Tag: Changelog

[Backers] Brandymoo. Moo.

Moo moo moo moo moo. Moo.

Brandy actually has a bit of tangled development history. I rejected her original submission until her author came back with some slight tweaks and edits for her. She even had a bust done before I rejected her that first time because someone put it on the artist workpage. Craziness! Anyway, here she is, complete with Adjatha-drawn bust.

0.7.42 Changelog:

  • Brandy has been added to New Texas.
  • New Texas had a few rooms added to the road to stretch it out a bit. It was starting to get a little packed-in for a rural ranch area!
  • Sera’s collar has been added to the collar list.
  • Jacques00 went ahead and coded an Amazona Sweet Tea transformative.

Brandy’s bust by Adjatha of course!

[Backers] Fappy Easter!

Had this idea and tossed it out during D&D. Gonna be backers-only since it’s basically just a little nothing change and it’d be unfair to them to give away half the month’s content at this point. Upside: it should automatically go off around this time next year, though we might need to adjust the dates since Easter’s numeric date tends to vary.

0.7.40 Changelog:

  • Added a “rare drops” system for giving any enemy the potential to drop things rarely.
  • Added the ability for almost any enemy to drop any of the existing eggs in game. Yay, Easter! The event should go for another day or two.
  • Syri can be hugged or kissed, depending on time of day.
  • Kiro will sometimes leave her comms device sitting out at Kally’s allowing you to send a set of Dick Pics to Kally (for more points toward unlocking the threesome).
  • Various tweaks and improvements.

[Backers] 0.7.39

The endless charge of Alright Hugs continues! Seriously, I’m not sure how many more things in my message backlog are from him, but goddamn, dude.

0.7.39 Changelog:

  • New encounter on Uveto Station – the Sub-Tuner. It’s a collar you can find laying out that leads to some petplay stuff.
  • Two new masturbation options for those with phallus-tails.
  • “Anti-Grav Jock” added to the game. No, it isn’t a football player in anti-gravity boots.
  • Tweaks to the hip descript and buttdescript parser. I’m not sure how it happened, but I ran across “You have curvy quarters that make you go with a sexy, swinging gait” in the appearance screen and nearly died. Needless to say, calling hips “quarters” is gone, and “go” shouldn’t show up there any longer.
  • Follower Anno can now sell a weapon that does cold damage after the PC hits level 5.
  • Two of the Offbeatr custom PC names have been added to the game.
  • Various fixes and sundry tweaks.

Futa variant of Erra commissioned from DCL to annoy HugsAlright >:3

[Backers] 0.7.38 Fucking Cuntboys

0.7.38 Changelog:

  • Added LashCharge’s “Gil” to the game, a guy who is very specific about his transformation and also has a pussy. To meet him, buy a Pupper Popper from Jade and step out of her store.

I’m gonna admit, he’s a long way from my favorite character. His author went way too hard on tiny variations that made his two scenes a pain to code, and I don’t really care for his personality. That said, he’s something we don’t have any of in the game – cuntboys. So for all of you that enjoy that, there he is.

[Backers] 0.7.37 – Infinite Ausar

Someday I can chew through this submission backlog and write through stuff myself. Unfortunately, a new Overwatch patch just popped out, so I need to binge a few hours before I go back to pushing through the pile. Don’t worry – I’m gonna get plenty done tonight.

0.7.37 Changelog:

  • Two new Syri scenes by HugsAlright (one in the friendly after-shower, one as a choice when you win her betting game).
  • Two new Syri busts from CheshireCatSmile37, commissioned by HugsAlright.
  • The Bucking Bronco in the Bucking Bronco saloon should be added.
  • Many fixes and tweaks.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.7.36

This might be the last update for a bit! We’re going to be at Furry Weekend Atlanta this weekend, and I MUST MAKE READY!

0.7.36 Changelog:

  • The “Bucking Bronco” has been added to New Texas, penned by Night Trap and Highs Alright.
  • New characters: James and Sally.
  • Many fixes and tweaks.

Concept of MOAR PIRATES commed from JayEcho by Geddy. I wonder what they’ll do?

[Backers] Another Ausar Overload

Blame HugsAlright for this one. Savin has inspired the sort of rabid fever for dog-people that not even a furry can approach. Speaking of fevers, I’m going to be sorting through these submissions when able, but I’m not sure if I’ll have another that I can bang out this quick and easy before we go to Furry Weekend Atlanta (details in link). There is quite a backlog to sort through, and whenever I get back into writing, I intend to slide into knocking out a Custom Follower someone ordered from back during the Offbeatr.

0.7.35 Changelog:

  • Liamme the ausar trap has been added to the Tavros Residential Deck between noon and 4 AM.
  • New bust: Liamme
  • Pickmentation can now give you facial freckles (do not show through fur).

Pregnant Erra drawn by DCLZexon.


0.7.34 Changelog:

  • New Busts: Goo Knight win variants
  • New Item: Pickmentation (allows selecting skin color). It’s quite expensive, as one would expect.
  • “Vava Groom” (new encounter on Uveto) implementation.
  • New shower option.
  • More Foxfire colors.
  • Some tweaks for the “exhibition gains/losses over time” subsystem.
  • Adjustments to level up notices.
  • “More Vending Machines.”

New Since Last Public Release:

  • New Quest: Plantation Quest on Mhen’ga. (Be relatively high level, do all the talk topics, then wait a day or two for an email.) Includes something like 5 new fights, two new items, and a potential pile of money.
  • New Busts: Kane, Quinn, Mabbs, Estraffe, Sylvie, Nessa, Dr. Lessau, Carver, Psychic Egg, Kat, Kaede, and Pippa.
  • New Items: Laquine Ears, Sweat Treat, Muffstick, FizzyFix, Strawberry Shortcake, Holstaria, Lupinoland, and Lemon Loftcake
  • New character on Canadia Station: Mabbs. She’s a drug-dealing rodenian. She’s also immune to Cap’n Steele’s wiles.
  • Rodenian Codex entry added.
  • New Beth’s expansion for working there.
  • Two new NPCs on Uveto.
  • Bubble Buddy Bubbles can now be drank for certain PCs.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.
  • Jacques00 did most of the work to be honest…

Next project: Reviewing & Possibly coding Liamme. Could be in tonight (for backers) if all goes well.

Flahne fanart by DastardlyDevil.

[BACKERS] April Bleh

Sorry guys, but I don’t have any april fools pranks for you this year. I do have a new build with some new content and one tidbit of exciting news: we’re planning on hiring Jacques00 to join the team in the near future. Nothing is totally final yet, and there’s going to be a bit of time before we can get the paperwork all lined up, but yay, we’re growing.

0.7.33 Changelog:

  • New Busts: Kane, Quinn
  • New Items: Muffstick, FizzyFix
  • Rodenian Codex entry added.
  • Two new NPCs on Uveto.
  • Various fixes and tweaks.
  • Jacques00 did most of the work to be honest…

Quinn by Adjatha!

Plugging a Friend & [Backers] 0.7.32!

Because what are friends for, if not plugging?

No, but seriously a long time friend of mine is working on a game to release on Steam, and I told him I’d use my phenomenal perverted powers to hook him up with some free advertisement. The game is called Attack on Kitten and you can find it on KickStarter. They’ve already punched their way through the Steam Greenlight process!

Okay, toggling shill-mode off and disappearing back into Tax & Accounting work. Yay, business!

I am lord business, and I did some more TiTS work! Nobody seems to have given me any bugs with the plantation, so I am left to assume that I am perfect in every way.

0.7.32 Changelog:

  • New character on Canadia Station: Mabbs. She’s a drug-dealing rodenian (CODEX PENDING). She’s also immune to Cap’n Steele’s wiles.
  • New bust: Mabbs.
  • Plantation Quest update: Burt and Flahne have a small bit of text if you get the best end to the plantation quest.
  • More vending machines on Myrellion, including new vending machines with two new items: Strawberry Shortcake and Lemon Loftcake (written by Couch, coded by Jacques00).
  • Various fixes and tweaks.

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