a green-flame from our local Salamander-panderer, I’ll push out a backer build for all my favorite bras. A public release is going to come a bit late this month. We’ve hardly had anything to show for our backers, and it wouldn’t be fair to them to make a huge content drop exactly when the public release comes out. It also wouldn’t be fair to slip it into next month’s backer releases and make our free-folk wait even longer. This should be a healthy middle ground.

On my front, I’ve got a crack team of writers jumping on the various bits of Korg’ii hold to fill out the shops with content. I’ve also managed to get sick with a sinus infection. It probably has something to do with only getting 5-6 hours of sleep every night since last Friday. Despite early successes in the week, Yesterday I only churned out maybe 500 words. I’m going to try to finish the scene and get some more into the game today, if my brain will cooperate.

<3, Fen

P.S. Regarding browser depreciating flash: we are working on deploying an .exe wrapper and automatically packaging it with the download version, as well as potentially working in a system to grab saves from Chrome/Firefox playthroughs in order to make the game easier to play. We are aware of both Firefox and Chrome shitting all over the ability to play local flash files.

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