I wrote about 2,000 words of Azra stuff this morning for her first expedition and set up. It’s going to involve fighting a naleen pair in a group fight with her, then fighting a nine cunt-tailed zil while she harvests some flowers. I got about 1/2 of the combat texts for the naleen pair done. I also got some coding done on her, putting her and her talk scenes into the game.
0.7.62 Changelog:
- A preview of Azra is in game. She’s very limited and only really good for talking at the moment. Let me know what you think about how I have her rigged up!
- Chrissy has busts from Shou & Adjatha now! Perks of having a submitted character added to the game right around your birthday. Congrats, HugsAlright!
(Chrissy’s Shou bust pictured at right!)