Tag: Changelog

[Backers] MicroPatch

0.7.16 Changelog (0.7.15 two posts down, with lots more content):

  • Appearance screen shouldn’t crash anymore. Whoops.
  • Some typo and bug fixes.

Also see the post below if you want to poke SKoW about VN things! (Pssst… next update will contain Mrs. Reasner)

[Backers] Puppersloots As Far As The Eyes Can See


UPDATE: It’s up now. Blame iOS as usual.

0.7.15 Changelog:

  • A new dream for people with Anno on the crew.
  • Kaede can now be found on Canadia Station in Kally’s bar, assuming you’ve met her on New Texas already. She sticks around for 14 days after you meet her there, then books it. Be sure to work the gloryhole once while she’s in station for a one-off scene.
  • PC’s in Omega Oil-induced anal heat have a new interaction with Syri…
  • Appearance screen blurbs for very large butts have been tweaked.
  • New busts: Busky by FubMistress and JayEcho.
  • Various bug fixes and typo corrections.

New week, new content. Enjoy! (Pictured at left, Busky by JayEcho)

[Backers] Canine Poppers

How has TiTS gone this long without a proper canine transformation? I blame the ausar, but then again, that’s my go-to for blaming. Darned pupper-sloots!

0.7.14 Changelog:

  • New Items in Jade’s inventory, written by Lash Charge: Canine Poppers and Pupper Poppers. The latter adds multiple tails and various other oddities.
  • Pandaneen got slightly more expensive.
  • The Kashima Incident, like Poe A, can now rarely unlock away from the Halloween season.
  • Various tweaks and bug fixes courtesy of Jacques00.

Stay tuned, and as always, thank you for your support, bras!

[Backers] TiTS 0.7.12 – More Work

Hey guys. Over the weekend I jammed out something like 1,000 more words to finish off Sylvie’s sober stories. I also coded a variant of the Pexiga blowjob scene Adjatha had written for the very well endowed – and set up the scene with a little pre-cursor that lets you select which penis you’d like to use for those with multiples.

Don’t expect much from me tonight, as I’m going to start working through stuff for taxes, I think

0.7.12 Changelog:

  • New Pexiga BJ alternate scene.
  • Omega Oil effects rejiggered to be more random, for some reason.
  • Various other fixes.


[Backers] Tainted Space 0.7.11


e: The android builds should be available now.

0.7.11 Changelog:

  • A new shark transformation item, written by JohanLitvisk. You can buy it in Jade’s store.
  • New busts: Briget, Ehstraffe, Kirila
  • Various fixes.

Hotfixes (Not Sure If These Will Deploy Properly With Our Code Distribution System, So Might Not Go Live Till Next “Proper” Patch:

  • Fixed a crash in Shark Bites.
  • You can now turn in the Damaged VI Chip for 5 grand with Vi or VKO.
  • Added a bunch of new Lipple Descriptions and adjusted the size descriptions for them to be more appropriate.
  • Omega Oil Price nerfed.
  • Fixed Gills. We have the best Gills. Everyone says so.
  • Some stuff for Vanae/Shark markings to make it easier for coders.
  • “Various Fixes for New Content”

Enjoy! Now to cook some steak and work on a moose… (Also, DCL did up this incredible Kiro/Kally fanart.) Update: The steak was great. The moose didn’t happen due to digging into bugs and stuff. I’ll try to get through more event submissions next week. I’m still not through all the messages I got this week >.>

[PUBLIC] Tainted Space 0.7.10

0.7.10 Changelog 

  • Android icons should be fixed.
  • The bottom “cropping” should also be fixed for android.
  • Some minor typo fixes.
  • A rekindled hatred of android development.

Files should be arriving soon™

[Public] Tainted Space 0.7.09

adjatha_doll_maker_saendraWhat’s New This Month:

  • Riya, a racist policewoman added to Tavros.
  • Biothrocs were added to the game on Myrellion, complete with Biothroc egg pregnancy.
  • Ambassador Ara Kei is in the bothrioc embassy, close to the ship hangar on Myrellion.
  • Omega Oil added (“heat”-inducing item, presently dropped by Milodan).
  • New shop on Uveto: Carbonado
  • Kiro & Kally threesome content has been added. Presently two repeatable scenes and some one-time content along the way.
  • Bad End for New Texan male milker.
  • New Item: Skin Clear. Does what it says on the tin.
  • A Haley+Ellie threesome. I vaguely recall this requiring your PC be packin’ serious heat or somethin.
  • Milodan pregnancy was added.
  • Probably a few other odds and ends I missed!

More to come tomorrow for backer-types! (Saendra + Dollmaker by Adjatha)

e: Public code is here.

ee: All of the Patreon binding keys have been cleared, so anybody who had previously had their blog account tied to Patreon will have to redo the connection.

[Backers] One Last Backer Build…

vn_proto_screenWhassat? Rushing some new shit out right before the pubbie build? Why not!

0.7.09 Changelog:

  • Adding the missing “Leave” button to Riya’s menu.
  • New Item: Omega Oil – induces a sort of anal heat. Presently dropped by male Milodans until Uveto gets a shop to sell sexytimes items.
  • New Uveto Shop: Carbonado
  • Assorted Biothroc fixes and other fixes.

I’m feeling a good bit better now, so I’m going to try and go do my cardio for the day, then write some moosetaur mountie. The bits Wsan has shared of the scenes he’s doing look groovy.

Oh, and Jacques00 did some amazing mockups for the VN UI. WOOO!

[Backers] Riya!


  • Riya, written by Franks, is now in the game. You can find her on the northeast corner of the merchant deck.
  • A few bugs and such have been sorted out.
  • Some hidden work for another bit of Uveto content. Should not be available just yet.

Art is a WIP of JayEcho’s take on Busky.

[Backers] 0.7.07 When Kiro’s on a Bagel, You Can Have Kiro Any Time

jroy101_nayna_linedraw0.7.07 Changelog:

  • Added another Kiro x Kally scene! This time for lady-parts havers. It clocks in at 2,600 words and should be in Kiro’s threesomes submenu, if you have it unlocked.
  • Added a little more info to why the threesomes button is disabled if it is disabled. It should be a bit more clear.
  • Actually edited Kally’s output to increase after doing the double-milker event.
  • Made sure to properly increase the kiroKallyThreesomes counter with the aforementioned scene.

Expect more small builds now that our build deployment has been made easier by Gedan’s space-dragon magic. Goddamn neon 80’s draggos are the best.

Nayna fanart by Jroy101!  Also, did I mention this SWEET PENNY ANIMATION FANART WE GOT? Holy shit, my flash has flash fanart. If we can get flash fanart of a fanart, it’ll be fanartception, and we can play that cool “BWOOONG” sound from the Inception trailers.

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