Tag: Art

XP Adjustments

cheshireCatSmile37_Freja_chibiXP! Everyone loves to have it, especially when it means getting stronger, faster – you know the drill. But what everybody hates is having to walk back to sleep and level up, knowing that every fight and every scrap of experience you collect along the way is utterly wasted. And that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is sitting at the current level cap and knowing that playing the game more won’t help you out at all the next time we bump it up! Doesn’t that just burn you up?

It does for Savin.

Well, there are a few reasons I built the game to work that way. Initially I wanted to avoid an exponential experience system (I always hated when XP numbers got ridiculous), but I also wanted to avoid players leveling up too fast.  In order to keep the player from hitting level 8 by the time they finished Mhen’ga, I established a system that required heading back to town to level up, ensuring that by the time you finished running around on a planet, you could only snag one more level before heading off to the next.

Yes, it’s still possible to farm levels in that way, but the game was never intended to be played in such a way. More pressingly, the artificial headache that I introduced by having it work that way was bothersome to my staff and myself. So I bit the bullet and converted us to a more exponential experience system. All the NPCs in the game have been swapped to generate an XP value based on their level (with bosses giving double). What this means is I’m going to start letting you bank XP beyond your current level.

It also means that I’m slowing down leveling a bit, and that lower level enemies should be even less efficient for leveling up now. Level 5 enemies might give 5,000 XP now, but if you’re level 7, you’ll want to smack the level 7 foes and collect 15,000 XP each from them. The numbers are subject to change, of course. That’s the beauty of how I have it set up. I can change one formula, and the whole system automatically aligns itself to match.

(Pictured Huskar is Freja. Who knows if her author is gonna finish her though! Lovely art by CheshireCatSmile37!)

“Are you tired of THIS happening?” The kui-tan’s expression crinkles into a look of bliss, as he extends his free hand to a pile of silver condoms on a nightstand near by. He pulls a fistful back, but notices with horror that they’re all empty wrappers. His body shivers, and a massive jet of sticky white stuff shoots up roughly from the position of his lap, drenching the tanuki in a matter of seconds. He blinks, wiping the goop away from his eyes and turns to the camera with an exasperated shrug.


niis_emmy_nude_hermSo for some reason, I assumed that the Overwatch beta would start on the 3rd, totally forgetting that it secretly starts at 4pm on the second. Then I proceeded to get progressively sicker as the night wore on, starting around 8pm. …So I just kept playing. That said, I feel shitty enough today that I’m probably not gonna be up to playing games for a bit. I’ll try and get these scenes coded so I can give you guys a new patch.

Game night for the Patreon backers at the game night tier has been delayed till tomorrow.

…lemme go clear out my email inbox.

*Fenoxo hefts his shovel…*

Fuck it, I’m spent. I at least got the new scene I wrote in! (And as an addendum, I am gonna try to play more Overwatch. Time to suck!)

0.6.51 Changelog:

  • New scene in Myrellion for PCs with a Y chromosome.
  • New busts: Semith, Galina (not yet active), Nayna in a coat, Mi’dee, Miko, and Mai.
  • Shockblade damage adjustments
  • Lots of bug-fixes and tweaks, courtesy of Jacques00.

Emmy by Niis approves!

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.50

nayna_suitThe big 5-0! Let’s see what’s in store, shall we?

0.6.50 Changelog:

  • New NPC in Beth’s on Tavros: Terensha!
  • Added a television program to ther bar on Uveto along with a placeholder description.
  • More busts: Briha, Lerris, Nayna, Sera, Zaalt
  • Gryvain starting race
  • New Item: Junk in the Trunk
  • Kui-tan have a new racial attribute…

New Nayna bust from Shou!

Zoot Sloot Riot

Aki_SeraStill feeling kind of sickly today (as evidenced by my latest Overwatch video on youtube – seriously mediocre attempt at commentary!), but I still cranked in a pretty good work day.

The following all got done:

  • 1000+ words of writing for the hyper-endowed male furry.
  • Coded the above scene.
  • Coded in new busts for Lerris (all six eight!), Nayna, Zaalt, and Sera.
  • Reviewed some code merges that happened over the weekend – a few small items are on the way.
  • Coded in a new NPC at Beth’s that Savin wrote.

Hopefully that’ll make up for the disappointing showing I had yesterday! I’ll probably drop a backer patch tomorrow if all goes well! Also, the next custom scene I have to do involves an army of alien girls squirting on the PC. Should be… uh… interesting.

Lovely fanart-turned-in-game-bust by Aki.

[Backers] TiTS 0.6.48 – Bunnyfux

xantheNot a lot in this one, but I figured why not push out a release?

0.6.48 Changelog:

  • Added a new scene for Nayna.
  • Added 8 new custom PCs off the list (an Offbeatr reward – don’t sweat it if you don’t know it. Still 53 pages of Offbeatr reward things to do)
  • New texts for the Uvetan space elevator.
  • Fix for ‘Nuki Nuts vs. Suma Cream on tiny kui-tans.
  • Suma Cream bad end now triggered by weight/strength requirements in addition to size.
  • Added and implemented Shou’s Xanthe busts.
  • Adjustments to exhibitionism decay by ignoring exposing underwear from check.
  • Added metallic black and iridescent to Shear Beauty hair/fur color menus.


(New Xanthe is lookin’ adorable. Good work, Shou!)

[Backers] Tainted Space – 0.6.47 – Uveto Babies!


This lovely Nayna is the result of me getting a Patreon sketch for supporting Gats 😀

New in this patch is a TamaniCorp shop on Tavros, run by a male kaithrit (basically a shemale), a friendly hermaphroditic centaur for Mhen’ga, and an unfinished laquine hermaphrodite for Uveto. Needless to say, I’m pretty happy with the current breakdown, though I wouldn’t expect to see it continue in the next patch. Lady korgonnes are a-comin’ and some boy korgonnes soon after. I might tweak them to make the plural ‘korgi’. Not sure.


  • The alternate intro for Uveto should now be enabled. It shows up as a distress call when travelling through space.
  • You can now land on Uveto Station and take the space elevator down to Irestead. Needless to say, most of the rooms are empty or unfinished. Enjoy a glimpse into the gray areas of planet-building.
  • Nayna the laquine climatologist can now be met in the observation deck of the geological survey in Irestead. Since her lost drones aren’t yet in the game, you should be able to abuse giving her as many as you want for kicks.
  • A tauric, dryad-like hermaphrodite can now be found running around on Mhen’ga. She is a rare encounter outside of a couple specific circumstances…
  • Lerris and her TamaniCorp shop can be run into on Tavros.
  • New items: FertitePlus, Lactaid MilkTank, and Lactaid Overdrive.
  • The Enessa, Frostwyrm, Lureling, Korgonne, Divrani, and Hyraxxi codex entries have been added (but are presently inaccessible).
  • A crash for group combat encounters should be fixed.
  • Some missing busts re-added.
  • New nude Xanthe bust from Shou.
  • New Fyn bust from Lapinbeau.
  • Lots of reorganizing busts under the hood (thanks, Jacques00!)
  • Added XKCD support.
  • Lots of little fixes.

TiTS Public Release Fix! 0.6.46

ber00_shekka0.6.46 Changelog:

  • Fixes an issue with multiple-enemy fights.
  • New busts for Seifyn and Xanthe courtesy of Shou!

Big thanks to Jacques00  for poking at bugs and busts, and Gedan for cleaning up the fight issue.

Crazy stylized Shekka by ber00, I believe.

[Backers] Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.44


Public Build drops on Thursday!

0.6.44 Changelog:

  • A dream sequence for futa lovers. It should have a 1/4 chance of proccing when sleeping (assuming you’ve unlocked Atha). It even involves angels… sort of. These Offbeatr requests get weirder and weirder!
  • 8 more custom PC’s are chunked in for Offbeatr backers who put in for them. Only 55 pages of stuff left in my “Offbeatr to-do list”!
  • Vi now has some lovely busts, courtesy of Adjatha… and an option to make her boobs gigantic using Silicone, courtesy of ASpoopyGhost.
  • Sydian females should be active on Tarkus, courtesy of Zeikfried’s writing and Gedan’s coding.
  • A plantation has opened up on Mhen’ga, courtesy of Nonesuch’s writing and Jacques00’s coding.
  • An alternate bust for Cameron has been added in Gats’s style – toggle your bust preference over to Gats if you’d like to give it a peek.
  • New bust for the vending machines, courtesy of Adjatha.
  • Una now has a bust!
  • A ton of fixes, mostly courtesy of other contributors!

The next custom scene I have to do is specific enough that I’m going to roll up an NPC on Uveto in order to handle it. Brace yourself, the furries are coming.

Art is from DreamBlade over on the forums of their Captain Steele!

UPDATE: Android/iOS versions are out!

[APRIL FOOLS] Coming Soon – KiroQuest!

kiroIt’s time to take the wraps off what Savin and I have been working on in secret for months – KiroQuest! Did you think that PC was too boring of a protagonist for the game? That the game’s intro was a bit too unusual and dry? Well, we agreed, and from this point forward, you’ll be able to play Trials in Tainted Space as the flagship character, Kiro. We’ve worked tirelessly under the hood to provide a whole new experience for those who want to live as the game’s best-written NPC, with new interactions for existing NPCs and whole new mechanics.

Old bust by Gats, Kiro/Anno sketch by Dsan!

Just a few of Kiro’s TiTS Quest can be found below:

  • Totally different experience in the Tarkus dungeon.
  • The game’s first SSD: Horsepoxia
  • Recruitable Jack/Jill questline!
  • Tracer’s over the shoulder victory pose has been replaced with something less suggestive.
  • dsan_kiro_annoNew combat mechanic: furious frottage – use your superior endowment to grind down the enemy’s resistance!
  • Be a leaf on the wind – two new ship combat encounters exclusive to Kiro’s storyline.
  • New, Kiro-only NPC followers: Dr. Badger, Embry, Sera, and Holiday!
  • Discover Kiro’s sister, Kira!
  • Lash Dr. Lash up and turn him into your personal slave.
  • Impregnate Saendra, Syri, and Kaede – don’t ask how. It’s a secret!

[Backers] TiTS 0.6.43 – A Clear Nu Yu!

lys0.6.43 Changelog:

  • Ellie now sells ClearYu and Rubber-Made, two items penned by Adjatha with some rather unique bad-ends attached to them.
  • Ellie can now sell Suma Cream, an enhancer of the testicular persuasion. Again, written by Adjatha, and coded by Jacques00.
  • Carrie has a new scene for treated bull types, coded by Jacques00 and penned by Nonesuch.
  • Three new one-off scenes requested by Offbeatr prompts have been added to the game: one for Millie’s milker getting out of control (request a solo milking), one for sleeping with the taxi vendor on Tarkus, and one for tentacular impregnation (find a strange egg, then fly your ship around with it in your inventory).
  • Nerfed orifice capacities somewhat. They were slightly too high.
  • Fixed some scenes missing tagging for fluid input.
  • Fixed the carry training expansion over time not proccing.
  • Terran treats can now reset fluid types.
  • Goo TF now sets slightly different fluid types for masculine and feminine genitals so that things like “goo and goo” don’t show up so frequently. (Entering the goo submenu should autoupdate existing goo-pcs)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Atha’s menu to break hard.
  • A small batch of custom PCs (an Offbeatr reward) are in game.
  • Lys and Millie got new busts!
  • Bunches of other fixes and tweaks.

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