I just made some updates to the Patreon integration process to catch a few oversights in the account state information. If any Patreon backers have lost access to the backer portions of the site, get in touch with us so we can investigate. I’m fairly certain there should be nobody that got caught by the change that shouldn’t have, but hey, mistakes happen :V
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- I give her a Horsecock! (24%, 462 Votes)
- I build her up to high Dominance. She owns me. (19%, 360 Votes)
- I give her Nuki Nuts! (18%, 350 Votes)
- I give her Anusoft! (17%, 328 Votes)
- I keep her at low Dominance. (15%, 286 Votes)
- I get her to medium Dominance. (4%, 71 Votes)
- I don't give her any TFs. (3%, 58 Votes)
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I can still go to the backers portion, but when I tried to got my profile then got an error that said it was unavailable. The I clicked on the error log link and it said:
(Cleared spam)
That link is documentation about how to enable logging, not anything of actual use
Also, it could have been that I was switching new files in at that exact moment. Give it another try and see :V
It worked. Thanks.
I’m a patreon backer and have access to the backer pages, but when i logged in i got a weird error page, returning to the home page showed i had logged in though
Just been dicking with the files again, probably just at the same moment I was doing that!
Seems to work fine for me.
One question though, could give a link to the blog portion that contains the “extra” bonus things like https://www.fenoxo.com/patreon-content/sekrit-pennydick/? Right now that is only accessible through the direct link on https://www.fenoxo.com/patreon-content/sekrit-pennydick/ but it would be nice to have all that somewhere central, for example on the backers build page below the actual builds.
Maybe, maybe. There might be an easy way for me to automate it. I’ll tag it onto my list of INFINITE THINGS to get done ;_;
Sorry D:
But how about a lazy copy and paste solution?
Rename Backer Builds to “Backer Section” and add a new entry below the builds that reads “Goodies”, then just have Fenoxo upload things inside clearly labeled zip files.
The code is already there and working, it would just need some (hopefully smaller adjustments) to work.
Because I’d want that kinda shit to be inlined into actual blog posts/pages. The issue is the actual files served by the backer protection system are handled just the same as any other file by WordPress iirc. Direct links to them more than likely work.
Whilst non-backers can’t see the indexes, they’d be able to see the images… but then it’s not like it really stops much considering anybody who could leak the image links are also equally capable of moving their cursor two spots higher on the context menu and image hosting sites are more than plentiful :V
Also jfc did the fucking blog seriously just fucking properly capitalize WordPress??!?!?!
It fucking did too. Git tae fuck >:|
That’s why I said zip files, you could add a rudimentary password protection inside it, and have the password besides the file in question. But yeah, at that point you definitely hit the constraints of sensible DRM.
Also, werdpress needs to protect their brand™ and can’t allow any bastardizations.
Well, I SAY the files handled by the backer protection system… what I mean is the game files are handled properly but the post images still use Turdpress’ media uploading stuff so I’m pretty sure the actual original media files are still directly accessible to everybody.
I’m currently logged in, backing through Patreon, and can’t access the backer page. Dunno if this is the proper place to let you know but idk otherwise.
Check yo mails.
Newest public version
next week
I was an offbeatr supporter – but when I put the email address I used for offbeatr it does not show as connected.
“The email address entered has not yet been confirmed. Please check the email inbox of the email address you used for your Offbeatr account for confirmation instructions.”
And I don’t see any email related to that in my Inbox.
Check your spam folder
I sent you a mail about it; give that a peep and I can look into it.
Thanks Gedan – all good now.
I’m backing through Patreon and can’t access the backer page either.
Ignore that fixed it.
I was an offbeater supporter as well and I am getting the same email not verified message =/.
Having Fen look into some stuff now; check your email in a sec, I’ll send you something.
i got yor email but the one after it was some test thing and had no conformation code
Try clearing it out and trying again. If that fails I’ll have to do it by hand and dig into it in even greater depth.
To clear it out, clear out the offbeatr email textbox and update your profile, then try filling it in again.
I regret what i did for a Klondike bar