0.7.263 Changelog:
- I added a small scene for Valentines day to the game. It’s a last minute thing that comes with a fun little buff/debuff for doing it. Enjoy!
- Bugs were fixed.
Yep, that’s really it! I’m tired now, so enjoy the holiday!
0.7.263 Changelog:
Yep, that’s really it! I’m tired now, so enjoy the holiday!
SheepPun is going ham on drawing all the korgs! Great work!
Today I grabbed hold of some scenes I’ve either commissioned or been aware of that were waiting on coding and actually got to tackling them!
0.7.262 Changelog:
I intend to nose more into the backlog in the days to come, perhaps with a break to do a little original writing of my own. I’ll keep you posted!
MrPink’s rendition of a korgonne dealing with the effects of milodan aphrodisiacs, colored by Adjatha.
Before I get into the patch, I wanted to apologize for the late release on this. I’ve been running myself a bit ragged and fell asleep this afternoon when I should’ve been working on doing some coding. There were a few other things I wanted to touch with this one but ran out of time – you guys needed something released, and I need to sleep.
0.7.260 Changelog:
What’s New For This Public Patch?
The public patch will come somewhere around 20+ hours from the time of this posting, on the cusp of Wednesday’s end.
0.7.259 Changelog:
0.7.257 Changelog:
I have a few one-off scenes to code, then it’s back to the big boy Milodan boss!
Or… we have a really meaty update. One of the two!
While I’ve been dickering around in the land of organizing, writing, and coding the Wargii Hold project, our community has not been idle. Community writers have given left us absolutely flush with interesting new tidbits, and the community coders have smashed out a lot of neat additions for the game. Check them out below – but first, a word of warning: I neither wrote nor coded these. They may be a few more rough edges than usual.
If you encounter something broken, please let us know so we can fix it! I like to bitch about bug-fixing, but it’s one of the most essential parts of making this game fun to play.
0.7.255 Changelog:
Oof! That’s a lot of patchnotes. Have a great weekend, everybody. The next patch will probably be a week out, barring any major bug-fixes!
Shou decided to take another stab at Zaalt’s bust… and did up this hilariously anime variant of the final bust. Sadly, he misplaces the shades before you meet him in game.
The Resident Evil 2 remake JUST came out. I loved those game on my old Playstation – they scared the shit out of adolescent me so badly that I wouldn’t play them if I was in a room by myself. I’d stick with Final Fantasy VII in times like those.
Know what else just came out? The Overwatch Chinese New Year’s event.
Know what I’m not playing? Either. Some other (admittedly fun) stuff came up this evening that kept me from being able to pound on code much and limited the effectiveness of what code-typing I did do. Never fear! I’ve spent the scant few hours before bed assembling a steaming hot plate of new patch for you all. The big news in this one is that it adds a Milodan Temptress to War’gii Hold. Gynophiles rejoice!
I’ll get time for gaming in the evenings on the weekend, or maybe Sunday during the day.
0.7.254 Changelog:
0.7.253 Changelog:
Tomorrow I intend to focus on writing for the Milodan War-Alpha (the boss!!!), and maybe slogging into coding the Milodan temptress. We’ll see! There’s going to be at least two scenes for losing to the boss, and then I need to flow into the epilogue scenarios for if you win.
…please let me finish this off this week…
Shou’s first take on the War Lion. Expect to see him trade the pistol for a sword and gain some armor once she has a chance to do a second pass on him! What a handsome cat!
Finally I have something you guys can look at testing. It’s probably buggy and unbalanced, but feel free to leave any comments about tweaks or issues as they arise.
0.7.252 Changelog:
Monday is going to be a big day. I should be scoring an 8 hour art stream from Mr. Pink, and I’m probably gonna jump in and stream myself for a while as well. I’ve also got a ton of volunteer coded stuff to shovel into the main game as well. Look forward to it!
P.S. I got some writing commissions in too! Once I get a better handle on the hold, I’ll be pursuing them. Spoiler alert: Tentacle PC + Mitzi, and maybe some Penny/Syri interactions as well!
Doots got me a lovely Christmas Kiro from Son237. Maybe next year we can open the box, if we’re good boys and girls!
So uh… this is turning into a real bear of a month for me. I’m basically going to AWOL this week due to having houseguests for the next five days or so, after which I have some headaches to deal with in regards to immigration. Hopefully by the 10th things will settle down, and I can get back to the grind.
I did some work for the Invasion of Korg’ii Hold quest that I’ve had planned forever – mostly the introduction event and framing for the first optional combat encounter as well as the start of the hold’s siege proper. Since a fair amount of the content is written already, I hope to be fairly nimble in its development and have the whole event finished before the end of the month. Fingers crossed.
0.7.251 Changelog:
There’s at least one decent-sized chunk of submitted code in the pull requests. Hopefully I can slide that through within the next week.
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