Gedan: I got lost deep in the mines digging in to some more of the UI state errors; many of these now are split between ‘Oopsy Woopsy, forgot to update this bit of the code to handle the new way things work’, and not being defensive enough about the realities of software running on real devices. A lot of the crashes don’t really make sense easily at first glance, and it takes a while to figure out what the real cause is – and a lot of them have been things like ‘User clicks button, game takes a bit to do a thing, long enough that user can click something else that I never expected them to be able to click, causing the second thing to overwrite part of the first thing and put things in a weird state.’ Part of why I wanted to move to this way of doing things is because it made it much easier to have a hard-error when things like this happened, closer to the point they were actually caused, making it much simpler to figure out what, exactly, was going wrong. At any rate, another batch of them I hope have been slayed, clearing the brush for the next endless set of buggles to stick they heads above the parapet ready for the chop.
Fenoxo: I need help! We didn’t get to test the Kineticist class as hard as I would have liked, particularly on the high end. To address that, I’m unlocking it this patch, but player beware! There may be crashes. There may be broken abilities. There may be a crushing lack of psi-impacting accessories to equip! The high level abilities might be too weak. The mid-level abilities might be to strong. Please only roll a kineticist if you’re okay with all of that and have the time to provide me with some feedback on them. I intend to work on hotfixing some adjustments for them on Sunday or Monday.
0.9.067 Hotfix #2:
- Foes do not always get up from trip immediately – the chance now scales with their intelligence and increases every round.
- Telekinetic Warrior attacks now count as “Crushing” damage.
- Improved damage scaling on most higher level kineticist abilities:
- Concussive Augmentation will scaling 50%->75%
- Goethermal Spike will scaling 50->75% for thermal and kinetic portions.
- Acid Cloud will scaling 100->125%
- Mind Crush scaling 100->150%
- Psychic Slam scaling 50->75%
- Gravity Crush scaling 100->250%
- Psychogenic Vim: Improved tooltip, removed activation cost
- Vitality Siphon: Improved tooltip, removed 1/combat restriction.
- Vortex Brand: +5% more damage boost. Fixed miss chance modification on psi attacks.
- Debris Field: Added damage component, added bonus damage to flyers.
- Fixed Entropy Waves’ tooltip.
- Fixed some typos.
0.9.067 Hotfix #1:
- Fixed issues with New Game not properly initializing some UI elements, leading to a crash.
- Fixed the panic/fullscreen buttons being present when they shouldn’t be.
- Fixed Korgonne females crashing when being encountered for fightin’
0.9.067 Changelog:
- [Backers] The Kineticist class can now be created! This psionic character class allows you to start with psionic aptitude and the ability to skewer your foes with pure force, leech away their heat to restore your energy, and more!
- The kineticist should focus on willpower & intelligence when leveling up. Willpower drives the damage scaling & saving throw difficulty levels, and intelligence powers your to-hit rolls with abilities that can miss.
- Kineticists should not partake in bimbo content if they wish to be viable – for now. An event to allow low will and/or intelligence kineticists to apply themselves in other ways will be deployed in a future patch.
- I recommend stocking a weapon with the crushing flag to take advantage of any “Deep Freeze” procs you manage. We need to add some lovely staves with which to break the ice in the future.
- [Tiny Savin Edit]: There’s a forum thread for feedback on the class! Let us know what you think!
- [Backer] Slavesuit anal scenes.
- [Public] Bimbo Siegwulfe content.
- The “Sundered” condition will now expire if created with a limited duration. (Fenoxo)
- Added and adjusted a great many map icons on and around Tavros station. (lowercase_donkey & Jacques00)
- Added some additional utility to functions governing combat attack output, allowing us to group the results of certain things together in a more logical manner, no matter where and when we calculate the various components that constitute an attack and its resolution. (Gedan)
- Adjusted the Nuki score required to be afflicted by Cum Cascade without explicitly having the relevant perk, as the old trigger number was set based on old racial scoring values and not the newer, higher potential score. (Gedan)
- Adjusted some Rad penalties applied during puzzle failure on Phaedra. (Gedan)
- Adjusted the log event when Blue Balls gets removed; if the player also has Nuki Nuts, there’s a very high chance that both Blue Balls and Nuki Nuts event will fire simultaneously, and they both effectively do the same thing. Blue Balls will still be cleared, but Nuki Nuts will be the only event that makes it to the event log to cut down on spammy events. (Gedan)
- Adjusted Lorelei’s menu to remove allusions that there would be future collar control of the PCs collar here, as it was sketched out long before we settled on having this functionality present as part of the Codex instead. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a great many combat-process interruptions that provided additional options to the player mid-fight. (Gedan)
- Fixed a handful of card-position and formatting errors with various combat attacks. (Gedan)
- Fixed a few oversights with modified combat card output handling that should better handle certain formatting tasks. (Gedan)
- Fixed parser overrides for combat card formatting calls. (Gedan)
- Fixed errant UI state pushes caused by combat interruptions. (Gedan)
- Fixed a potential state corruption issue during save loading by injecting a dialog overlay earlier in the process to block additional inputs during asyncronous data loading. (Gedan)
- Fixed some missing vendor icons, and others that should have been hidden at various times. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed “Roshan Blue” not being applied to certain XP sources. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed some room linkages that would be better served as locks instead of one-way paths. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed Kanes story process not properly masking out stories that the player has already been told until all stories have been presented. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a crash with setStatusIconShade(). (Jacques00)
- Fixed various submenus from the masturbate menu from causing UI state stack corruption. (Gedan)
- Fixed some potential UI state stack corruption from occuring during the ship purchase/trade flow. (Gedan)
- Fixed some potential UI State stack corruption whilst closing shops. (Gedan)
- Fixed a potential instant crash under some browsers failing to handle autoplaying media when the dev aid vaporwave mode had been enabled (by removing the vaporwave mode as it was mostly intended as a proof of concept of how best to include animated content). (Gedan)
- Fixed the spawn rate of Nyrea Betas not being adjusted after certain outcomes with the queen. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed potential navigation issues through various menus with Carrie scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed missing Haley nursery content. (DrunkZombie)
- Fixed a Po bad end crash. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed inconsistencies around all of the rooms on the Tavros ResDeck. (lowercase_donkey & Jacques00)
- Fixed crashes with the teleport cheat (mainly by removing the Skip To option as it didn’t make any sense for it to be in the Cheat menu considering what it does differently versus Move To) (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed and adjusted many details relating to SSTDs. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed Reaha’s bust configuration so certain states are less likely to overwrite other, more pressing states from being displayed. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed Mhorgen being encounterable in the bar before completing the Dhaal dungeon. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed Ardia’s give-item menu not always returning to the correct parent menu. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed possible errors with the rotate minigame when displaying the tutorial helper trying to reference certain specific cells in the play area. (Gedan)
- Fixed some scrolling issues when text changes. (Jacques00)
- Fixed some event log issues with mimbranes causing spamming or invalid log entries. (Gedan)
- Fixed Synes menu not backing out to the corrent parent version if not immediately accepting the proffered task. (Gedan)
- Fixed the PC getting statistically buttstuffed during a Syne scene where the PC is stuffing Synes butt. (Gedan)
- Fixed a vew status effects that should have been hidden from not being hidden. (Gedan)
- Fixed the crash handler from skipping version update check cooldowns to determine if a new version was available to prompt for an update on the crash screen, unless at least some time had passed. (Gedan)
- Fixed a crash with Resin Aroma. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a bunch of output formatting for Resin Aroma. (Gedan)
- Fixed the Reload Game button when the game crashes under electron, so it should now properly actually reload the game. (Gedan)
- Fixed Mitch using the incorrect busts during some scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed an inverted test for Air Tight during the Zaika Hazard Troopers aphro-gas attack. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a bunch of calls using penisRouter that may have been causing issues. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed an oversight in the button gating for some Olympia scenes. (lowercase_donkey)
- Fixed a great many typos. (lowercase_donkey & Jaques00)