Public build will be coming out on the fourth itself, I reckon. If you’re interested in becoming a backer, please check out the Patreon link on the right. You can link up an account here to get the latest builds early if you are!
Totally tubular! Radical! Jawsome~
0.6.64 Changelog:
- “Freedom Bison” encounter enabled. You should be able to run into her on just about any planet in the hazardous areas. Once we’ve passed by the holiday, she’ll rarely appear in silly mode.
- A new stationary event/item, the “Orgasmender” has been dumped on Uveto. The item and scene were a response to a custom Offbeatr scene request for healing tentacles, so here we are! The item will be moved to a future dungeon in the distant future.
- New busts: Nova, Freedom Bison, and Astra
- Various other fixes and tweaks.
90’s-noxo is gonna check out now and take something for his headache. (Astra bust at right by Shou)