Tag: Changelog

[Backers] Tainted Space 0.6.50

nayna_suitThe big 5-0! Let’s see what’s in store, shall we?

0.6.50 Changelog:

  • New NPC in Beth’s on Tavros: Terensha!
  • Added a television program to ther bar on Uveto along with a placeholder description.
  • More busts: Briha, Lerris, Nayna, Sera, Zaalt
  • Gryvain starting race
  • New Item: Junk in the Trunk
  • Kui-tan have a new racial attribute…

New Nayna bust from Shou!

[Backer] Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.49

Here we go! I would’ve liked to have had that hyper furry male scene I was planning to do, but life had other plans. C’est la vie! Here’s what I got, bras!

0.6.49 Changelog:

  • Yammi can now become a follower, serving as the ship’s cook. Big thanks to Lady Jen for writing her ages ago and to Savin for editing and filling in the missing sex scenes!
  • Adjusted cold damage mechanics on Uveto and added a basic rescue scene for when PCs hit 0 HP from cold.
  • Gedan added the base layout of the Ice Plains into the game. (Still no encounters for them).
  • Some overhauls to the shop systems.
  • Nerrasa’s shop has been added to the game (on Uveto).
  • Kiro’s GalLink meetup can now happen for Male/Herm PC’s who have gotten the email about it.
  • Upped the chances to get the above email massively.
  • Probably some other things I’m forgetting!

[Backers] TiTS 0.6.48 – Bunnyfux

xantheNot a lot in this one, but I figured why not push out a release?

0.6.48 Changelog:

  • Added a new scene for Nayna.
  • Added 8 new custom PCs off the list (an Offbeatr reward – don’t sweat it if you don’t know it. Still 53 pages of Offbeatr reward things to do)
  • New texts for the Uvetan space elevator.
  • Fix for ‘Nuki Nuts vs. Suma Cream on tiny kui-tans.
  • Suma Cream bad end now triggered by weight/strength requirements in addition to size.
  • Added and implemented Shou’s Xanthe busts.
  • Adjustments to exhibitionism decay by ignoring exposing underwear from check.
  • Added metallic black and iridescent to Shear Beauty hair/fur color menus.


(New Xanthe is lookin’ adorable. Good work, Shou!)

[Backers] Tainted Space – 0.6.47 – Uveto Babies!


This lovely Nayna is the result of me getting a Patreon sketch for supporting Gats 😀

New in this patch is a TamaniCorp shop on Tavros, run by a male kaithrit (basically a shemale), a friendly hermaphroditic centaur for Mhen’ga, and an unfinished laquine hermaphrodite for Uveto. Needless to say, I’m pretty happy with the current breakdown, though I wouldn’t expect to see it continue in the next patch. Lady korgonnes are a-comin’ and some boy korgonnes soon after. I might tweak them to make the plural ‘korgi’. Not sure.


  • The alternate intro for Uveto should now be enabled. It shows up as a distress call when travelling through space.
  • You can now land on Uveto Station and take the space elevator down to Irestead. Needless to say, most of the rooms are empty or unfinished. Enjoy a glimpse into the gray areas of planet-building.
  • Nayna the laquine climatologist can now be met in the observation deck of the geological survey in Irestead. Since her lost drones aren’t yet in the game, you should be able to abuse giving her as many as you want for kicks.
  • A tauric, dryad-like hermaphrodite can now be found running around on Mhen’ga. She is a rare encounter outside of a couple specific circumstances…
  • Lerris and her TamaniCorp shop can be run into on Tavros.
  • New items: FertitePlus, Lactaid MilkTank, and Lactaid Overdrive.
  • The Enessa, Frostwyrm, Lureling, Korgonne, Divrani, and Hyraxxi codex entries have been added (but are presently inaccessible).
  • A crash for group combat encounters should be fixed.
  • Some missing busts re-added.
  • New nude Xanthe bust from Shou.
  • New Fyn bust from Lapinbeau.
  • Lots of reorganizing busts under the hood (thanks, Jacques00!)
  • Added XKCD support.
  • Lots of little fixes.

TiTS Public Release Fix! 0.6.46

ber00_shekka0.6.46 Changelog:

  • Fixes an issue with multiple-enemy fights.
  • New busts for Seifyn and Xanthe courtesy of Shou!

Big thanks to Jacques00  for poking at bugs and busts, and Gedan for cleaning up the fight issue.

Crazy stylized Shekka by ber00, I believe.

[Backers] Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.44


Public Build drops on Thursday!

0.6.44 Changelog:

  • A dream sequence for futa lovers. It should have a 1/4 chance of proccing when sleeping (assuming you’ve unlocked Atha). It even involves angels… sort of. These Offbeatr requests get weirder and weirder!
  • 8 more custom PC’s are chunked in for Offbeatr backers who put in for them. Only 55 pages of stuff left in my “Offbeatr to-do list”!
  • Vi now has some lovely busts, courtesy of Adjatha… and an option to make her boobs gigantic using Silicone, courtesy of ASpoopyGhost.
  • Sydian females should be active on Tarkus, courtesy of Zeikfried’s writing and Gedan’s coding.
  • A plantation has opened up on Mhen’ga, courtesy of Nonesuch’s writing and Jacques00’s coding.
  • An alternate bust for Cameron has been added in Gats’s style – toggle your bust preference over to Gats if you’d like to give it a peek.
  • New bust for the vending machines, courtesy of Adjatha.
  • Una now has a bust!
  • A ton of fixes, mostly courtesy of other contributors!

The next custom scene I have to do is specific enough that I’m going to roll up an NPC on Uveto in order to handle it. Brace yourself, the furries are coming.

Art is from DreamBlade over on the forums of their Captain Steele!

UPDATE: Android/iOS versions are out!

[Backers] TiTS 0.6.43 – A Clear Nu Yu!

lys0.6.43 Changelog:

  • Ellie now sells ClearYu and Rubber-Made, two items penned by Adjatha with some rather unique bad-ends attached to them.
  • Ellie can now sell Suma Cream, an enhancer of the testicular persuasion. Again, written by Adjatha, and coded by Jacques00.
  • Carrie has a new scene for treated bull types, coded by Jacques00 and penned by Nonesuch.
  • Three new one-off scenes requested by Offbeatr prompts have been added to the game: one for Millie’s milker getting out of control (request a solo milking), one for sleeping with the taxi vendor on Tarkus, and one for tentacular impregnation (find a strange egg, then fly your ship around with it in your inventory).
  • Nerfed orifice capacities somewhat. They were slightly too high.
  • Fixed some scenes missing tagging for fluid input.
  • Fixed the carry training expansion over time not proccing.
  • Terran treats can now reset fluid types.
  • Goo TF now sets slightly different fluid types for masculine and feminine genitals so that things like “goo and goo” don’t show up so frequently. (Entering the goo submenu should autoupdate existing goo-pcs)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Atha’s menu to break hard.
  • A small batch of custom PCs (an Offbeatr reward) are in game.
  • Lys and Millie got new busts!
  • Bunches of other fixes and tweaks.

Titty Sprinkles – [Backers] 0.6.42

jayecho_korgonne_sketchNew patches for backers are all the rage! Remember, if you want to get the latest and greatest, Patreon is the place to go. A new free build will drop in early April – no foolin’.

0.6.42 Changelog:

  • A new character can be found in the northwest corner of Gildenmere’s mushroom park – but she is time-sensitive, so wait around if she isn’t there. Thanks for writing her Foxxling, and thanks for coding her, Jacques00!
  • A raft of bug fixes!
  • Emmy now has scenes for characters too big to fit inside her. Enjoy!
  • Atha’s busts are in game!

The changelog is short, but the new content isn’t! Thanks for sticking with us, folks!

Brace yourself, the Korgonne are coming… (Art by JayEcho)

[Backers] Busty ‘Tubers – 0.6.41

realium_futa0.6.41 Changelog:

  • New busts for Briha and Orryx!
  • A big pile of new scenes for futa lovers by Adjatha. You can tune into Atha’s show, and watch her try out different transformations and in-universe toys!
    • Protip: In order to unlock Atha’s scenes, you must first get an email from a futa character tipping you off about her show. The easiest way to do this is to make sure you’ve got Flahne keeping her Ovipositor out. In a future build, I’m going to bump this unlock email back to month two or three to avoid swamping new characters.
  • Fixed a crash with fluidGem descriptors.
  • Fixed broken parser in Vanae (thanks Jacques00)
  • Some new dynamic item tooltips have been added (thanks Jacques00).
  • Zeikfried’s Tarkesian joke book has been added to the game. You can grab it at Colenso’s.
  • Lots of other fixes and tweaks!

Sweet CG by Realium on the forums!

Tainted Space 0.6.40 – Bugs Aplenty

Gednote: 0.6.40 is up on the play page now


  • Cleave should no longer proc on single enemies.
  • The Halloween mask event should no longer overwrite the Goo hair transformation.
  • Kelly’s attraction now caps at 100%.
  • The Treatment should now properly make hooved legs “furred”.
  • Fixed crotch teases going of twice at once.
  • Emmy will no longer forget who you are if you turn into a myr after banging her.
  • Fixed the fluidGem functions.
  • Concussion Shot now properly requires training to use.
  • Nyrea spawns have been adjusted.
  • Infected Myr can now drop Picardine.
  • Dr. Lash’s breast removal should now properly remove milk fullness bonuses to boob size.
  • Milk bonuses to breast size should now update every hour to clean up any improper values.
  • Lots of other typos and misc bug fixes.

I don’t have the keys to this server on my laptop, and my upload is slow as shit here anyway, so we’ll have to wait for Gedan to toss 0.6.40 into the public hopper to get it up here.

More work to come~

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