Tag: Art

[Public] Halloweener Build

nerrasaIt’ll be full of bugs; I guarantee it.

Since it’s Halloween, we’re going to put out a public build with a spooky new tentacle dungeon. Some of you may have found your way in there in older builds, but whatever.

Gedan did a complete overhaul to the time process system, so I expect we’ll see lots of new bugs pop up, both there and in the dungeon. Be sure to log any new stuff in the bug report forum, and if anything major crops up, we’ll dump out fixes as needed.

0.6.90 Changelog:

  • Dr. Lessau is in game.
  • Spooky Halloween dungeon should be active.
  • Time passage recoded to be more efficient – should be less lag on waiting for pregnancies to complete.
  • New busts and such.
  • Probably a bunch of other stuff. I’m sick and all the merges make it tough to pick out exactly what’s new for this one.
  • Gedan and Jacques00 can yell at me if they want stuff added here.

Buff Ausar by Shoupup.


jacques00_shekka_vnI think I’ve slept 10+ hours the past two days, and I’m starting to feel better. My voice still sounds like a chain-smoking 80 year old, and energy levels still aren’t where they used to be. Definitely still room for improvement. At least I can sleep for more than 6 hours without being woken by my own coughing.

Word from Sav-town is that he’s getting better too. So yay!

I’m going to dig through some of the piles of things that I have to review – there’s a lot, then put out a pubbie Halloween build so everyone can enjoy the spoopy adventure Savin write up… a year ago. Has it really been so long? That’s about the best effort level of work you’re getting out of me today.

At left: Shekka more or less as she should appear during the VN, of course drawn by Jacques00. I’m going to bundle the finished arts up in higher quality on Patreon for those backing at the $10 level in a few minutes, I think.

[Backers] 0.6.88 Slow Progress

hizzacked_tentaclesThose of you excited about the visual novel: we’ve landed Hizzacked as our CG artist. That means we’ll be grabbing some pretty baller art for the NSFW version! If you REALLY like her art, go check out her site. I couldn’t be happier with the choice.

I promised you guys some scenes for Kally & Bimbos. Here they are. I also wired up the stuff to have random NPCs appear in the bar.

0.6.88 Changelog:

  • A new option for bimbo PCs to help Kally out under the bar.
  • Other NPCs can now show up in the bar, same as any other bar.
  • Toning back of lust defense that I accidentally gave to player characters.

Adjatha drew up some NPCs for Savin’s Myrquest dungeon. Those of you catching the streams have doubtless seen some of those. Savin has been hard at work writing stuff for that. I heard words about a gold myr gangbang? Gedan is still working on optimizing processTime to minimize lag between scenes. Something about the Treatment being a nightmare. Supposedly we should be able to merge that in along with some more stuff for the nursery after a week or two, but don’t hold us to that.

I’m trying to write some Kiro talk scenes to round out her interactions at her sister’s bar, but I’m bouncing back and forth between starting to feel a little sickly and not. I just gotta hope hitting the gym doesn’t finish me off.

[Backers] 0.6.87 – Kally & Raskvel & Nerfs


Click for lewd. (by DCLZexon)

Hold onto your butts! This one is a bit experimental.

0.6.87 Changelog:

  • Max trust Kiro can now send players an invite to come visit Canadia Station (Name subject to change) with her, in orbit over Vesperia to meet her sister. (And a new Kiro scene hidden in there if you do the right things). All of Kiro’s Vesperia bar content is not yet written. To anyone with concerns that the area is only accessible via Kiro – there are intended to be multiple unlock routes possible.
  • Kally (Kiro’s sister) is in the game. The most you can do with her at the moment is get drunk, talk, and maybe grope her (consensually, of course. We aren’t running for president.)
  • New scene for Raskvel Females, courtesy of FrankenApple.
  • If you are two or more levels above an enemy, fleeing is now easier.
  • Enemies now have defenses against lust-based weapons and specials based on willpower and level. This is still subject to testing and tuning, but you should no longer breeze through every encounter with max aim and a lust-bow.
  • Tease damage reduces exponentially against enemies who are higher level than you.

I have some more Kally stuff written for bimbos (approx 8 pages). If I get time, I’ll get it in this weekend. Otherwise, Monday. Jacques00 and Gedan have been doing a lot of testing and tuning to the pregnancy content (and adding Sera pregnancy stuff), but we’re holding off on pushing that till it has had a decent amount of eyeball time on it.

…unless Geddy wants to slip it in over the weekend. Up to her!

[PUBLIC BUILD] Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.85

bakuhaku_eradragon_nomi_kuitan_tentacles0.6.85 Changelog:

  • New Story, commissioned from Kotep. Presently it automatically unlocks in the Codex, but once we add an in-game fiction store, that’ll change. It’s a big one (10,000 words-ish).
  • Many fixes and tweaks.
  • Edan is now okay with ladies with penises.
  • [Edit] Looks like Gedan slipped the nursery in there too! Might be buggy.

I wanted to get the reunion of Kiro and her sister (despite not having repeatable content done yet) in for the pubbie patch, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to cram it all in tonight. So here we are! Better to release now than wait 3 hours for a maybe.

New Stuff Since Last Public Patch:

  • Siegewulf + Drone Tweaks
  • Busky & His Shop (With New Items)
  • Two new items for Gene’s shop.
  • Uvetan Frost Wyrms
  • Reaha can now be cured of her patch addiction (plenty o’ content here).
  • New busts: Your dad’s lawyer, Xotchi, Siegewulfs, Fenris Drones, Natalie, Tamwolf, One-Off Gryvain from an Anno scene
  • Ilaria and her shop were added to Tavros’s residential deck.
  • Improved price display for smugglers.
  • Edan added to “The Mess” on Tarkus.
  • Kirila and her shop have been added to Uveto.
  • An expension to allow for acquiring Inessa’s key.

Not a bad month if I do say so myself! (Fake fanart magazine commissioned by EraDragon and drawn by Bakuhaku.)

Monday Night Madness

gats_kiraAnother Monday, another progress report! Savin worked on Psionic Anglerfish monsters for Uveto and “FederationQuest,” a likely pre-requisite for peace on Myrellion. Aside from that, I’m the only one I know at FenCo that was logging Dev-Time today. If Geddy did, she’d be working on the Nursery stuff – I don’t tend to micromanage her when she’s working on a big project like that.

Personally, I churned out 4,000 words of writing for the intro quest for the “Kui Country Bar and Lounge” in the space station over Vesperia. Most of it was an enormous “rough buttfuck” scene for Kiro where she can take out some irritation on the PC. Features plenty of spanking, neck grabbing, and cumflation. I’ve gotta do some alternate intro stuff for it so that it can be requested in the future when the PC is feeling particularly naughty.

Once that’s polished, the intro path for the station (Codename: New Canada) will be complete, and I can start working on slotting in repeatable content for Kiro’s sister (the bartender with alcoholic cum), special Kiro adjustments for being in that bar, the taur-girl we’ve teased in the past (hopefully with Wsan’s help), and a bit of gloryhole content in the bathroom.

By that point I’ll probably jump back to Treatment (faux cow) stuff or Myrellion (peace path) for a bit.

Kiro’s sister sketch claimed from Gats‘ patreon before he shut it down. RIP, Gatseon!

Reminder: Public Patch on the 6th. (And I might have commissioned a story from Kotep in the TiTS universe… coming soon)

[BACKERS] Tainted Space 0.6.82

siegwulfeWoohoo! Some new content I bet you guys have been waiting for. Check out the new hotness!

0.6.82 Changelog:

  • Reaha can now be cured of her addiction! There’s still some adjustments and tweaks to be made, and probably tons of bugs, but it should have some lovely new content for the Reaha-lovers out there.
  • Cured Reaha has all sorts of new features, like the ability to give clothes up or give small amounts of transformatives!
  • Some new combat drones can be purchased! Siegewulf, the ultimate in personal defense. These are likely going to receive some massive tuning in the future, so enjoy them before I dig into messing with them. (Dr. Badger has a bimbo version! Level 6+ required!)
  • New busts: Your dad’s lawyer, Xotchi, Siegewulfs, Fenris Drones, Natalie, Tamwolf
  • The back-end for the pregnancy system upgrades for the nursery are in, which may lead to some new bugginess.
  • Probably some bug fixes and more!

Things to expect in the future: some tuning on lust damage I’ve put off for ages, more writing for Kiro’s sister’s bar (I might slot in the rooms sooner rather than later), and reviewing some pull requests with new items!

(Delightful taur-bot by Jacques00!)

Monday Report

adjatha_the_uncorkable_object_vs-_the_unquenchable_force_kiro_scyllaHey guys, hope you all had a great weekend. I got some playtime in with a game I’ve heard lots of raving about – yet never given a fair shot: Free Cities. It’s a pretty cool game about running an arcology with legal slavery and managing your stable of harem slaves. For anyone that likes fiddling with dozens of systems and seeing how they all slot together, it’s a fun little romp where you can make a dairy full of hormone-treated cow-girls with milk-production implants that all absolutely adore you.  Or you could be terrible and just break people, but ol’ Fenny doesn’t play that way.

In TiTS-news, Jacques00 coded in a new type of drone that should be pretty fucking amazing. I’m going to have to give it a whirl once the pull request gets merged into the central code repository. Some adjustments for the Inessa expansion were slapped in as well, mostly to make it read a little better – just small stuff, really.

We also had a meeting to discuss the coming visual novel. Jacques00 is going to start doing draft art of the characters while I finish off an editing pass on the script. SomeKindofWizard is working on doing up the sexy stuff for the NSFW version now, I think. Once Jacques00 has the designs roughed out, we’ll start reviewing our options for BG/CG artists so that we can get that ball rolling. While the script has a fair amount of comma splices that I’ve been cleaning out, what I’ve read so far is really good and actually made me laugh out loud while reading over a bit on Tarkus this afternoon.

Have a good evening, bras!

(Scylla + Kiro is some lovely Adjatha art. It’s an older piece, but it checks out.)

[Backers] 0.6.80 – New Edan

jroy101_tits_penny_fanartI started writing the “Date” with Kiro to go visit her sister on a Vesperian Space Station. Thus far I haven’t gotten to actually entering the bar yet, but it should be fun. But you guys don’t wanna read about that. You wanna see what’s new, right?

0.6.80 Changelog:

  • A new NPC has been added to the Mess on Tarkus! He’s a big, male Leithan for those who like that. Wsan got to experience firsthand what all goes into coding an NPC on this one and probably came out scarred as a result.
  • Jacques00 did the usual raft of bug fixes and refits. There was an update to tooltips to potentially reflect the price change due to smuggler perks. We might broaden them so the show the pre-perk price as well soon.

Jroy101 did some great fanart of Penny as a warmup the other day. Woot!

[Backers] New Hotness! 0.6.79

niis_kiro-1Despite the name, there’s not a ton of overly sexy content added in this patch. Still, new stuff is new!

0.6.79 Changelog:

  • A new NPC has been added to Uveto: Kirila. A Codex for her race will be forthcoming.
  • Lots of new items have been added to Kirila’s shop, many of them quite powerful.
  • Presently Kirila has no romantic encounters. Feel free to nag Kinathis to write some! :3
  • Some adjustments to “Dumb4Cum” perk.
  • Drone targeting options have been added.
  • Inessa’s key can now be found, thanks to Sen Kanashimi picking up writing where JimT left off.
  • And some other stuff for content that won’t be enabled till closer to Halloween! WHEEEE!

Kerblam! Now maybe I’ll go review some stuff or put out a little writing! Who knows! The world is my oyster.

(Or is it?)

More Niis art, this time a Kiro that isn’t quite anatomically correct (but is lovely all the same!)

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