Hana’s got a small but impactful expansion on deck, and Drifa’s starting to get the first of her post-cave content — plus some other new scenes and upgrades scattered around.
Hotfix: A hotfix has been released that fixes a potential soft-lock when wearing the Clarity Circlet, potential duplication of character creation items, and potential crashes when Etheryn is forced into the party for Dracia/Xadaron and had not been added to the party normally before then.
0.7.37 Patch Notes:
- Hana has a new set of dates at the Kitsune Den, accessible from her main menu after having gone hunting with her 3+ times.
- You can take Hana to visit her friend Rindo’s garden, which has some nice secluded spots to get dirty (or clean).
- You can take Hana to visit the shrine to get in some prayer — just remember, trickster gods tend to prank the selfish!
- If you’ve grown close with Hana, there’s a third special Den date that can lead to her proposing to you — now you can get engaged to the dick-vixen without having to talk about kids first.
- Corrupt Drifa has a new first-time approach scene. (By Jstar)
- Corrupt Drifa has a new doggystyle sex scene. (By Jstar)
- If Drifa is wearing the Collar of Submission, there’s a new sex scene outtro for it. (By Jstar)
- Drifa’s Appearance screen has been updated.
- There’s a new pawprint womb tattoo option at the Hawkethorne stylists once you finish Knot Cave.
- Merielle of the Wyld Elf Band encounter has a new Mating Press victory scene. (By Gardeford)
- The Undermountain Miners have a new bad end, if you submit to them 4+ times. (By Reathe)
- The scene for turning Kiyoko’s amulet over to Keros has been rewritten to be kinder to you, and now gives you the Control Rod. (By Tobs)
- Vivane now sells a new item, the Circlet of Clarity. It’s got great stats on it for spellcasters, if you don’t mind occasionally being turned into a bimbo.
- You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.
- Sun Dancer Cait’s weapon has been adjusted to sync better with her kit.
- Innumerable bug and typo corrections, courtesy of Teawolf, Spotty, and Zag.
- New Busts: Demon Ahmri
- New CG: Rindo/Hana giving the PC a blowjob (by Monstralgam)
There’s still a ton more Drifa content coming up through the code pipe, including pregnancy and marriage. Stay tuned!
If you like what we’re doing, you can get early access to future content by heading over to our SubscribeStar or our Patreon. Your support always deeply appreciated!
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“You can now [Wait] up to 12 hours at a time.”
Finally, I can half the “G”-Key presses needed to interract with Tobs Kitsune.
God bless.
Uhh… damn, I’m highly tempted to do another run for demon Ahmri now.
Could you write a quick command to reset the most recent Drifa quest? I foolishly did it and now with all this new content coming out, I’m regretting the choices I made.
If the cum filled status ends during sleep while wearing the Circlet of Clarity, the game often doesn’t give you back controls and you must restart.
I’ll look into it.
This has been hotfixed.
Did anyone find the flags for getting both Olivia and the genderbent lupine guards? I know someone claimed they did but never provided the proof
I’m hoping whoever it was steps forward to be the hero for us all.
I don’t know if this will work or not, but you can alter the results of what occurs at the end for the quest looking for a flag called KQ_Epilogue, change it in a save where you help out Olivia. Changing it from whatever value it is to the value of 4. There you will get the result of transforming the Pack to females and hopefully Olivia. You can tell the rest about this comment in case they want to do the same thing.
Which editor are you using? I’m on the CoC2 Save Editor and I can’t see that flag
Not an editor, opening the flags from the console either with f12 in browser or ctrl+shift+i on Steam or standalone game. There, just write flags, and search for the aforementioned flag.
I’ve found that console (thx btw) but searching flags just gets me KinuKillerResetFlags and dragonEveResetFlags, I have found something called KnotCaveEpilogueGenderbend but searching that shows nothing like a value to change, just some event text
I need
if i had known Ahmri would have gotten such an expansion i would have corrupted the village… is there any way to completely reset the Ahmri quest?
i normally have two different saves one for corruption where I corrupt myself and everyone possible and one pure so I recommend you do that
My Years of Waiting for Corrupt Ahmri have paid off!
Does this update include the new character creation stuff?
Nice 👍
none of the Kitsunes have new talk scenes about champ shagging Granny Kitsune.
not all of them do I know Miko/ Mai and I think kohaku are the ones I’m sure of
I got reactions from Miko/Mai, Kohaku, Rindo, Hotaru, Kinu, Kiyoko (I think) and Azami (I think). You may need to repeatedly speak to them about Granny before they say it, it’s just added to the pool of random replies.
Thanks I finally got them.
Does anyone have trouble installing the new updates ? For some reasons, I can’t seems to install the new updates since the last public one. Every time I tries, my phone (android) tells something makes the installation fails.
plsss drifa pregnancy and marriage cgs when it comes out
Olivia is still missing
Sorry, meant this for the comment below
Is Drifa’s main post-quest content complete now or is there still anything missing?
please read the changelog guys it says the first part has been uploaded more is coming soon.
I’ve been meaning to ask. Why can’t my character carry Nyzerrah’s eggs? Is it bugged or was a condition changed and I’m not meeting it?
Dear CoC 2 devs, please do add variations to first time vaginal intercourse scenes to Cait and Gwyn for male PCs that acknowledges virginity loss, Gwyn teasing, Cait might be excited even more to instruct a rookie, etc.
Thank you!
i think i recall something about them avoiding virginity scenes for some goddamn reason
there is for Drifa, inn’it?
But it’ll be train car load of time before PC gets to her.
Drifa is by community writer Jstar, and thus is written to his own personal preferences, not Savin’s weird hate of virginity scenes past day 1
The new character creation is good 👍
I’ll ask this one again, cause I probably posted too late for people to pay attention: It the defeat scene for Phase 1 of Aesgir meant to loop back around to the general defeat scene for the dungeon? Because they’re a weird narrative repeat where he sends you to his men in -his- scene after no sex, and then it goes to the standard defeat scene, in which his men bring you to him… only for him to then give you back over to his men.
Probably not, but we’ll check. Can you / have you posted this on the bug report forum? (Sorry if so!)
I like the nihara boob stuff. Will there, per chance, be a new bust coming out for her to represent her extra boobiness?
Finally tried the corrupted lupines quest, and the victory scene over Olivia is really good. I mostly enjoy bad ends but fucking her is now one of my favorite scenes.
Does the Hana engagement move her closer to the Wayfort as well?
No, word of god is her life ambition is being a bridge troll, so unless she has children to move for, she will keep being a bridge troll
is olivia came out in this update?
Asgeir is so great, loved every interaction with this daddy
Is demon Amhri in the game already? Cause I don’t see a quest to find her on a new game I just started
Demon Ahmri is in the game.
Do the centaur village quest, fight her father, complete the winter city quest and then you’ll be prompted to find her in the under mountain on a specific tile
gotta make another character that corrupts everyone because demon ahmri would make every jedi fall to the dark side
what are the odds of getting in built cheats like TiTs?
zero, i assume
can the pop up for the edited save be turned off?
No, because it’s for the developer’s benefit. There may be some flag you can further edit that might govern the pop up, but you’re not likely to get an official answer for what that flag is.
just found out i can play coc 1 in webbrowser again looking forward to replaying that 🙂
is there a flag or console command to reset the centaur quest or corrupt ahmri? i want to get some of that goth ahmri
hoping to see the horse prince anyday now
if we are getting tainted horse stuff will we get the same for the hive?