- Riya, a racist policewoman added to Tavros.
- Biothrocs were added to the game on Myrellion, complete with Biothroc egg pregnancy.
- Ambassador Ara Kei is in the bothrioc embassy, close to the ship hangar on Myrellion.
- Omega Oil added (“heat”-inducing item, presently dropped by Milodan).
- New shop on Uveto: Carbonado
- Kiro & Kally threesome content has been added. Presently two repeatable scenes and some one-time content along the way.
- Bad End for New Texan male milker.
- New Item: Skin Clear. Does what it says on the tin.
- A Haley+Ellie threesome. I vaguely recall this requiring your PC be packin’ serious heat or somethin.
- Milodan pregnancy was added.
- Probably a few other odds and ends I missed!
More to come tomorrow for backer-types! (Saendra + Dollmaker by Adjatha)
e: Public code is here.
ee: All of the Patreon binding keys have been cleared, so anybody who had previously had their blog account tied to Patreon will have to redo the connection.