Just jammed up 0.6.39 to try and fix some persistent issue; this should maybe fix the issues people were having creating new games or loading saves with a set caption() error.
Pictured: Probably not actually suitable for “Ages 4+”.
EDIT: The android download links have been tweaked and they should be working A-Okay now.
EDIT EDIT: Made some more changes to some of the download pages; if you’re not seeing the version you’re expecting, force-refresh/clear cache (or wait like, 12 hours or somethin for the old cache time to expire).
Who would have thought that when I said Saturday, I actually meant Saturday and not early in the AM the next day? Wheeeeee~
0.6.38 Changelog:
Also, for those wondering about it, I hear Gedan has been poking at coding the final dungeon stuff we jotted down for CoC.
New Since Last Public Build
Next month is looking bright. I’m going to wrap up Emmy (there’s still a scene I want to do), and it’s pretty damned likely I’ll be starting Uveto. There’s some real nice content in the hopper just waiting for my hot little hands to get on it!
Thanks for continuing to support us all these years! Because of you guys, we get to have dream jobs!
Lovely Rahn art done by miupix, though it’s more fanart of Doxy’s rahn than TiTS in general!
Looks like our build scripts that Geddy maintains are choking on trying to build the credits pages into the game, so I’m going to have to just release the .swf for now. Hopefully we can have that cleaned up and released ASAP. There’s also a backlogged chunk of code Jacques00 worked up that’ll introduce a nyrean transformation that we should have in real soon.
Update: Got the build scripts sorted (kinda) and the new stuff merged. The new builds should show up on Patreon/TaintedSpace.com any time now.
Public Build ETA: Saturday, Saturday, SATURDAY.
0.6.36 Changelog:
0.6.37 Changelog:
Thanks for putting up with the delays. I’ll try to keep it rolling fast-ish, though there will be a hiccup after this coming weekend due to traveling to Canada for a week or so (I do still intend to get stuff done though).
Hey kids, I herd u liek crystal gooz and gooz and sometimes cristalls.
0.6.35 Changelog:
Psssst… Abe E. Seedy (cumslut Penny’s author) wrote a pretty great story about infectious/corruptive cow-slut transformation!
Hey guys, it looks like JimThermic is retiring from TiTS writing. There’s still a few odds and ends of his in the hopper, but it works out nicely that there’s a ton of content from him in this patch to say goodbye with. We’re all gonna miss him, I think.
0.6.34 Changelog:
Lovely Emmy artwork by Shou!
Also, 2,500 words of new stuff written today too. Another day like that, and I’ll have enough Emmy stuff to push her next update.
0.6.33 is out for everybody here and on my FA. Properly functioning android builds have been redistributed to taintedspace.com as well. Sorry about the hiccups on that – I assume there was an issue with our buildscripts that needed sorted.
0.6.33 Changelog:
Other New Stuff (to Nonbackers):
Backers, keep your eyes peeled, Geddy should have another combat encounter ready soon, and I’m going to do my damnedest to get some more Emmy out this week, assuming I don’t drown in paperwork or tax-doing.
Wetra hound by Shou with some sketch support by Jacques00!
Public build to follow this weekend!
0.6.33 Changelog:
Thanks for your patience, but for now, I’m gonna go give X-Com 2 a poke. (Note that DCLzexon’s rendition of Emmy is not 100% canon)
Android Update: I’m aware of the blue screen issue. Missives have been distracted to our code dragon for review. Will try to have a fix live tomorrow.
I’d like to apologize for this week being kind of dry on the blog post front. I’ve definitely let some of the comm relays drop offline, and frankly, that’s unacceptable. Fortunately, we’ve been busy little raskvel back here. A brain-trust of our best and brightest has been looking over the Phaedra II planning document (formerly called Xandam), and Zeikfried promptly skewered half my ideas. Still, we’re laying some good groundwork there to have an alternate starter planet with a little more plot to it than Mhen’ga.
As an example, one of the ideas involves fighting your way across post-apocalyptic big-rigs driven by aggressive hyena tribals. Yeah, Mad Max and fallout influences will definitely be felt there. No actual writing is done for yet, of course (aside from a few Codices), I’m too busy jamming my face into Emmy’s crotch and hoping that I can find a completed quest somewhere in there. Last night I managed to work out 1,000 words or so of stuff to set up the last stage of her quest. I might be making it slightly more complicated than I originally intended.
Goddamn feature creep.
0.6.31 Changelog:
Sweet ship art by Echo3DX. Another here :3
Since the last public build still had a solid chunk of bugs, I’ve gone ahead and given you guys one more build to try and polish off some of the rough spots before you have to wait again. Sadly, because I’m a big doo-doo brain, I’ve locked a pile of new content behind the backer wall. Gotta pay the bills somehow!
0.6.29 & 0.6.30 Changelogs:
Art is of V-Ko prime giving a blowjob, drawn by Renezuo.
TiTS 0.6.28 is up on the play page.
What do you do with Ardia?
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