Tainted Space 0.6.15 Changelog:
- Added Gardeford’s Ganrael to the deep caves – and their village. They’re silly-mode only for now – an alternate version of the monster should be in the works from Z for a future build.
- The Ganrael shopkeeper doesn’t sell a transformative item for them yet. That’ll come later (TF’s are a pain to code, yo!)
- Gardeford’s fungal queen can now be encountered and saved for a handy payday (again, in the deep caves).
- Aliss’s shop now has tooltips, and a few items have sexiness bonuses.
- Seifyn now sells MuskRepel
- The duster accessory type has gotten some slight nerfs.
- Lots of bug fixes and tweaks, courtesy of Jacques00.
There’s so much stuff piled on the backlog, that I’m probably have to spend my working time on that stuff instead of on finishing up the part of Emmy’s Quest that I was on. And having Fallout 4 come out won’t help. Things might be a bit scarce the rest of this week.
On the upside, while I was exhausted yesterday I did another video for my youtube channel, discussing the pros and cons of Overwatch’s pricing model to some Team Fortress 2 gameplay I recorded that morning. Please like, comment, and tell me what a douche I am.
Flahne fanart by Color-Spark, though I don’t have a source link handy.