Tag: Changelog

[Backers] Trials in Tainted Space’s Fourth of July, 0.6.64

astraPublic build will be coming out on the fourth itself, I reckon. If you’re interested in becoming a backer, please check out the Patreon link on the right. You can link up an account here to get the latest builds early if you are!

Totally tubular! Radical! Jawsome~

0.6.64 Changelog:

  • “Freedom Bison” encounter enabled. You should be able to run into her on just about any planet in the hazardous areas. Once we’ve passed by the holiday, she’ll rarely appear in silly mode.
  • A new stationary event/item, the “Orgasmender” has been dumped on Uveto. The item and scene were a response to a custom Offbeatr scene request for healing tentacles, so here we are! The item will be moved to a future dungeon in the distant future.
  • New busts: Nova, Freedom Bison, and Astra
  • Various other fixes and tweaks.

90’s-noxo is gonna check out now and take something for his headache. (Astra bust at right by Shou)

[Backer Build] Tainted Space 0.6.63 – Got Yer Ear!

jacques00_bison_teaseNot much new here. Wrote a new 1450 word scene for Ceria. It’s a bit weird. I also wrote 1200 words for a tentacular healing tank, but that’s going to go on at least another 1-2000 words before it’s done. In the meantime, have a tiny patch!

0.6.62 Changelog:

  • The loading issue some users had should be fixed.

0.6.63 Changelog:

  • The Tove codex has been added to the game.
  • Ceria now has an ear-tastic scene, courtesy of a custom Offbeatr scene request.
  • A few bugfixes.

Art is a tease of a bison-girl Jacques00 has been working on. Savin might have something planned for her and the fourth of July. There may also be versions that are way more muscular, but this is my favorite.

[Backer Build] Tainted Space 0.6.61 – Long Overdue

steph_40.6.62 is up which should fix the loading bug.

I had a pretty good stream today – about 5 hours and 40 minutes. I brought it down a little early to work on getting this build out for all you fine fellows (and ladies). More streaming tomorrow – which should be interesting after I kill myself at the gym. We might get to see the appearance of the rare zombie-noxo.

0.6.61 Changelog:

  • Tlako, Uveto’s station administer, is now encounterable. She’s adorkable. (Penned by Frogapus)
  • A new character exists on New Texas – Haley! (Penned by Wsan)
  • New busts: The Mhen’ga dryad, Simone, Gene, Fazian,
  • Myr Venom was apparently reworked into a tease-style attack when I wasn’t looking. This is probably going to be reverted.
  • New Texas now has a bad-end for Treated Femtaurs who get used with Ellie. (Coded/Penned by Wsan)
  • New Item: Omnisuit – a piece of clothing that legally counts as clothing but effectively feels like nothing at all for other purposes… (Penned/Coded by Fenoxo). For now, it can be purchased at Shekka’s. It will later be moved to a special dungeon…

Tomorrow I’ll probably be doing some writing. Don’t expect this much cool stuff unless my other coders get crazy!

[Public Release] Tainted Space 0.6.58

kiro_1Tainted Space 0.6.58:

  • New Nayna scene, penned by Frogapus.
  • New busts: Lola, Quenton
  • Various fixes, courtesy of Jacques00

Just a small one today. Getting the Nayna scene in went slower than anticipated due to having to rewrite/tweak some of her dialogue.

New Since Last Public Release

  • New Items: DracoGuard, SukMastr 2000, Bubble Buddy, Feline TF, Huskar Treats
  • New Scenes: Doctor Badger removes tail parasite, Zephyr + parasite tailed PC, Vanae + parasite tailed PC, dryad + parasite tail, male zil + parasite tail, and losing to mimbranes with a parasite tail, taking toys from the myr deserters, giving bubbles of goo to different in-game goo-girls.
  • New busts: Able, Carrie, Darnock, Flahne, Kiro, Lane, Shade, the pexiga, Terensha, Anno, Horace Decker, Female Lane, Nayna, the bathing Myr Honeypot, Tamani, and the group of gold myr bathers.
  • The first part of Shade’s Uveto content.
  • Gray Goo armor customization.
  • Improvements to genitalia descriptions.
  • A butt-embiggening device.
  • Nyrea bad-end.
  • Kaede Uveto event.
  • XP gains reworked.


[Backers] TiTS 0.6.57

able0.6.57 Changelog (Public Build Coming Soon):

  • New item: DracoGuard
  • Dr. Badger can now remove vaginal tail parasites.
  • Shade’s Uveto encounter is now active.
  • Reworked some more parsers.
  • New busts: Able, Carrie, Darnock, Flahne, Kiro, Lane, Shade
  • Sex toys have their own storage slot on the ship.

It took me like 30m to upload the .zip to Patreon, so I didn’t do the android/iOS versions on TaintedSpace.com. Public builds should hit tomorrow or the day after, time permitting.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.56 – Vaginal Tweaks

cheshireCatSmile37_hawktaur0.6.56 Changelog:

  • The function to describe female anatomy has been overhauled with a number of tweaks and improvements for noun and adjective selection.
  • New scenes for parasitic tails for: Zephyr, Vanae, and losing to Mimbranes (with more on the way), courtesy of Frogapus and Zeikfried.
  • Kui-Tan vaginas now have proper description nouns (and a bit more special flavor to them!)
  • ‘Nuki Cookies now fully transform vaginas.
  • Toys for Inessa and Lerris’ shops should no longer be duplicated between the two inventories.
  • Added a new toy to Inessa’s shop – the SukMastr 2000. You may recognize it from a certain Kiro scene.
  • More adjustments and tweaks to the Gray Goo armor.

I’ve got some busts I need to throw in there too, but I do believe it’s bedtime for now. You guys will get to see all that new hotness soon enough.

Pictured at left: a bust I snagged from CheshireCatSmile37 for a character I intend to write on Phaedra II, my planned post-apocalyptic world. Not pictured: a Kiro bust with ginormous boobs AND balls from Adjatha. Expect to see that if I can ever get around to Kiro’s follower expansion/quest.

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.54

shou_shekka_sidebar0.6.54 Changelog:

  • XP bar should be fixed.
  • Fixed Kaede’s Uveto encounter looping.
  • Celise can now be gifted bubbles.
  • Flahne can now be gifted bubbles.
  • Vaande can now be gifted bubbles.
  • Many other bugs fixed (and probably some new ones introduced!)

[Backers] TiTS 0.6.53 – Broken Fun!

tamaniSo I’ve slapped a few things in here and there. A lot of it is probably broken, but by the next build we’ll polish out any major bugs, I’m sure.

0.6.53 Changelog:

  • Kaede can now show up on Uveto for an event.
  • Lerris now sells a new sex toy.
  • The new sex toy has a spam advertisement added to the possible spam messages.
  • A new Codex entry for the new sex toy.
  • The new toy allows you to store bodily fluids for later use or gifting. Currently stored fluid can only be thrown at enemies in combat for now. Gifting it to Celise… Flahne… or others will come later!
  • A massive rework to how XP is handled. Note that the XP bar glitching out on level up is a known issue.
  • New bust for Tamani.
  • A small expansion pack for the myr deserters by Zeikfried. You can take their toys, use them, and even give Lys a flower if you want (after talking to her about herself).
  • Jade now sells a feline transformative written and coded by Etis from the forums.
  • Huskar treats are in the game, apparently.
  • Accuracy is now properly calculated when rolling miss chances.
  • A raft of other small fixes and tweaks.

Lovely bust for the TiTS incarnation of Tamani by Adjatha!

Public Release: 0.6.52

Or as I like to call it: Fen accomplished nothing, but at least that orgasm bug got patched!

0.6.52 Changelog:

  • Fazian, the Anat dancer can now be discovered alongside Dally in Gildenmere. Just make sure to rest a few times if you don’t see any new options!
  • Fazian even has his own mini-quest!
  • Many bugs were fixed!
  • There’s probably some other notable changes, but I was out pretty sick most of the week.

What’s New Since Last Pubbie Patch?

  • New group usage scene in Gildenmere.
  • New busts: Briha, Lerris, Fyn, Nayna, Sera, Zaalt, Semith, Galina (not yet active), Xanthe, Nayna in a coat, Mi’dee, Miko, and Mai.
  • New NPC in Beth’s on Tavros: Terensha
  • Gryvain starting race.
  • New Items: Junk in the Trunk, FertitePlus, Lactaid MilkTank, and Lactaid Overdrive.
  • A television program for Uveto’s bar.
  • Follower Yammi
  • Uveto, including Narrasa’s shop and a new laquine NPC, Nayna.
  • A herm orgy with Kiro.
  • Suma cream bad-end
  • A Dryad-morph on Mhen’ga
  • A new shop on Tavros: TamaniCorp, run by Lerris.
  • Probably some other bits and bobs I’ve missed!

Sorry for being so slow in getting this stuff put together. The shit ravaging my sinuses, throat, and tonsils is finally getting beaten back to where I feel kind of normal again. We had a super productive month this month, and I look forward to repeating next month!


niis_emmy_nude_hermSo for some reason, I assumed that the Overwatch beta would start on the 3rd, totally forgetting that it secretly starts at 4pm on the second. Then I proceeded to get progressively sicker as the night wore on, starting around 8pm. …So I just kept playing. That said, I feel shitty enough today that I’m probably not gonna be up to playing games for a bit. I’ll try and get these scenes coded so I can give you guys a new patch.

Game night for the Patreon backers at the game night tier has been delayed till tomorrow.

…lemme go clear out my email inbox.

*Fenoxo hefts his shovel…*

Fuck it, I’m spent. I at least got the new scene I wrote in! (And as an addendum, I am gonna try to play more Overwatch. Time to suck!)

0.6.51 Changelog:

  • New scene in Myrellion for PCs with a Y chromosome.
  • New busts: Semith, Galina (not yet active), Nayna in a coat, Mi’dee, Miko, and Mai.
  • Shockblade damage adjustments
  • Lots of bug-fixes and tweaks, courtesy of Jacques00.

Emmy by Niis approves!

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