It’s the weekend, so as usual I don’t have much time to look/post here, but I wanted to toss out a quick update on where I am:
- The second encounter of Azra’s quest is coded and functional with two different puzzles and a multi-foe fight with turrets possible.
- The third encounter is mostly coded but pending a few scenes I’ve commissioned from Nonesuch to be slotted in. I was burning out and I thought it better to lean on someone who could bang out some good trap stuff while I did Azra’s sexytimes
- I roughed out some post-quest resolution stuff including a first-time sex stuff for Azra.
Still remaining to be tackled:
- Coding Nonesuch’s scenes, once complete.
- Linking together the post-quest resolution chain and coding the last sex scene.
- Fully testing the Third part of the actual quest.
- Enabling a repeatable sex menu for Azra.
- Porting the first-time scenes in to be reusable.
- Coding the scene I wrote for repeatable hyper-sized folks.
- Coding one new consumable item: slutshrooms and adding them to the rare drop table for Tarkus.
Remaining writing needs:
- First time variant for hyper folks. This might get cheesed away via some tweaks to the existing scene with a reference to some elasticizing lube.
- A scene for Azra crashing your bunk if you don’t sex her for a long enough time, culminating in morning sex. (Morning sex was part of the initial request.)
- Writing texts for Motherhusks and Spunkshrooms, the other two items recovered during this adventure.