Happy Holidays to everyone of every faith and culture! If you don’t have a holiday, that’s cool. You get presents anyway. Despite a busy weekend that kept me away from a computer most of the time, I managed to finish grading up all the contest entries from the contest and even code a short event Savin wrote up for the season. U
pcastDrake has volunteered to code another good submission, so I’ve passed him Anno’s. I’ll try and update you guys as soon as I have something on that front.
0.7.117 Changelog:
- A Christmas celebration with Shade has been added! The way I wired it up… it SHOULD be repeatable every year. Due to how convoluted Shade’s encounters on Uveto are set up, it might be buggy. Note: requires Shade to be on Uveto and on good terms with the PC.
- Jacques00 slipped in a “Twink-Ease” item.
- Fixed a few bugs with the Candy Rahn.
- Various other fixes.
- <3
0.7.118 Changelog:
- HugsAlright’s Anno Christmas event has been coded by UpcastDrake. Thanks d00d!
- I fixed a parsing bug in Shade’s email.
I know I said I was gonna stop dumping Servik’s art up here, but I couldn’t turn down a seasonally appropriate Aliss!
P.S. Savin and Adjatha are still finishing up grading. Once they get done, I’ll run the scores through the sorting hat and see who gets to Hufflepuff their way to first place. Thus far the scores have been surprising. Now I’ve got to run – these stockings aren’t going to stuff and hang themselves!