Tag: Art

[Backers] Erra Expansion!

0.7.21 Changelog:

  • HugsAlright’s Erra has gotten an expansion pack with a few new scenes and the ability to eventually buy her a collar from Inessa.
  • New Kaede bust from an OLD Alder commission from Savin. Also, fuck you Savin. (<3)
  • Fix for missing vagina nouns.
  • Various other fixes and tweaks.
  • Some adjustments to the penis parser for a few more adjectives and so that you don’t see the length description quite so often at very moderate lengths.

Wheeeeeeeeeeee~ (Kaede bust by Alder from 2014. FUUUUUTUUUUUURE~)

[Backers] Pippa Pig

0.7.20 Changelog:

  • Pippa the Pig is now on Uveto, running her own massage parlor.
  • Jade now sells Swineapples. You can guess what they do. Big thanks to Pippa’s author for both of these.
  • Many fixes courtesy of Jacques00.
  • Sera can be booted off ship or picked back up.
  • Kally now has a talk topic about Del.
  • Yammi can be booted off the ship and picked back up.  The Pexiga goes with her.
  • Del’s initial capacity is less enormous, but it should actually increase with use now.
  • Some lovely new Del busts are in game! (An unused one is pictured at left, by Adjatha)

I don’t have any official pig-girl art handy, but CyanCapsule has some great artwork of his pig-girl you guys could go check out.

[Backers] Alternative Bartenders

0.7.19 Changelog:

  • A well broken-in Del can now shoot the PC an email with coordinates to Kally’s bar. Please report any weirdness with Kiro/Kally, especially if the Kiro introduction has not happened yet.
  • A more feminized Del can now be interacted with in the Kui Country Bar & Lodge. She’s presently pretty content-light, but that’s because Savin is still writing more of her.
  • New busts: Eimear, Erra, Kitsune Traders, Rocket Pods, Milodan Male
  • Jacques00 implemented the “Sera Bitchening” Xpack.
  • Many fixes and tweaks.
  • Geddy says iOS works again, but next time it breaks, we might ditch compatibility.

Erra bust by our own Adjatha.

A note on Del’s Capacity: Due to how forcefully her original scenes were written, she was allowed to take things well beyond her capacity. There is code in the game to raise her capacity as a result, but a bug prevents it from being saved (even in this newest build). We should resolve that next patch, and may reduce the sizes that Del is allowed to take at the start. Sorry for any confusion this may cause!

[Backers] Puppersloots As Far As The Eyes Can See


UPDATE: It’s up now. Blame iOS as usual.

0.7.15 Changelog:

  • A new dream for people with Anno on the crew.
  • Kaede can now be found on Canadia Station in Kally’s bar, assuming you’ve met her on New Texas already. She sticks around for 14 days after you meet her there, then books it. Be sure to work the gloryhole once while she’s in station for a one-off scene.
  • PC’s in Omega Oil-induced anal heat have a new interaction with Syri…
  • Appearance screen blurbs for very large butts have been tweaked.
  • New busts: Busky by FubMistress and JayEcho.
  • Various bug fixes and typo corrections.

New week, new content. Enjoy! (Pictured at left, Busky by JayEcho)

Twerking ‘Taurs, Batman!

silestaur_anno_nudeWork continues on Sylvie. I think I have all her non-sex stuff wrapped up, and I’m going to be going to town on her sex stuff next week. I’ve also tossed her up on the event submission forums with some scene ideas that other authors could chip in if they want to help round her out. (Edit: Thanks for the edits I’ve gotten so far. They’re a real help!)

This Anno is one of Silestaur’s, presumably for an animation.

[Backers] 0.7.13 – Erra

goo_knight_blue0.7.13 Changelog:

  • Erra has been added to the game. She’s an ausar that’s down for a bit of fun in any of the game’s bars. Written by HugsAlright.
  • The ability to drop items is now in the game. Credit to Jacques00.
  • Lots of typo fixes and bugs.
  • Omega oil had a perk added.

Sorry I didn’t get this stuff out sooner. Goo Knight bust by JayEcho (Goo knights are in the deep caves with silly mode).

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.7.11


e: The android builds should be available now.

0.7.11 Changelog:

  • A new shark transformation item, written by JohanLitvisk. You can buy it in Jade’s store.
  • New busts: Briget, Ehstraffe, Kirila
  • Various fixes.

Hotfixes (Not Sure If These Will Deploy Properly With Our Code Distribution System, So Might Not Go Live Till Next “Proper” Patch:

  • Fixed a crash in Shark Bites.
  • You can now turn in the Damaged VI Chip for 5 grand with Vi or VKO.
  • Added a bunch of new Lipple Descriptions and adjusted the size descriptions for them to be more appropriate.
  • Omega Oil Price nerfed.
  • Fixed Gills. We have the best Gills. Everyone says so.
  • Some stuff for Vanae/Shark markings to make it easier for coders.
  • “Various Fixes for New Content”

Enjoy! Now to cook some steak and work on a moose… (Also, DCL did up this incredible Kiro/Kally fanart.) Update: The steak was great. The moose didn’t happen due to digging into bugs and stuff. I’ll try to get through more event submissions next week. I’m still not through all the messages I got this week >.>

[Public] Tainted Space 0.7.09

adjatha_doll_maker_saendraWhat’s New This Month:

  • Riya, a racist policewoman added to Tavros.
  • Biothrocs were added to the game on Myrellion, complete with Biothroc egg pregnancy.
  • Ambassador Ara Kei is in the bothrioc embassy, close to the ship hangar on Myrellion.
  • Omega Oil added (“heat”-inducing item, presently dropped by Milodan).
  • New shop on Uveto: Carbonado
  • Kiro & Kally threesome content has been added. Presently two repeatable scenes and some one-time content along the way.
  • Bad End for New Texan male milker.
  • New Item: Skin Clear. Does what it says on the tin.
  • A Haley+Ellie threesome. I vaguely recall this requiring your PC be packin’ serious heat or somethin.
  • Milodan pregnancy was added.
  • Probably a few other odds and ends I missed!

More to come tomorrow for backer-types! (Saendra + Dollmaker by Adjatha)

e: Public code is here.

ee: All of the Patreon binding keys have been cleared, so anybody who had previously had their blog account tied to Patreon will have to redo the connection.

[Backers] Riya!


  • Riya, written by Franks, is now in the game. You can find her on the northeast corner of the merchant deck.
  • A few bugs and such have been sorted out.
  • Some hidden work for another bit of Uveto content. Should not be available just yet.

Art is a WIP of JayEcho’s take on Busky.

Happy 2017!

destructor_2017_cowDestructor posted this lovely picture in Adjatha’s stream the other day, and I figured it was a good way to break in the new year. There’s also a sluttier followup piece.

Destructor, lemme know in comments or something if you have a gallery somewhere I can link.

I reviewed some event submissions today (despite being my day off), and I’ll try and get some more out tomorrow. Now to pretend that celebrities will stop dying because the year changed.

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